Police State: Police Smell Meth, Raid Home, Kill 80-Year-Old Man...

police state! gestapo! facism! hitler! gas chambers!

I hope you're the first to get a boot on the back of your neck punk or maybe you wouldn't feel so flippant if some bald, militarized pigs busted down your door, capped your animals, put a gun to your kids head and trashed the place all because they were in the wrong house. Happens all the time. Show some respect.

I feel flippant because I'm a visionary, not a reactionary.

These news stories become big because of little bitches like you guys.

It will be handled at the local level, and it's not an "epidemic."

Understand numbers. Sensational media = / = nationwide pattern.

also, the odds are so infinitesimally small for this to happen to an innocent person, I think reaching the conclusion we are in a "police state" is being a gigantic, far reaching pussy.
Think so?

Go here: Botched Paramilitary Police Raids | Cato Institute

And here: SWAT Fever: It's Epidemic (Sorry About The Dogs) - Raw Fisher

And here: More Militarized Than the Military | The Agitator

And Here: No-knock "drug war" warrant = dead dogs, ruined home - Gordon Wagner - Open Salon

What you should understand is an American police state could not happen suddenly because our population has been conditioned to resist it -- if we can see it coming. But the way it unquestionably is happening is by incremental stages, such as the increasing frequency of these SWAT raids and the gradual militarization of our police agencies.

The American police state will not be announced nor will it arrive with a parade and a flourish. One day we will wake up and it will be here -- and as real as it gets.

Your links ESPECIALLY prove the point.

There are 300, 000, 000 (more than that, actually) people in this Country.

Your own (biased) map shows about ten innocent deaths from botched police raids.

10/300, 000, 000

= you have a 0.0000033% chance of this ever happening to you.

A "pattern" you panic attacks call that?

Yea, I don't think so. Let's compare something that is similarly likely to occur to you:

%0.0000001% chance of a lightning strike

Are we calling these "common" now?

And of course they found no Meth. Shoot first, ask questions later. Guilty till proven innocent. What a fine country we're becoming ay?

The widow of an 80-year-old man who was shot dead by police during a drug raid on their home is suing for $50 million.

On the night of June 27th, Los Angeles County deputies raided the home of Eugene Mallory and Tonya Pate. Authorities claim they had probable cause to search the premises because they could smell chemicals used to make methamphetamine while standing outside the house. Police suspected Mallory of being involved in an illegal meth ring.

Mallory was asleep in bed when police entered his home. Pate said her husband has bad eyesight, and couldn’t tell that the men entering the house were police officers without his glasses.

What happened next is disputed by police and Pate. The deputies claim that Mallory pointed a gun at them, requiring them to take defensive measures. They shot him six times, and he died.

But Pate maintained that her husband did no such thing.

“He would never point a gun at officers,” she said. “He was taken from me for no reason.”

Pate is suing the sheriff’s office for $50 million. The coroner’s office is also named in the suit; the office released Mallory’s body to an out-of-state relative, and Pate claimed he was cremated before her own investigators could perform an autopsy.

Police found no meth, nor evidence of a meth operation, inside the house. They did find marijuana — in Pate’s son’s room.

The sheriff’s department insists that the marijuana vindicates the raid...

Read more: Police smell meth, raid home, kill 80-year-old, find no meth | The Daily Caller

I wonder how many more decades the War on (some) Drugs will continue before everyone realizes it is a failure and finally puts an end to it.
Your links ESPECIALLY prove the point.

There are 300, 000, 000 (more than that, actually) people in this Country.

Your own (biased) map shows about ten innocent deaths from botched police raids.

10/300, 000, 000

= you have a 0.0000033% chance of this ever happening to you.

A "pattern" you panic attacks call that?

Yea, I don't think so. Let's compare something that is similarly likely to occur to you:

%0.0000001% chance of a lightning strike

Are we calling these "common" now?
You apparently are too young to remember a time in America, not that long ago, when the statistical occurrence of these unnecessary or botched SWAT raids was zero! So calculate the percentage of increase since approximately the 1950s when just one such police raid on an innocent civilian's home would have been front page news and a lot of asses would have fried. Ask your parents or grandparents.

Just one such raid should have the effect of raising an alarm and calling for local and federal legislation to prevent it happening again. As it presently exists, these no-knock break-in raids are happening all over the Nation at an increasing rate and in all-too-many cases they are absolutely unnecessary. Yet, were it not for a few concerned journalists we wouldn't hear about it unless it happened to someone we know or live nearby.

So to answer your question -- Yes. These raids are far too common and represent a serious threat to our Constitutional protections. No government agency, federal, state, or local, should be permitted to conduct a no-knock break-in raid in any but the most extremely necessary circumstances. Do you consider "suspicion of drug activity" to be justification for a break-in raid?
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They should have never been in the man's home. Even if he did have a weapon, there was no justification for them being in his home. A completely insane and unnecessary murder. These Officers should be held accountable. And i don't mean suspension with or without pay either. They should be arrested and prosecuted. Period, end of story.

How shaky is that excuse anyway?

"We smelled something"

Give me a break.

For all we know they got a whiff of Ben Gay.

Because ammonium nitrate is used in making meth there is a strong ammonia smell where it is made. A housewife cleaning the oven with ammonia could very likely be thought to be making meth if someone smelled the ammonia.

This is ridiculous. There was no need for them to break into the home in the middle of the night the way they did.
And of course they found no Meth. Shoot first, ask questions later. Guilty till proven innocent. What a fine country we're becoming ay?

The widow of an 80-year-old man who was shot dead by police during a drug raid on their home is suing for $50 million.

