
Sep 11, 2013

The phone calls must be made this afternoon because of a deadline this evening. (See the red action box.)

Texas Republican Congressmen Carter and Johnson announced this afternoon that they are resigning from the bi-partisan House Gang of 7. That would seem to put an end to that particular effort to come up with an amnesty that could pass the House.

Speaker Boehner was secretly behind the House Gang as a way to come up with a bi-partisan compromise to give work permits to millions of illegal aliens. Now that the Gang has fallen apart this afternoon (more details below), we need every Republican Representative in your state to put more pressure on Boehner to make a no-amnesty pledge.

Phone to urge signing of letter



Here is what you are calling about:

Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas) has sent a Dear Colleague letter to House Republicans urging them to sign onto a letter addressed to House Speaker John Boehner. The letter asks Speaker Boehner to promise that any immigration bill that passes the House will not be allowed to be conferenced with the Senate's comprehensive immigration bill.

"[W]e respectfully ask that you NOT bring up any immigration-related bills without a commitment that the House will NOT conference House bills on immigration-related issues with a comprehensive or multi-issue bill from the Senate."
Rep. Stockman is hoping to gain additional signers for the letter before the House adjourns this evening. (You can download and read the entire letter here.)

Find the Republican Representatives in any state by clicking on this link and then clicking on the map:

Map of State Delegations

With the crumbling of Speaker Boehner's amnesty gang today, this is the time to turn up the pressure on him through the Republicans who elected him Speaker.

When a congressional staffer answers the phone, simply ask that the Representative "sign Rep. Stockman's 'no-conference' immigration letter to Speaker Boehner." Or if you want to be more descriptive, explain that the letter asks Boehner to pledge NOT to allow any House immigration bill to be conferenced with the Senate amnesty bill."

The House Gang of 8 had already become the Gang of 7 in June this year when another Republican, Rep. Raul Labrador (R-Idaho), dropped out.

That was a major blow to Speaker Boehner's hopes that Labrador could be the Hispanic equivalent in the House to Sen. Rubio (R-Fla.) whose presence on the Senate Gang of 8 was seen as the essential element to the Senate passing the giant amnesty in June.

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart of Florida is the only Republican left in what had been a Gang of four Republicans and four Democrats. Because of his long-time support for amnesties, his presence in the Gang has had little influence on other Republicans.

Persuading the two Texas conservatives (Carter and Johnson) to be in the Gang had been considered a coup for the pro-amnesty forces, as they seemed to provide political cover for other Republicans who made pro-legalization statements.

Many voters in their two Texas congressional districts were shocked early this year when it was revealed publicly that John Carter and Sam Johnson were in the House Gang.

Carter and Johnson always argued that they accepted the request for them to be in the Gang because they felt some kind of comprehensive immigration reform was going to eventually pass and they wanted to make sure that they were in the middle of negotiations and could ensure strong enforcement.

But in resigning today, they indicated that Pres. Obama's actions in refusing to enforce current immigration laws had led them to distrust the compromise process.

In a joint statement, Congressmen Carter and Johnson said:

"We want to be clear. The problem is politics. Instead of doing what's right for America, President Obama time and again has unilaterally disregarded the U.S. Constitution, the letter of the law and bypassed the Congress -- the body most representative of the people - in order to advance his political agenda.
"We will not tolerate it. Laws passed by Congress are not merely suggestions, regardless of the current atmosphere in Washington. Laws are to be respected and followed by all -- particularly by the Commander-in-Chief."
The Democratic members of the House Gang are John Yarmuth of Kentucky, Xavier Becerra and Zoe Lofgren of California and Luis Gutierrez of Illinois.

Reps. Carter and Johnson did not criticize their fellow Democratic Gang members but focused on Pres. Obama:

"If past actions are the best indicators of future behavior, we know that any measure depending on the president's enforcement will not be faithfully executed."
Johnson and Carter said they are committed to:

". . . immigration reform that starts with a genuinely secure border, full implementation of E-verify, effective enforcement of current and future laws, and a commitment that any proposal contributes to a healthy economy. There is a way to fix this problem that will instill the authentic accountability that has been missing in immigration for the past 25 years. The American people deserve no less."
Now is the time to press House Republicans to demand that Speaker Boehner abandon his years-long effort to pass an amnesty and to guarantee that he will only work for legislation that will improve enforcement that protects American workers and taxpayers.


roy beck
Fri, Sept 20th

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