Pick a video, any video. This one a vicious profanity Hilly after matt lauer interview. !!!

Go to the 3:30 mark if you just want to hear what her aides said about her meltdown.

That is all heresay. Whether it really happened or not is anyone's guess.

Yeeaaaah, people just make up stuff about her nastiness because they are just "haters"....move along, folks....nothing to see here.....

I did not say anything about her demeanor. I tend to believe what you are saying, but I also believe in letting people with that much power have their odd moments without condemning them. As long as they keep good decorum 99.9% of the time, why should I care?
So you prefer a fake who throws temper tantrums once she's sure she isn't being filmed, over someone who's sometimes brutally honest.
These people are looking for a tempest in a teapot.

When this controversy blows over and she wins the presidency, Hillary is going to laugh her ass off at you people.
Well, I'll just say that you are wrong. She has already lost. The above video supports the books out by people close to the Clintons and stories other people have told. It's probably true. But, and it's a big butt, this is just he said she said with no proof what so ever.

If there were a serious candidate running against here, yea, but there isn't.
Trump is a serious candidate. All the washington cartel thugs who ran against him lost. 80 percent of the population suport him, and you make up some crap that he is not serious. LOL!
I did not say anything about her demeanor. I tend to believe what you are saying, but I also believe in letting people with that much power have their odd moments without condemning them. As long as they keep good decorum 99.9% of the time, why should I care?

That's a little too passive for me. Barack surely did not deserve his time in the sun, much less being re-elected. Hillary may be more corrupt than he and Donald more insulting, but Obama, IMO, is the most phony, deceiving, cowardly, divisive, secretive lying creep any of us alive have ever had to endure. He has made this nation lose its heart, its drive, its desire to come together, its feeling of being grateful for our nation, and so on. He has tried to make many or most Americans feel guilty or apologetic for being Christian, for being white, for being male, for being moral, for not embracing every kind of sexual perversion imaginable, and for wanting our country safe from Middle Eastern terrorist elements. And the corrupt MSM has been his loyal ally. I stand bewildered and angered by it all.
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Go to the 3:30 mark if you just want to hear what her aides said about her meltdown.

That is all heresay. Whether it really happened or not is anyone's guess.
It has happened many times. The more power she gets, the worse she will become. Obama is reported to have gotten worse after he won reelection. It's what spoiled brats do. The more you kiss their ass, the more nasty they become.
Well I tried to follow along and finally did and you are correct imo.

But that nasty video in your signature totally distracted me and disgusted me. I cannot take gross stuff, which is precisely why I virtually never go to the movies. (how long will that be showing?)
I don’t know. I thought it was friggen hilarious. It was the best scene in "Scary Movie 2".
Go to the 3:30 mark if you just want to hear what her aides said about her meltdown.

That is all heresay. Whether it really happened or not is anyone's guess.

Yeeaaaah, people just make up stuff about her nastiness because they are just "haters"....move along, folks....nothing to see here.....

I did not say anything about her demeanor. I tend to believe what you are saying, but I also believe in letting people with that much power have their odd moments without condemning them. As long as they keep good decorum 99.9% of the time, why should I care?
So you prefer a fake who throws temper tantrums once she's sure she isn't being filmed, over some who's sometimes brutally honest.

I have seriously resisted in identifying who I DESIRE to win. That way I can avoid serious disappointment, which is something I really do not need at this point of my life.

I am a republican, so I rest on the knowledge that no matter what goes on I stand on principle for the republican candidate, even if I won't consciously admit it.
These people are looking for a tempest in a teapot.

When this controversy blows over and she wins the presidency, Hillary is going to laugh her ass off at you people.
Well, I'll just say that you are wrong. She has already lost. The above video supports the books out by people close to the Clintons and stories other people have told. It's probably true. But, and it's a big butt, this is just he said she said with no proof what so ever.

If there were a serious candidate running against here, yea, but there isn't.
Trump is a serious candidate. All the washington cartel thugs who ran against him lost. 80 percent of the population suport him, and you make up some crap that he is not serious. LOL!

Trump is a joke albeit a well-qualified joker.
Go to the 3:30 mark if you just want to hear what her aides said about her meltdown.

That is all heresay. Whether it really happened or not is anyone's guess.

Yeeaaaah, people just make up stuff about her nastiness because they are just "haters"....move along, folks....nothing to see here.....

I did not say anything about her demeanor. I tend to believe what you are saying, but I also believe in letting people with that much power have their odd moments without condemning them. As long as they keep good decorum 99.9% of the time, why should I care?
Go to the 3:30 mark if you just want to hear what her aides said about her meltdown.

That is all heresay. Whether it really happened or not is anyone's guess.

Yeeaaaah, people just make up stuff about her nastiness because they are just "haters"....move along, folks....nothing to see here.....

I did not say anything about her demeanor. I tend to believe what you are saying, but I also believe in letting people with that much power have their odd moments without condemning them. As long as they keep good decorum 99.9% of the time, why should I care?
So you prefer a fake who throws temper tantrums once she's sure she isn't being filmed, over some who's sometimes brutally honest.

Hitlery's behavior towards those that are there to look after her is well documented. Her disdain and disrespect towards her charges isn't even disputable. I have yet to see anyone come forward and claim that Hitlery is a warm and engaging personality that appreciates the service of those put in place to look after her...so why do leftards think that she gives a flying fuck about those that cannot do anything for her????
That's a little too passive for me. Barack surely did not deserve his time in the sun, much less being re-elected. Hillary may be more corrupt than he and Donald more insulting, but Obama, IMO, is the most phony, deceiving, cowardly, divisive, secretive lying creep any of us alive have ever had to endure. He has made this nation lose its heart, its drive, its desire to come together, and so on. He has tried to make many or most Americans feel guilty or apologetic for being Christian, for being white, for being male, for being moral, for not embracing every kind of sexual perversion imaginable, and for wanting our country safe from Middle Eastern terrorist elements. And the corrupt MSM has been his loyal ally. I stand bewildered and angered by it all.

