Poland prepares plans to invade Belarus

Russia will die it it uses nukes.
Who said that? The USA don't have enough nukes to kill all and every Russian.
Anyway, if we have been careless about our defense, there may be circumstances under which our elimination may look to the Russians like far and away more safer and more reliable than cooperation (say nothing about unconditional surrender).
The US, FR, and GB with Israel will kill Russia.
No, we can't. First of all, we don't have enough nukes to do it, except the situation in which the Russians are doing nothing to protect themselves. More likely, in the treating situation the Russians will attack first, or, at least make some preparations for our attack (even if we are planning Mad Butcher scenario - suicidal out of blue attack against their sleeping cities).
But the main problem is not just attack. The main problem is to survive their retaliation strike (and for them the main problem is to survive our retaliation strike). And, therefore, the first strike must be counterforce. But now the US Nuclear Forces (as well as our Non-existing civil defense) can't suggest any reasonable plan for such an attack which would allow to decrease the number of US casualties to the acceptable level (which is one million for any Eurasian war, and say, fifty million for an American war).

America wants to take Crimea and Novorussia, but not ready to pay more than one million of her citizens for it. America wants to keep Alaska and California and ready to pay up to fifty million citizens for it.
Russia wants to take Alaska and California, but not ready to pay more than one million citizens for it. Russia wants to keep Crimea and Novorussia and ready ready to pay up to fifty million citizens for it.

So, if you don't have a reliable plan how to kill more than fifty million of well-prepared Russians and, simultaneously, prevent the death of more than one million of Americans, the USA won't attack Russia (at least their cities) in the case of any limited European nuclear war.

But if we are talking not only about Alaska or Crimea, but about the very existence of our states, the situation becomes more challenging. There is no upper limit for deaths and there is no place for surrender.
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We easily have enough nukes in the West to smother Russia.

And there may be 15 well prepared Russians.
No. Almost all what we have is:


Even if you want to commit suicide and launch the out of blue attack against their cities - they will have at least 30-min alert, time to prepare their ABD and time to go to their basements and, therefore you'll not kill more than ten million of them. And after that (because you didn't attack their missiles) they will kill more than 50 million of Americans. What is even more important - after that exchange they are will still keeping Crimea and Novorussia, and, may be, going to attack Alaska and California.
Poland and the Baltics, who had previously yapped about the inadmissibility of interfering in the affairs of other countries, howled about the need to remove the dangerous Wagner PMC from Belarus.

In response, it is necessary to broadcast their own statements on Ukraine to NATO, let them beat their foreheads into their own propaganda.
President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko responded to the demand of Poland and the Baltic countries for the withdrawal of PMC "Wagner" from the territory of the country.
The head of state called such a call unreasonable and stupid. “The answer is simple: neither in Poland, nor in Lithuania, nor in other Baltic countries should there be a single foreign serviceman. After all, we can also make claims about the presence of military personnel from other countries there,” he said.
Not true. Trump helped the Taliban, he ordered the Afghan government to release the Taliban leaders from jail.
Link ? If he did something like that, then that would of course be a blunder in the eyes of political pundits that would capitalize on such a blunder in hindsight now, but if Trump would have remained in power, do you think that the pull out and demands to honor all agreements would have gone in the ways that it has gone under Biden ?

I don't think so, otherwise Biden's weakness and idiocy has caused a huge amount of chaos in the world, and that should be the Biden's administrative states undoing, and possibly the Democrat's undoing along with it.
Douglas seems to me a very intelligent man, but that's just my observation of his observations. Back and forth it all goes.
Isn't he the one who along with Ritter predicted great Russian offensive this winter and Kiev's capitulation soon afterwards?
Russia will die it it uses nukes.
Uses nukes where or on who ?

Wouldn't Ukraine be the place that would catch a probable tactical nuke first, otherwise if it gets to that desperation point within the Russian mindset of Putin ? The Russians are the ones making war in that region with it's bordering neighbor Ukraine, but why ??? Is it over what it thinks is a regional security issue that makes Russia less secure in the region, otherwise if Ukraine falls to Western influences totally within that region or is it because of the way Zelenskyy's government has treated the pro-Russian people that live within the borders of Ukraine or has treated the Russian government when doing business via the pipelines running through it's territory of Ukraine ?

Nukes probably aren't an option with Russia, but only if the Russian's are seriously losing would they become an option, but they probably would be confined to Ukraine if they were ever to be used is my opinion.

They talk about Russian munitions stockpiles running low, and this could be true, however when a rat gets backed into a corner, what does he do next ?

Russia's nuke stock piles aren't low, so what are they talking about when it comes to the Russians maybe not being strong willed enough to see it through to the very end or not being equipped enough to see it through to the very end, otherwise if they still have their final Ace in the hole ? I'm confused.

Russia being perceived that it is becoming weaker and weaker will lead to a serious situation that most in the world might end up left with their jaw's dragging the floor out of shock that once again a nuke ends up being deployed in the thinking that it will end an ongoing conflict after all other options have been exhausted.

The world needs to get a grip, and start being honest about nation's perceived national securities and sovereignty within their regions, and work for peace always in settling disputes. How Russia became such a pariah in the world is an interesting thing, because it has always kept pace with all modernized societies in the world, and it has made huge strides in doing away with it's old hardcore communist ways until something bad happened. Was it Putin being elected as their leader or was it way deeper than that ? What has caused Russia to become such an enemy to the civilized nation's or is this just a western perspective ?
Isn't he the one who along with Ritter predicted great Russian offensive this winter and Kiev's capitulation soon afterwards?
Not sure, can you give me a link to that ? Thanks

Would such predictions have been wrong if the world hadn't come to Ukraine's rescue ? Was that the surprise that many pundits didn't perceive happening in the beginning ?

It would be understandable to assess it that way in the beginning, and all because of the lopsidedness of the two opposing powers, and their strengths, so what changed it all, and can you blame the pundits if they got it wrong based on the two powers in question ?
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Not sure, can you give me a link to that ? Thanks

Would such predictions have been wrong if the world hadn't come to Ukraine's rescue ? Was that the surprise that many pundits didn't perceive happening in the beginning ?

It would be understandable to assess it that way in the beginning, and all because of the lopsidedness of the two opposing powers, and their strengths, so what changed it all, and can you blame the pundits if they got it wrong based on the two powers in question ?
No, no links, sorry. I just remember some fierce proponents of Ritter here who were telling that in October-November 2022 after Russian withdrawal from the Kharkiv region. That all that was in line of preparing for major offensive and similar stuff. They posted some Ritter's and McGregor's videos presumably with such way of reasoning. But I should admit that I have never watched those videos.

That was not before the invasion. I meant the 2022/23 winter, when the war had been ongoing for several months already.
Isn't he the one who along with Ritter predicted great Russian offensive this winter and Kiev's capitulation soon afterwards?
Not sure, can you give me a link to that
No, no links, sorry. I just remember some fierce proponents of Ritter here who were telling that in October-November 2022 after Russian withdrawal from the Kharkiv region. That all that was in line of preparing for major offensive and similar stuff. They posted some Ritter's and McGregor's videos presumably with such way of reasoning. But I should admit that I have never watched those videos.

That was not before the invasion. I meant the 2022/23 winter, when the war had been ongoing for several months already.
Well it couldn't have been before the invasion, you are correct. Even so the assessments were being made before the massive effort by the west was totally known concerning it's committed efforts in the helping of Ukraine to stop the Russian occupation (for whatever reason the Russians had for occupying any of Ukrainian territories in that nation), after the so called special operation had gotten on it's way.

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