Please Tell Me Why This is Even Possible?


Gold Member
Sep 10, 2015
FBI Director James Comey criticized the suspicious neighbors who didn't report those suspicions and then he went on to reveal the shooters were in contact with known terror suspects but not to a level that raised suspicions, "there was nothing unusual in those contacts". He says the FBI had "no clue of the coming destruction." Like after 9/11 the Bushies said "they couldn't imagine".

Those activities the neighbors described did sound "suspicious". Why didn't they report them? Have you Americans forgot the good advice given after 9/11 not to be paralyzed with fear but to be vigilant?

This guy Marquez, who has been "cooperating" with federal investigators in the case, made the purchases of the AR-15s for his friend and neighbor, is walking around a free man a week after the "massacre". Or else he's self-admitted to a psychiatric facility which makes sense, he's either crazy or a terrorist pretending to be crazy.. He bought the AR's so the couple could avoid a background check? Did I hear right, he and Farook had planned but canceled an earlier attack? Shit, Cheney would have had this guy on a waterboard in a NY minute. (I absolutely don't approve of torture.) He didn't suspect anything? Please tell me they want him to be free in hopes he will contact others in a cell? The mother of Farook lived with them and didn't notice any suspicious activity while neighbors did?She was described as a stay at home but conveniently she was out that day, where? The rest of the family are the three monkeys, see nothing, hear nothing, know nothing. Maybe I shouldn't mention that, they could very well be telling the truth but unfortunately for them, can we trust the FBI to confirm that without a doubt?

Please tell me why the killers home, loaded with evidence like passports, drivers licences, fingerprints, closets full of clothes, gun related supplies like rifle cleaning kits, all sorts of literature, was unsecured by police or FBI or whoever? Shit, the FBI even left behind an inventory of items seized, a reporter showed it and read it live on TV! This is a crime that will have worldwide consequences. Everything in that home is a potential piece of evidence. Now every piece of the evidence left behind is tainted. A CNN expert on investigations was on air "shaking" with indignation while the CNN correspondent and at least 40 others even random members of the public rummaged through the evidence with abandon, shit even I was screaming at the TV when I saw this happening live. Jesus.

Wouldn't the shooters driving a new rented UTAH licenced SUV (it looked like tinted windows, I could be wrong) raise anybodies suspicion?

I saw an interview with a target range owner.The pair, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik were at a firing range just days before the massacre practising with their own AR-15's, shades of 9/11 and pilot lessons for arabs who didn't much care about landing planes. Its comforting US citizens don't want to be unfairly charged with profiling but...come on, a Muslim woman in full hijab practising firing an AR-15? Screams WTF?

I'll probably remember several other questions right after I post this. And I can already hear at least half of you blaming Obama. That just trivializes a possible dangerous breakdown in the whole US security system. These agencies have had 15 years since 9/11 to get this shit right and they look as incompetent today as they did the day after 9/11. I said in a post a week ago some of this stuff is fodder for conspiracy theorists. I have my own conspiracy theory. There is conspiracy going on, to cover up incompetence.
sometimes that which LENNIE BRISCO had on his mind in crime solving-----
was not revealed to the public------that's how the NY cops operate------I am not
sure about the California cops
Report suspicious activities to LEO.

No we cant. Remember Clock Boy? If you're get globally shamed as a racist and sued for 5 million.

ONLY REPORT IT....when the Muslim has the AK47 and walking into a mall or lighting the fuse of the bomb. THEN....and only it acceptable. But....even must also report a white Christian for something to balance it out.
Report suspicious activities to LEO.

No we cant. Remember Clock Boy? If you're get globally shamed as a racist and sued for 5 million.

ONLY REPORT IT....when the Muslim has the AK47 and walking into a mall or lighting the fuse of the bomb. THEN....and only it acceptable. But....even must also report a white Christian for something to balance it out.
Your comment is why the far right filth get laughed at by their betters a lot of the time.

Of course you can report it. You were a cop before you got kicked out for brutality. You know we can report it.
FBI Director James Comey criticized the suspicious neighbors who didn't report those suspicions and then he went on to reveal the shooters were in contact with known terror suspects but not to a level that raised suspicions, "there was nothing unusual in those contacts". He says the FBI had "no clue of the coming destruction." Like after 9/11 the Bushies said "they couldn't imagine".

Those activities the neighbors described did sound "suspicious". Why didn't they report them? Have you Americans forgot the good advice given after 9/11 not to be paralyzed with fear but to be vigilant?

This guy Marquez, who has been "cooperating" with federal investigators in the case, made the purchases of the AR-15s for his friend and neighbor, is walking around a free man a week after the "massacre". Or else he's self-admitted to a psychiatric facility which makes sense, he's either crazy or a terrorist pretending to be crazy.. He bought the AR's so the couple could avoid a background check? Did I hear right, he and Farook had planned but canceled an earlier attack? Shit, Cheney would have had this guy on a waterboard in a NY minute. (I absolutely don't approve of torture.) He didn't suspect anything? Please tell me they want him to be free in hopes he will contact others in a cell? The mother of Farook lived with them and didn't notice any suspicious activity while neighbors did?She was described as a stay at home but conveniently she was out that day, where? The rest of the family are the three monkeys, see nothing, hear nothing, know nothing. Maybe I shouldn't mention that, they could very well be telling the truth but unfortunately for them, can we trust the FBI to confirm that without a doubt?

