Police say former NASCAR driver attacked ex-wife with hatchet before being shot...A gun is used by a woman to protect herself from an ax wielding ex

If the anti-gun loons had their way, it is very likely this woman would be dead.

That's the deep problem with anti-gun leftists . . .

They would consider a woman lying dead on the ground, dress hiked up, raped and with her pantyhose wrapped around neck used to strangle her, is morally superior to a woman who defended herself with a gun and is standing over the lifeless corpse of her assaulter. She is to be condemned . . .
That's the deep problem with anti-gun leftists . . .

They would consider a woman lying dead on the ground, dress hiked up, raped and with her pantyhose wrapped around neck used to strangle her, is morally superior to a woman who defended herself with a gun and is standing over the lifeless corpse of her assaulter. She is to be condemned . . .

If you look at my signature line, I have questions on this very topic.

I ask ant-gun extremists these questions, directly, and they refuse to answer them…….try it sometime, they stop posting if you refuse to let them off the hook….
CALL 911 !

Oooops, sorry ma'am, it took us three minutes to get here, he only got 23 chops at you with that hatchett.....but that looks like it was enough.

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