Police Cast a Dragnet for 10,000 Stolen Doughnuts


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018


Naughty, naughty!!!​
They need to check all of the local pawnshops to see if they wind up there. If that doesn't work they need to round up all the fences they know and see if anyone has tried to fence large quantities of donuts. If that doesn't work, they need to weigh everyone in the area and question everyone who has recently gained excessive weight. It's also possible Krispy Kreme may get a call demanding ransom. If this were in the US I would say at least the police have something to do since the left won't let them arrest any criminals. They need some kind of job security. And, if the cops finally find the donuts, maybe Krispy Kreme would give them a reward, saving the cops money from having to pay for their own donuts. It could also be an organized crime plan to fatten up the police to slow them down for a big crime coming up.

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