Police: Driver admitted to intentionally killing teen at North Dakota street dance after political dispute

In summary, a drunk middle-aged man hit and killed an 18 year-old kid with his car because the kid was a Republican. You need to get those "white supremacists" while they are still young, I guess.

In seriousness, this is the result of all of the inflammatory rhetoric that has been coming from both sides for a while now.

Wrong......the Republican party isn't even close to the democrats in violent Rhetoric or violent action......the democrats unleashed BLM and Antifa shock troops for 7 months. They looted, burned and murdered Americans in major cities, in primarily black neighborhoods to hurt Trump, and threatened even more violence if the election didn't go their way. They took over parts of cities, burned and destroyed court houses and police stations, wounded over 400 police officers and killed around 40 Americans, as well as causing 2 billion dollars in damage. The democrat party bernie sanders/elizabeth warren supporter tried to murder the entire republican baseball team, one of the democrats tried to murder 3 conservative supreme Court Justices, and one of the democrats just this week murdered a republican teenager.....

And that is just off the top of my head and isn't close to being the only violence they have actually committed....

So no....it isn't coming from both sides....
I know exactly what he said, Jack. I've read the transcripts of his speech. That's why I know that you cherry picked something out of that speech to make it appear to be something it never was! That's on you...not on me.

The question is...why do you NEED to cherry pick like that? If Trump really was a racist wouldn't there be plenty of actual racist things he's said? Why aren't you quoting THOSE? I think we both know why you're not...it's because they don't exist! Trump isn't a racist and you know it.
There's no cherrypicking. It's right there in black and white. Of course Trump is a racist. Comes from upbringing. That's learned...straight from daddy's knee. His blustering about the Central Park 5 should be real world evidence for you. Is he a white supremacist? No. Not smart enought to be one. But he gave legitimacy to them that day. Again, I grow weary of stating this, but we have come to expect decorum, restraint, and basic oratory skills from our Presidents, even the ones we disagree with politically. Trump.....handled every press event like he was standing at the podium riffing at one of his pep rallies. And he paid for it that day.
You know what's sad, Jack? You think making an ill advised comment is the same thing as making ill advised POLICY decisions! Everything Joe Biden touches turns to shit because he's an idiot when it comes to POLICIES! What Trump did worked because he understood Economics and had good POLICIES!

We need to send you progressive buffoons packing before you totally destroy America! The amount of damage you've managed to do in less than two years is mind boggling! It needs to stop.
Please. Trump was a moron. He wouldn't know a policy position if it ran up to him and stole his Quarter Pounder with Cheese. Every "policy" he put forward was someone else's idea. To be fair, a lot of what Biden is having to deal with...started during the last administration. But, your misty, doe-eyed support for Trump is noted. This man came within a whisper of shredding the Constitution you claim to love and cherish.....and nary a whimper. He made you feel safe.
Now THAT'S sad. :)
That is because the Biden administration considers Trump supporters to be white supremacists and domestic terrorists.
FUCK the Biden administration. They don't even know what a terrorist is. They've never seen one. Probably never seen a white supremacist either. Those are the imaginary people Biden tries to hug on stage
I meant it as a link to the story, Violence is just wrong and both sides need to step back and look at themselves. Nor liking the rhetoric from either extremes, to kill someone over a political argument is just beyond my comprehension.

