Plano, Texas: Black Youths Attack Diners And Staff At A Hooters......Over A Candy Bar

What are the odds that these kids are of single parents. What are the odds that their moms were teenagers when they were born? This cycle needs to at least slow down. Things can and will improve once that is achieved.
Things will improve once the rotten bastards are taught the lessons they failed to learn from their parents.
Give it a generation....Texas is gonna wish that there was a Planned Parenthood center on every corner in their already blue cities.
When the unintended consequences of anti-abortion law is more black and brown babies to contribute to your already drastic demographic decline how quickly are you cucks going to abandon your supposed morals and religion and get back on board with government funded abortion? 😄
Seems like every day, something happens elsewhere in the US that makes me even happier that I chose to move to a tiny Midwest town where the streets are safe and clean and quiet and everybody carries.
Not surprising really.

Anymore the only blacks I meet that are decent are 50 years of age and older. And even that is a 50/50 split.

Thought Meijer was going to have an issue last night. I went late and there was a group of 6 or 7 black kids at like 1030pm in the store riding around on the electric carts, rifiling through stuff, being loud, trying to stare everyone down that looked at them annoyed. Pretty sure one of them was stealing and then left carrying nothing so they didn't even buy anything.

Seeing more of them lately. I think they are migrating down from Chicago which is north of me. Up till this year we only had older blacks with manners and common consideration, now we're seeing a lot more younger ones causing problems.
wow savages...

unbelievable.... well not so unbelievable....rather very sad and depressing what the US is turning into....

stolen election have consequences..... the demonRats and all his mafia gang,....are turning America into a jungle.

pray for America.:confused:
Savages, that is just code for black.
Those lil thugs will be dead and in jail by 18-21.
Kind of stupid to try to keep statistics on how many of them kill each other. That's like counting the number of cockroaches are killed by a can of RAID.
Good question. You'd think at least one patron would be carrying in Hooters.
I looked up Hooters, a nationwide sports bar franchise serving food, generally making more than 51% of its income generation selling alcohol. In Texas (even) that precludes carrying weapons, less you be charged and lose the ability to carry in public, whether constitutional or especially as permitted carrier. Permit carriers are thought to be more law-abiding conformists in general. So, maybe easier to understand how the law created a gun free zone of vulnerability. It is part of the reason, I do not got to bars anymore, as I do not wish to be disarmed, where I might need it.
Putting aside the 51% issue, because it would no be smart to do so.

Use of a firearm, even in the dark lands that are DFW (you want to annoy a Houstonian? Just say "Dallas") fall under self defense doctrine, and certain permitted defenses related to property - primarily at night.

Given the vid only, meeting a reasonable person standard of fear of death or bodily harm is not high. Additionaly, these look to be kids primarily. Finally, this occurred over a very short period of time. Having a firearm is not a license to act like a police officer.

Having said all that, WTF did I just watch?
You watched an attack, that started outside of Hooters, by multiple youth against one or two adults, that sought refuge inside Hooters. Outside, was the place, where an armed citizen under attack by multiple people (whether youth or adult) would have been justified as stand your ground or self-protection from threat. In that situation, I would shoot my attackers, as at 68, I no longer have the strength, speed and endurance to successfully compete, and withstand such an assault, regardless of the age of the attackers, and would do it without shame or hesitation, as it is possible, that to hesitate is to die. Failing to do so, due to the age of the attackers would be a foolish act of self-shame. The age of innocence is gone. Youth are lethally dangerous, these days, something we see in the news every day. Better to face the papers and a jury of 12, than be carried by 6.
You watched an attack, that started outside of Hooters, by multiple youth against one or two adults, that sought refuge inside Hooters. Outside, was the place, where an armed citizen under attack by multiple people (whether youth or adult) would have been justified as stand your ground or self-protection from threat. In that situation, I would shoot my attackers, as at 68, I no longer have the strength, speed and endurance to successfully compete, and withstand such an assault, regardless of the age of the attackers, and would do it without shame or hesitation, as it is possible, that to hesitate is to die. Failing to do so, due to the age of the attackers would be a foolish act of self-shame. The age of innocence is gone. Youth are lethally dangerous, these days, something we see in the news every day. Better to face the papers and a jury of 12, than be carried by 6.

The biggest one, leading the attack, certainly looked capable of killing an eldery man.
Hell, not even a Hooters is safe from these savages. I curse the day the Civil Rights Act was passed to appease these uncivil animals.



Plano used to be a sanctuary city when the meaning of that term was people with money fleeing the toxic urban environment within the Dallas city limits

Mostly whites who wanted clean streets, safe crime-free neighborhoods and good schools for their kids

But also educated blacks who thanks to the Fair Housing Act were no longer confined to the black ghetto

Then along came a moron to the White House who called himself a “compassionate conservative”

He appointed a racist black mayor of Dallas to be head of HUD - Housing and Urban Development - and that guy started building public housing in the nicer suburbs

If we do some research I suspect Plano was on of those places and the thugs tearing up Hooters are remnants of that social experiment
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You know what you guys are missing? A bat signal for white racists... 😂
I did not see the black punks in the video attacking black people

They were only beating up whites

Libs are the true racists
Africans that come here believe American Blacks are terrible people.

Sadly, this is often true. I have a good friend who immigrated in 2010 from Burkina Faso, and he's just as disgusted by this type of behavior as I am. He's also a hardworking, stand-up guy and a good husband to his wife and father to his kids. This dude came from a village with no electricity or running water, and now has a college degree and a business.
The biggest one, leading the attack, certainly looked capable of killing an eldery man.
The one picking up the cigarette but stand, was a suitable threat target, the moment he pick up the weapon and moved threatening to use it on the inner door.
Totally off subject, but in these days of violent attack on or at business establishments, businesses that care about the safety of their customers should consider, the glazing codes in place, no longer sufficient. Code calls for at minimum, what at one time was called DSB Tempered glazing, being both thicker and heat tempered. This code was to protect against danger of serious injury due to accidental breakage, as the thicker hardened glass hardend by tempering from one side, causes the glass to micro fracture through glass, rather than across the glass surface, preventing long sharp shards from forming. A better standard for business would be at the least tempered safety glazing similar to code requirements for hurricane zones, where the glass is required by code to withstand a 2x4 at 60 mile per hour, without shatter. The testing is pretty impressive to watch. A
4 ft 2x4 is fired from an air cannot at a window or door glazed to this standard. The first shot sometimes bouncing off. The second breaking at point of impact but generally holding. Third shot goes through, like butter making a 2x4 sized hole in the glass with the rest of the glass remaining mostly intact, as the 2x4 shatters against the reinforced concrete wall a few feet behind the target glass.
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