Police Militarization


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2015
What is the reason for police militarization in the US? Is it really necessary to serve and protect the citizens of the United States? I believe not. I've got an impression the government is trying to protect itself from the citizens. The police is slowly drifting from a social service to a private army with its own laws and code of conducts.

used to be Peace Officers , now they are all Law Enforcement and as you know there are hundreds and thousands of laws to enforce Brian . All the laws are worth money to 'law enforcement' and government and many laws remove freedoms like seat belt, helmet laws , magazine ammo limits , and the list goes on and on !!
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It does seem so...

Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) codifying indefinite military detention without charge or trial into law for the first time in American history. Does this not overturn the Posse Comitatus Act? Well...just another little step down the rat hole of government tyranny.

How about NSA spying on all of us and all the other tyrannies the gov is imposing...

All we need now is a Reichstag Fire type incident to impose the final elements of the police state.

Thing is...this issue seems to have considerable bipartisan support. Both parties seem not mind the police state, yet many Americans continue to believe the media propaganda that the two parties are vastly different.

Once the government forces us to house military personnel in our homes, then we will have come full circle.
and the list of taxpayer funded agencies that are armed is growing , has been growing for quite awhile .
What is the reason for police militarization in the US? Is it really necessary to serve and protect the citizens of the United States? I believe not. I've got an impression the government is trying to protect itself from the citizens. The police is slowly drifting from a social service to a private army with its own laws and code of conducts.


Is it just me or do the states with heavy support for the second amendment have a much larger share of the MRAPS?

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