Piers Morgan says he is an expert on guns because his brother is an expert on guns


Nov 13, 2012
Jamie Weinstein
Senior Editor See All Articles

Piers Morgan wants to you to know that he is an expert on guns — or at least his British Army officer brother is an expert on guns, so therefore he must be one by extension.

Morgan, whose CNN show “Piers Morgan Tonight” has become a nightly hour-long screed ridiculing anyone who doesn’t precisely agree with the host on gun control, regularly mentions his brother’s biography in what appear to be lame but sincere attempts to buttress his own moral authority on various topics.

This motif emerged at the show’s birth. While interviewing former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during just his third broadcast, Morgan brought up his brother’s service in order to claim greater credibility in criticizing the phrase “war on terror.”

“And I suppose my point to you would be that a war on terror suggests if you declare war as an administration normally there’s an end game,” he lectured Rice on January 19, 2011.

“You know, there’s a moment when you declare victory. And actually psychologically with your people, it’s important there’s an end game. And if there isn’t, it gets messy. And for that reason I — I thought it was an odd choice of phrase because — and my brother is an Army colonel in the British Army, and has fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. It’s — it’s hard for the troops to know what they’re fighting if it’s called ‘war on terror.’”

Oh, your brother is an officer in the British military, Piers? Well, in that case, argument won.

Morgan would go on to sprinkle references to his brother’s service into his show during the next two years, including in a debate over WikiLeaks with former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura.

“I can perhaps answer for my brother, who’s a British Army colonel,” he said, trying to counter the former Navy SEAL and renowned conspiracy theorist.

But Morgan’s references to his brother have increased astronomically since the December 14 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. Since then, in his one-man campaign to shame Congress into supporting an assault weapons ban, he has become increasingly fond of bringing up his fighting brother in the apparent hope of stealing some of his moral authority.


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TheDC's Jamie Weinstein: Piers Morgan says he is an expert on guns because his brother is an expert on guns | The Daily Caller
Well, that makes as much sense as most shit I hear from NaziCons.
My uncle is an opthamologist. I'm available if anyone needs eye surgery...
That's actually strange. He got fired for publishing fake pictures when he was Editor in Chief of the Mirror of British soldiers urinating on and abusing Iraqis.

Morgan endangered troops and literally was marched out the door of the Daily Mirror. In great shame.

Wow. To think he would do that when his brother was a member of the service. Now he's really a scumbucket to me.
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Hell my brother is a pilot, maybe I can borrow the G-5 or would the Hawker be better, decisions, decisions.
That's actually strange. He got fired for publishing fake pictures when he was Editor in Chief of the Mirror of British soldiers urinating on and abusing Iraqis.

Morgan endangered troops and literally was marched out the door of the Daily Mirror. In great shame.

Wow. To think he would do that when his brother was a member of the service. Now he's really a scumbucket to me.

It wasn't to long ago when....

Phone hacking: John Whittingdale calls for Piers Morgan to return to UK
The chair of a parliamentary phone hacking inquiry has added his voice to calls for Piers Morgan to return to the UK and answer questions about the alleged illegal interception of voicemails during his time at the Daily Mirror.

04 Aug 2011
The Mirror Group was further dragged into the scandal after Heather Mills claimed that a senior Mirror Group journalist admitted hacking into voicemail messages left by Sir Paul McCartney, her former husband.

Harriet Harman, Labour's deputy leader, has said Piers Morgan has 'questions to answer'. Tory MP Teresa Coffey also called for Piers Morgan to return to Britain to help police with their inquiries into illegal phone hacking.

Now Mr Whittingdale has backed those calls.

He told Sky News: “Teresa Coffey said he [Mr Morgan] should come back to this country to answer questions and I think that is absolutely right. He certainly should.”

Mr Whittingdale also urged the police to investigate whether phone hacking was ongoing at other newspapers.

Continue reading: ---->
Phone hacking: John Whittingdale calls for Piers Morgan to return to UK - Telegraph
That's actually strange. He got fired for publishing fake pictures when he was Editor in Chief of the Mirror of British soldiers urinating on and abusing Iraqis.

Morgan endangered troops and literally was marched out the door of the Daily Mirror. In great shame.

Wow. To think he would do that when his brother was a member of the service. Now he's really a scumbucket to me.

It wasn't to long ago when....

Phone hacking: John Whittingdale calls for Piers Morgan to return to UK
The chair of a parliamentary phone hacking inquiry has added his voice to calls for Piers Morgan to return to the UK and answer questions about the alleged illegal interception of voicemails during his time at the Daily Mirror.

04 Aug 2011
The Mirror Group was further dragged into the scandal after Heather Mills claimed that a senior Mirror Group journalist admitted hacking into voicemail messages left by Sir Paul McCartney, her former husband.

Harriet Harman, Labour's deputy leader, has said Piers Morgan has 'questions to answer'. Tory MP Teresa Coffey also called for Piers Morgan to return to Britain to help police with their inquiries into illegal phone hacking.

Now Mr Whittingdale has backed those calls.

He told Sky News: “Teresa Coffey said he [Mr Morgan] should come back to this country to answer questions and I think that is absolutely right. He certainly should.”

Mr Whittingdale also urged the police to investigate whether phone hacking was ongoing at other newspapers.

Continue reading: ---->
Phone hacking: John Whittingdale calls for Piers Morgan to return to UK - Telegraph

Interesting how these disgraced Brits have gotten a couple of plum positions at liberal media outlets over here.

You have the CEO of the NYT tied in with the BBC coverup of pedophilia spanning decades by Jimmy Savile.

Jimmy Savile Scandal: Net Tightens On New York Times CEO Mark Thompson
Nov 16, 2012 11:31 AM EST
As The New York Times asks what its new boss knew about the Jimmy Savile scandal, a timeline of events shows great inconsistencies, says Peter Jukes.

The New York Times is certainly showing some independence from its new boss. In an online article Friday displayed prominently on the paper’s homepage, the Grey Lady explored what its incoming CEO and president, Mark Thompson, knew about the Jimmy Savile scandal during Thompson’s time as director general at the BBC.

We're talking 450 children that we know of.


Jimmy Savile Scandal: Net Tightens On New York Times CEO Mark Thompson - The Daily Beast
my brothers is a multi-millionaire so you can direct all your business and investment questions here....
Well I have watched very season of ER so I guess that means I'm a medical expert.
Well I have watched very season of ER so I guess that means I'm a medical expert.

well with my financial expertise and your medical skills perhapes we should crunch the numbers on opening a clinic
I have eight brothers - I have the army and marine corps covered, cabinet making and horticulture, computer tech and construction and a bit more. I think I am under-paid....
my brothers is a multi-millionaire so you can direct all your business and investment questions here....

I just heard tha one of Maobama's half brother's is running for a political position in Kenya. I guess he feels the same way as Piers Morgan.


Obama's Kenyan half-brother launches political career: News ...


President Barack Obama's Kenyan half-brother has launched his own ... Obama is running as ... Obama's Kenyan half-brother launches political career Threat to ...
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Morgan's borderline nuts.. like COMPLETELY nuts.

No, he is not nuts at all. He grew up in an environment that supports gun control, and it has actually worked out pretty well in the UK. That does not mean it would work out well in the US, but that also does not mean he cannot have an opinion that might differ from yours, whether he is right, wrong, or somewhere in between.
I get a 404 error when I try to go to the link - not available.
You don't suppose that someone is affraid of family causing trouble - naw, - well?

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