Pickering: It wasn't necessary to interview Clinton on Benghazi

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Pickering: It wasn't necessary to interview Clinton on Benghazi


reality bites

Sun May 12 2013
Thomas Pickering - the former UN ambassador who, along with former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Adm. Mike Mullen, prepared the Accountability Review Board report on the State Department's handling of the Sept. 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya - says he didn't think it was necessary to interview former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton "because in fact we knew where the responsibility rested."
the weirdness and infighting continues with McCain going off the reservation again...

"I would call it a cover-up in the extent that there was willful removal of information," Senator John McCain, an Arizona Republican, said on ABC's "This Week".

McCain called for a select congressional committee with a mandate to interview "everybody," including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who has already testified before Congress on the matter and accepted responsibility for the tragedy.

But McCain's call was brushed off by fellow Republican Representative Darrell Issa, who chairs the House of Representatives Oversight and Government committee that heard from Hicks last week.

"You know, let's not blow things out of proportion. This is a failure, it needs to be investigated. Our committee can investigate," Issa said.
FOX News and Right Wing World insists on referring to any friendly (to their cause) witnesses as 'whistleblowers' and the sane media is sometimes following the lead so as not to be called 'liberal'

It's in here...

too funny
Pickering: It wasn't necessary to interview Clinton on Benghazi


reality bites

Sun May 12 2013
Thomas Pickering - the former UN ambassador who, along with former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Adm. Mike Mullen, prepared the Accountability Review Board report on the State Department's handling of the Sept. 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya - says he didn't think it was necessary to interview former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton "because in fact we knew where the responsibility rested."

If Pickering knows where the responsibility rested why doesn't he tell the rest of us ?
McCain called for a select congressional committee with a mandate to interview "everybody," including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who has already testified before Congress on the matter and accepted responsibility for the tragedy.

Including the janitors at the State Department.

Past time for McCain to go.
McCain called for a select congressional committee with a mandate to interview "everybody," including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who has already testified before Congress on the matter and accepted responsibility for the tragedy.

Including the janitors at the State Department.

Past time for McCain to go.

Even crazy John can hold it together long enough to know we are being lied to. That outta tell ya something. There's not a single person yet who has told me who issued the call down order. Can you ?
Pickering: It wasn't necessary to interview Clinton on Benghazi


reality bites

Sun May 12 2013
Thomas Pickering - the former UN ambassador who, along with former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Adm. Mike Mullen, prepared the Accountability Review Board report on the State Department's handling of the Sept. 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya - says he didn't think it was necessary to interview former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton "because in fact we knew where the responsibility rested."

Transparently obvious political doubletalk. Does anyone swallow this BS?
Pickering: It wasn't necessary to interview Clinton on Benghazi


reality bites

Sun May 12 2013
Thomas Pickering - the former UN ambassador who, along with former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Adm. Mike Mullen, prepared the Accountability Review Board report on the State Department's handling of the Sept. 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya - says he didn't think it was necessary to interview former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton "because in fact we knew where the responsibility rested."

If Pickering knows where the responsibility rested why doesn't he tell the rest of us ?

Responsibility for what? There is a report. GOPers and Wingnuts choose to ignore what gets in their way
Pickering: It wasn't necessary to interview Clinton on Benghazi


reality bites

Sun May 12 2013
Thomas Pickering - the former UN ambassador who, along with former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Adm. Mike Mullen, prepared the Accountability Review Board report on the State Department's handling of the Sept. 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya - says he didn't think it was necessary to interview former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton "because in fact we knew where the responsibility rested."

Transparently obvious political doubletalk. Does anyone swallow this BS?

okie dokie , Bush and Obama Secretaries and Ambassadors must be ignored, but a Hicks has all the secrets.

Pickering: It wasn't necessary to interview Clinton on Benghazi


reality bites

Sun May 12 2013
Thomas Pickering - the former UN ambassador who, along with former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Adm. Mike Mullen, prepared the Accountability Review Board report on the State Department's handling of the Sept. 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya - says he didn't think it was necessary to interview former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton "because in fact we knew where the responsibility rested."

If Pickering knows where the responsibility rested why doesn't he tell the rest of us ?

poor dante....so full of fail
Pickering: It wasn't necessary to interview Clinton on Benghazi


reality bites

Sun May 12 2013
Thomas Pickering - the former UN ambassador who, along with former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Adm. Mike Mullen, prepared the Accountability Review Board report on the State Department's handling of the Sept. 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya - says he didn't think it was necessary to interview former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton "because in fact we knew where the responsibility rested."

If Pickering knows where the responsibility rested why doesn't he tell the rest of us ?

Responsibility for what? There is a report. GOPers and Wingnuts choose to ignore what gets in their way

what are they ignoring?

and why are you ignoring obama's lies?
Pickering: It wasn't necessary to interview Clinton on Benghazi


reality bites

Sun May 12 2013
Thomas Pickering - the former UN ambassador who, along with former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Adm. Mike Mullen, prepared the Accountability Review Board report on the State Department's handling of the Sept. 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya - says he didn't think it was necessary to interview former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton "because in fact we knew where the responsibility rested."

If Pickering knows where the responsibility rested why doesn't he tell the rest of us ?

Responsibility for what? There is a report. GOPers and Wingnuts choose to ignore what gets in their way

Ever hear of Plausible Deniability? Are you that gullible or just cynical?
Yeh what's the point of talking to the person who
is in charge of all the embassies and consulates.
Something really bad happens and why in the world would
we want to get the Secretary of State involved....

I agree, it is pointless to call Hillary to testify. All she's going to do is lie.
Pickering: It wasn't necessary to interview Clinton on Benghazi


reality bites

Sun May 12 2013
Thomas Pickering - the former UN ambassador who, along with former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Adm. Mike Mullen, prepared the Accountability Review Board report on the State Department's handling of the Sept. 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya - says he didn't think it was necessary to interview former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton "because in fact we knew where the responsibility rested."

If Pickering knows where the responsibility rested why doesn't he tell the rest of us ?

That's what I was wondering.

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