Go tell that to the Chinese. Oh, around 1949 or so.
Obama mainstreamed political violence with his divisive, hateful, racist rhetoric. Joe Biden, and other violent nutters like Mazie Hirono, Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters, Don Lemon, etc., have taken it to the next level by openly calling for violence and dehumanizing tens of millions of Americans.
Violence in the US started before the US was a nation.
There's no cherrypicking. It's right there in black and white. Of course Trump is a racist. Comes from upbringing. That's learned...straight from daddy's knee. His blustering about the Central Park 5 should be real world evidence for you. Is he a white supremacist? No. Not smart enought to be one. But he gave legitimacy to them that day. Again, I grow weary of stating this, but we have come to expect decorum, restraint, and basic oratory skills from our Presidents, even the ones we disagree with politically. Trump.....handled every press event like he was standing at the podium riffing at one of his pep rallies. And he paid for it that day.
Interesting...you claim Trump is a racist...yet he's the one who pardoned blacks put in prison by Joe Biden's Senate version of the Clinton Crime Bill?
You talk about "real world evidence" of racism? Would that be like writing the Senate version of the legislation that put more black Americans in Federal prison than any other piece of legislation in US history? That's real world evidence of Joe Biden's racism but you can't see THAT...can you, Jack?
Please. Trump was a moron. He wouldn't know a policy position if it ran up to him and stole his Quarter Pounder with Cheese. Every "policy" he put forward was someone else's idea. To be fair, a lot of what Biden is having to deal with...started during the last administration. But, your misty, doe-eyed support for Trump is noted. This man came within a whisper of shredding the Constitution you claim to love and cherish.....and nary a whimper. He made you feel safe.
Now THAT'S sad. :)
In what way did Trump come within a whisper of shredding the Constitution? Because he challenged an election that stunk to high heavens?
He didn't use the IRS against his political opponents like Barack Obama did. He didn't pay foreign agents to smear his political opponent like Hillary Clinton did. He sure as hell didn't use his DOJ to go after his political opponents like both Obama and Biden have done! He never proposed packing the Supreme Court like the left has done repeatedly! He never imposed "mandates" on millions of people forcing them to get vaccines or lose their jobs!

What's "sad" is that you need to attack Trump with claims like he tried to destroy the Constitution because you can't attack his record. Trump was so much better with the economy than Biden has been you'd have to be out of your mind to claim otherwise!
We are talking today, not 70 years ago. The rhetoric is not moving this nation forward.

That's the whole point.

The Chinese let themselves be disarmed. So did the Jews in Germany.

They were talking, when they should have been fighting.
You’d be wrong as I stated earlier in the thread.
I really don't give a crap what you say you said earlier in any thread, we know that people like you just will simply lie about anything. So, why not answer the question I asked, instead of trying so hard to run blocker for Biden....

Bottom line here is that just like when the crazy fool Bernie supporter tried to massacre a ball field full of Republican congressmen, this nut took to heart what Biden was saying in Philly. Then when he acts on it people like you want to disavow that Biden had anything whatso ever to do with it, while if the situation were reversed, you'd be all up in here blaming Trump endlessly, and insulting others that disagreed...It's called not having a shred of intellectual honesty...Something that has all but disappeared since progressive libs have decided to eliminate their opposition...
So for no reason other than, I'm rubber, you're glue! :icon_rolleyes:

Oh, and no one blamed Trump for Fields murdering Heyer. You’re out of your mind.
You’re full of shit…and a through and through liar.
That's the whole point.

The Chinese let themselves be disarmed. So did the Jews in Germany.

They were talking, when they should have been fighting.
I never said a word about disarming anyone, I said we need to dial back the rhetoric.
I really don't give a crap what you say you said earlier in any thread, we know that people like you just will simply lie about anything. So, why not answer the question I asked, instead of trying so hard to run blocker for Biden....

Bottom line here is that just like when the crazy fool Bernie supporter tried to massacre a ball field full of Republican congressmen, this nut took to heart what Biden was saying in Philly. Then when he acts on it people like you want to disavow that Biden had anything whatso ever to do with it, while if the situation were reversed, you'd be all up in here blaming Trump endlessly, and insulting others that disagreed...It's called not having a shred of intellectual honesty...Something that has all but disappeared since progressive libs have decided to eliminate their opposition...
Trump was not responsible for what other people choose to do on 1/6 and Biden isn’t responsible for what that nut job did in North Dakota, we are all individually responsible for our own actions, blaming other is just a cop out. I have maintained that stance for years.
Trump was not responsible for what other people choose to do on 1/6 and Biden isn’t responsible for what that nut job did in North Dakota, we are all individually responsible for our own actions, blaming other is just a cop out. I have maintained that stance for years.
Ok, and if I take your word at that, are you positive that you have NEVER blamed Trump for any actions that misguided nuts have used to justify their horrible actions?

Not so sure, but I will pay more attention in the future...
Ok, and if I take your word at that, are you positive that you have NEVER blamed Trump for any actions that misguided nuts have used to justify their horrible actions?

Not so sure, but I will pay more attention in the future...
Pay all the attention you want, we Are all free moral agents and all need to be responsible for our own actions, that is the basis of my conservatism. That is why I don’t blame Biden for the death of the teenager in North Dakota. Should Biden have said what he said, no but Biden utters nonsense everyday and is a terrible President but that is what we got. Hopefully the Republicans take the House and the Senate and slow the madness down.

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