Please tell me why the killers home, loaded with evidence like passports, drivers licences, fingerprints, closets full of clothes, gun related supplies like rifle cleaning kits, all sorts of literature, was unsecured by police or FBI or whoever? Shit, the FBI even left behind an inventory of items seized, a reporter showed it and read it live on TV! This is a crime that will have worldwide consequences. Everything in that home is a potential piece of evidence. Now every piece of the evidence left behind is tainted. A CNN expert on investigations was on air "shaking" with indignation while the CNN correspondent and at least 40 others even random members of the public rummaged through the evidence with abandon, shit even I was screaming at the TV when I saw this happening live. Jesus.

Wouldn't the shooters driving a new rented UTAH licenced SUV (it looked like tinted windows, I could be wrong) raise anybodies suspicion?

I saw an interview with a target range owner.The pair, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik were at a firing range just days before the massacre practising with their own AR-15's, shades of 9/11 and pilot lessons for arabs who didn't much care about landing planes. Its comforting US citizens don't want to be unfairly charged with profiling but...come on, a Muslim woman in full hijab practising firing an AR-15? Screams WTF?

I'll probably remember several other questions right after I post this. And I can already hear at least half of you blaming Obama. That just trivializes a possible dangerous breakdown in the whole US security system. These agencies have had 15 years since 9/11 to get this shit right and they look as incompetent today as they did the day after 9/11. I said in a post a week ago some of this stuff is fodder for conspiracy theorists. I have my own conspiracy theory. There is conspiracy going on, to cover up incompetence.
Liberals & inept government officials
FBI Director James Comey criticized the suspicious neighbors who didn't report those suspicions and then he went on to reveal the shooters were in contact with known terror suspects but not to a level that raised suspicions, "there was nothing unusual in those contacts". He says the FBI had "no clue of the coming destruction." Like after 9/11 the Bushies said "they couldn't imagine".

Those activities the neighbors described did sound "suspicious". Why didn't they report them? Have you Americans forgot the good advice given after 9/11 not to be paralyzed with fear but to be vigilant?

This guy Marquez, who has been "cooperating" with federal investigators in the case, made the purchases of the AR-15s for his friend and neighbor, is walking around a free man a week after the "massacre". Or else he's self-admitted to a psychiatric facility which makes sense, he's either crazy or a terrorist pretending to be crazy.. He bought the AR's so the couple could avoid a background check? Did I hear right, he and Farook had planned but canceled an earlier attack? Shit, Cheney would have had this guy on a waterboard in a NY minute. (I absolutely don't approve of torture.) He didn't suspect anything? Please tell me they want him to be free in hopes he will contact others in a cell? The mother of Farook lived with them and didn't notice any suspicious activity while neighbors did?She was described as a stay at home but conveniently she was out that day, where? The rest of the family are the three monkeys, see nothing, hear nothing, know nothing. Maybe I shouldn't mention that, they could very well be telling the truth but unfortunately for them, can we trust the FBI to confirm that without a doubt?

Please tell me why the killers home, loaded with evidence like passports, drivers licences, fingerprints, closets full of clothes, gun related supplies like rifle cleaning kits, all sorts of literature, was unsecured by police or FBI or whoever? Shit, the FBI even left behind an inventory of items seized, a reporter showed it and read it live on TV! This is a crime that will have worldwide consequences. Everything in that home is a potential piece of evidence. Now every piece of the evidence left behind is tainted. A CNN expert on investigations was on air "shaking" with indignation while the CNN correspondent and at least 40 others even random members of the public rummaged through the evidence with abandon, shit even I was screaming at the TV when I saw this happening live. Jesus.

Wouldn't the shooters driving a new rented UTAH licenced SUV (it looked like tinted windows, I could be wrong) raise anybodies suspicion?

I saw an interview with a target range owner.The pair, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik were at a firing range just days before the massacre practising with their own AR-15's, shades of 9/11 and pilot lessons for arabs who didn't much care about landing planes. Its comforting US citizens don't want to be unfairly charged with profiling but...come on, a Muslim woman in full hijab practising firing an AR-15? Screams WTF?

I'll probably remember several other questions right after I post this. And I can already hear at least half of you blaming Obama. That just trivializes a possible dangerous breakdown in the whole US security system. These agencies have had 15 years since 9/11 to get this shit right and they look as incompetent today as they did the day after 9/11. I said in a post a week ago some of this stuff is fodder for conspiracy theorists. I have my own conspiracy theory. There is conspiracy going on, to cover up incompetence.

Couldn't agree more. How else does one explain ineptitude, but by denial and completely LAME statements. Don't all these people have scriptwriters to review what their statements are going to be prior to putting them out there for all to hear? How can you handle such sensitive matters so carelessly? Speaks volumes about the substance behind those in command.

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