
Yes. Click Post Reply. You have several choices of delivery. First, copy your picture's jpg or url to your clip board. Touch the envelope above your message box. A little box appears for you to paste your picture's jpg in. Do not use quotation marks or they will not work. Just use the plain url, no extras. You can post pictures from your Photobucket or other online sources where you "Copy image Location" when you right click on the picture and it allows you to.

If you are posting from your computer's "My pictures," you need to go to the star post reply at the top and bottom of your keyboard or use the "quote" if you are answering someone else and want to share a picture from your personal collection with others. Below the "post reply" message box, when you get there, there is a button called "Manage attachments" if you scroll down. Click it, and you get three boxes to put pictures in that will be come thumbnails that people can click on to get the large version of a picture too large to usually post here. Anyway, when you click "manage attachments, a box will appear with several options for posting pictures. The top 3 spaces to manage you click on "browse" on the top picture, which will pop up a select from computer option and you just go to either "my pictures" where you've stored your own pics or in another area where you would like to pull them up from, double click your picture icon or url if you have an old computer, and the url will automatically load in (it takes a few seconds). You can only post 3 per post, but you can use more posts and post 3 more picture thumbnails there that people can click if they see something you've brought they'd like a closer look at. Then, just be sure you have typed in a couple of words in the message box, such as "Here's my cat." or "here's my house."

You can also post pictures from the quick reply Message box, and if you want to center it, add these with no spaces: [ CENTER ] and following the url, [ /CENTER ] and you can use the center feature from quick reply. Get your photobucket url saved to clipboard and click on the little envelope with a stamp on it. Add

Here's one from my collection at photobucket, of my backyard:


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Here are the thumbnails, as best as I can guess: Manage Attachments after you click on the "post reply" button, Manage Attachments, Browse, find file and open it. Click first picture in top second picture in middle, third picture on the right. Below are scans of the red brick quilt I made and donated to charity last month. I just can't take pictures, so I scan bits of my quilts in to show.

Pictures are a lot of fun, and USMB has lots of way to share pictures.

Don't forget to click "Submit Reply" when you have all your apples in a row.

You also are given the option of showing one of your regular pictures in thumbnail view under the "Manage Attachment" feature.


  • $brick red quilt 8.03.2012.jpg
    $brick red quilt 8.03.2012.jpg
    80.3 KB · Views: 81
  • $brick red2 quilt 8.03.2012.jpg
    $brick red2 quilt 8.03.2012.jpg
    89.8 KB · Views: 72
  • $brick red3 quilt 8.03.2012.jpg
    $brick red3 quilt 8.03.2012.jpg
    70.7 KB · Views: 63
OK, here's the method using "Manage Attachments" - "Upload File from an Url" I think it puts into thumbnail form, more or less, but you only get one selection by this way. I'll also see if I can go grab something else and whether we can put 3 more selections into the attachment manager from "My Pictures." I don't do this often but know it can somehow be done with a little bit o' luck. :)

Lake Freedom - from my online file
freedombecki - from "my pictures"
evil older brother :D "ditto"


  • $hr2221203-10x700.jpg
    37.9 KB · Views: 68
  • $freedombecki.jpg
    8.6 KB · Views: 76
  • $evil brother.jpg
    $evil brother.jpg
    11 KB · Views: 79
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Welcome Patrickcaturday...

Lucky for you, you met Freedombecki, a great lady I might add...and also, I would have been no help at all..:dunno:
Yes. Click Post Reply. You have several choices of delivery. First, copy your picture's jpg or url to your clip board. Touch the envelope above your message box. A little box appears for you to paste your picture's jpg in. Do not use quotation marks or they will not work. Just use the plain url, no extras. You can post pictures from your Photobucket or other online sources where you "Copy image Location" when you right click on the picture and it allows you to.

If you are posting from your computer's "My pictures," you need to go to the star post reply at the top and bottom of your keyboard or use the "quote" if you are answering someone else and want to share a picture from your personal collection with others. Below the "post reply" message box, when you get there, there is a button called "Manage attachments" if you scroll down. Click it, and you get three boxes to put pictures in that will be come thumbnails that people can click on to get the large version of a picture too large to usually post here. Anyway, when you click "manage attachments, a box will appear with several options for posting pictures. The top 3 spaces to manage you click on "browse" on the top picture, which will pop up a select from computer option and you just go to either "my pictures" where you've stored your own pics or in another area where you would like to pull them up from, double click your picture icon or url if you have an old computer, and the url will automatically load in (it takes a few seconds). You can only post 3 per post, but you can use more posts and post 3 more picture thumbnails there that people can click if they see something you've brought they'd like a closer look at. Then, just be sure you have typed in a couple of words in the message box, such as "Here's my cat." or "here's my house."

You can also post pictures from the quick reply Message box, and if you want to center it, add these with no spaces: [ CENTER ] and following the url, [ /CENTER ] and you can use the center feature from quick reply. Get your photobucket url saved to clipboard and click on the little envelope with a stamp on it. Add

Here's one from my collection at photobucket, of my backyard:


What? No tennis court?

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