Police dismantle St. Louis tent cities Leading homeless advocate and three other


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Jan 17, 2010
activists arrested

May 26, 2012


Police arrested homeless advocate Rev. Larry Rice May 16 as he led an attempt to create a new tent city, named “Integrity Village,” for homeless residents who had been removed when St. Louis officials ordered another tent city, “Hopeville,” torn down. Hopeville was located at the riverfront down the street from the famous Gateway Arch.

When Rice refused to remove the new encampment, the St. Louis police department arrested him and three other activists.

Rice had leased a plot of land for the new tent city between South Vanderventer Avenue and I-44 near the McRee Town district of gay bars and the Missouri Botanical Garden. City officials and some neighborhood residents criticized the action. One resident claimed that Rice was “using” the homeless and that he should put them somewhere other than her backyard where her children play. Alderman Steve Conway called Rice’s action a “publicity stunt.”

read more Police dismantle St. Louis tent cities

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