I agree with all that except that Obama signed our death warrant in the ME by invading Libya. He may have done it on purpose to get to Syria and guarantee a showdown of the major powers in the ME. Why? Maybe he is a foreign born traitor. idk

Endless war in the ME will now without the slightest doubt produce a neverending supply of terrorists.
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These people are looking for a tempest in a teapot.

When this controversy blows over and she wins the presidency, Hillary is going to laugh her ass off at you people.
Well, I'll just say that you are wrong. She has already lost. The above video supports the books out by people close to the Clintons and stories other people have told. It's probably true. But, and it's a big butt, this is just he said she said with no proof what so ever.

If there were a serious candidate running against here, yea, but there isn't.
Trump is a serious candidate. All the washington cartel thugs who ran against him lost. 80 percent of the population suport him, and you make up some crap that he is not serious. LOL!

Trump is a joke albeit a well-qualified joker.
Media fed all the way aren't you?
These people are looking for a tempest in a teapot.

When this controversy blows over and she wins the presidency, Hillary is going to laugh her ass off at you people.
Well, I'll just say that you are wrong. She has already lost. The above video supports the books out by people close to the Clintons and stories other people have told. It's probably true. But, and it's a big butt, this is just he said she said with no proof what so ever.

If there were a serious candidate running against here, yea, but there isn't.
Trump is a serious candidate. All the washington cartel thugs who ran against him lost. 80 percent of the population suport him, and you make up some crap that he is not serious. LOL!

Trump is a joke albeit a well-qualified joker.
Media fed all the way aren't you?

No, I had my doubts, when he was solely the star of the Apprentice.

I haven't even had free access to the mass media for three years now, not having cable.
These people are looking for a tempest in a teapot.

When this controversy blows over and she wins the presidency, Hillary is going to laugh her ass off at you people.
Well, I'll just say that you are wrong. She has already lost. The above video supports the books out by people close to the Clintons and stories other people have told. It's probably true. But, and it's a big butt, this is just he said she said with no proof what so ever.

If there were a serious candidate running against here, yea, but there isn't.
Trump is a serious candidate. All the washington cartel thugs who ran against him lost. 80 percent of the population suport him, and you make up some crap that he is not serious. LOL!

Trump is a joke albeit a well-qualified joker.
Yet Hillary is a disaster waiting to happen.

If you don't vote for the joke, you're asking for total chaos.

Besides, nobody looks good during a political campaign in this country anymore. People lie about them and get away with it.

I look at their policies. Doesn't matter what kind of trash their opponents throw at them because that's a given.
None of hillary's many assistants are allowed to have cell phones while in her presence, her very aides report. They then tell about her maniacal profanity laced anger and tirade after being interviewed by matt lauer. The fact lauer asked her about the server in a few questions caught her totally off guard and she went nuts afterwards. This all occurred on October 17th, well before her latest stake in the heart from Comey.

Go to the 3:30 mark if you just want to hear what her aides said about her meltdown.

Officer, I know that going a hundred and ten on the freeway while drunk was a mistake, and I've repeatedly told you I'll not do it again.
Various Hildebeast former aides and whatnot have written books that include examples of her rage, profanity, etc. George Stuffinenvelopes who was part of Willie's '92 campaign had some nice insights.
These people are looking for a tempest in a teapot.

When this controversy blows over and she wins the presidency, Hillary is going to laugh her ass off at you people.

She too has a God to be answerable to.

There will be no laughing.

"Tempest in a tea pot is it?" Is that why this nation has been deluged with this matter of the presidency for almost two years?
No God involved, he'll has a special place for her.
If you don't vote for the joke, you're asking for total chaos.

I have not voted for almost 20 years. :redface:
Guess you have no right to complain then.

I have a right to mock the nonsense when I see it. Maybe twenty years ago, I noticed the presidential race was becoming a mockery, and that is why I stopped voting.

To be fair, I did make hundreds of posts, hoping to aid McCain win in 2008. If that is what you consider complaining, then you are right I should feel guilty. :laugh:
If you don't vote for the joke, you're asking for total chaos.

I have not voted for almost 20 years. :redface:
Guess you have no right to complain then.

I have a right to mock the nonsense when I see it. Maybe twenty years ago, I noticed the presidential race was becoming a mockery, and that is why I stopped voting.

To be fair, I did make hundreds of posts, hoping to aid McCain win in 2008. If that is what you consider complaining, then you are right I should feel guilty. :laugh:
Sorry. If you don't vote, you're part of the problem.
If you don't vote for the joke, you're asking for total chaos.

I have not voted for almost 20 years. :redface:
Guess you have no right to complain then.

I have a right to mock the nonsense when I see it. Maybe twenty years ago, I noticed the presidential race was becoming a mockery, and that is why I stopped voting.

To be fair, I did make hundreds of posts, hoping to aid McCain win in 2008. If that is what you consider complaining, then you are right I should feel guilty. :laugh:
Sorry. If you don't vote, you're part of the problem.

Maybe, but I feel I more than make up for it on the forums. If you keep obediently following today's politicians, they may lead you off a cliff.

At least, I know I was not one of the ones that followed almost blindly. If our leaders get the message that enough of their staunch supporters have become wise to their game, they might leave some of their nepotism, calumny and secrecy and become more open with the public.

It might also open the way for new blood to come forward and dedicate their lives to earnestly making changes for the better, instead of feeding the fire of apathy, ignorance and giving incumbents a cake walk to more terms in office.

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