On the night of June 27th, Los Angeles County deputies raided the home of Eugene Mallory and Tonya Pate. Authorities claim they had probable cause to search the premises because they could smell chemicals used to make methamphetamine while standing outside the house. Police suspected Mallory of being involved in an illegal meth ring.

Mallory was asleep in bed when police entered his home. Pate said her husband has bad eyesight, and couldn’t tell that the men entering the house were police officers without his glasses.

What happened next is disputed by police and Pate. The deputies claim that Mallory pointed a gun at them, requiring them to take defensive measures. They shot him six times, and he died.

But Pate maintained that her husband did no such thing.

“He would never point a gun at officers,” she said. “He was taken from me for no reason.”

Pate is suing the sheriff’s office for $50 million. The coroner’s office is also named in the suit; the office released Mallory’s body to an out-of-state relative, and Pate claimed he was cremated before her own investigators could perform an autopsy.

Police found no meth, nor evidence of a meth operation, inside the house. They did find marijuana — in Pate’s son’s room.

The sheriff’s department insists that the marijuana vindicates the raid...

Read more: Police smell meth, raid home, kill 80-year-old, find no meth | The Daily Caller

Why is a tragic accident and possible negligence by Police a "police state"??

Do you know what a police state is?

And on a legal note, he was 80 years old -- $50 Million?? What are they smoking??

And it's always you conservatives who are in favor of limits on jury awarded damages. I don't believe there are any under Ca civil law, however.... I say again, $50 Million??? WTF??

I wonder how many more decades the War on (some) Drugs will continue before everyone realizes it is a failure and finally puts an end to it.
Candidate Obama made a concentrated effort to convey the impression he was inclined to move in that direction. But it turned out to be the first of his many fraudulent presentations, lies, and betrayals.

President Obama is a committed supporter of authoritarian government and the drug war is a critical component of that authority. Beginning with the Reagan Presidency there has occurred a gradual but intensive militarization of American police agencies at the federal, state, and local levels, all of which has been facilitated by the War on Drugs. The fact that the drug war has done absolutely nothing to reduce the availability of any recreational substance is ignored.

Because power yields nothing to request it will take a strongly committed effort on the part of the public to motivate government to acknowledge the War on Drugs is a wholly counterproductive and damaging waste of resources.
As long as there are cops in a land of 300 million people, there will be human error.

Crying every time and drawing the EXTREME conclusion that it's the "RULE" and not a RARE exception, is asinine.

300million people.


Please answer the question.

How many before you say it's a problem?

I'll bet you'd think it was a problem if it was you on the receiving end and you have just as much a chance as anyone else of being a victim of the cops.


For it to even be a PATTERN, it would have to happen to at least 1% of the people.


Not a couple hundred.,

Not a thousand.

Do you not know how big of a number 300million is?

1% of that would be 3, 000, 000 instances.


So it would take 3 million innocent people killed by cops before you though it was a problem? Not 3, not 30, not 300, not 3000, not 30,000 and not 300,000?

If that's the case then why have police investigate murders there are way less than 3 million murders a year after all if it's less than one percent of the population who gives a fuck. You certainly don't.
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And of course they found no Meth. Shoot first, ask questions later. Guilty till proven innocent. What a fine country we're becoming ay?

The widow of an 80-year-old man who was shot dead by police during a drug raid on their home is suing for $50 million.

On the night of June 27th, Los Angeles County deputies raided the home of Eugene Mallory and Tonya Pate. Authorities claim they had probable cause to search the premises because they could smell chemicals used to make methamphetamine while standing outside the house. Police suspected Mallory of being involved in an illegal meth ring.

Mallory was asleep in bed when police entered his home. Pate said her husband has bad eyesight, and couldn’t tell that the men entering the house were police officers without his glasses.

What happened next is disputed by police and Pate. The deputies claim that Mallory pointed a gun at them, requiring them to take defensive measures. They shot him six times, and he died.

But Pate maintained that her husband did no such thing.

“He would never point a gun at officers,” she said. “He was taken from me for no reason.”

Pate is suing the sheriff’s office for $50 million. The coroner’s office is also named in the suit; the office released Mallory’s body to an out-of-state relative, and Pate claimed he was cremated before her own investigators could perform an autopsy.

Police found no meth, nor evidence of a meth operation, inside the house. They did find marijuana — in Pate’s son’s room.

The sheriff’s department insists that the marijuana vindicates the raid...

Read more: Police smell meth, raid home, kill 80-year-old, find no meth | The Daily Caller

Why is a tragic accident and possible negligence by Police a "police state"??

Do you know what a police state is?

And on a legal note, he was 80 years old -- $50 Million?? What are they smoking??

And it's always you conservatives who are in favor of limits on jury awarded damages. I don't believe there are any under Ca civil law, however.... I say again, $50 Million??? WTF??

Had it been you that was killed, any more than two-fitty would be considered a frivolous lawsuit.

fucking doucehbag.

It's called PUNITIVE damages. And they're often adjudicated in place of people being put in Prison..... Especially when proving they broke the Law is goddamned near impossible. It also helps to get their attention.

I bet if it was a Big Corporation that recklessly caused the Death of somebody, your commie ass would be on it like a dimocrap voter at a free gubmint cheese event.

But The State killing someone? Hey, that's their right isn't it?

Anybody else notice the full circle this thing has taken?

A couple dozen years ago the left hated Cops and everything they stood for and now?

Now, the left loves them some Cops. Even on TV. Ever notice how the Cops on TV are always representing the State? The State is always the good guy no matter what?

Cops represent the State, not the Citizen, not The People.

The Military represents The People.

For now. obama is trying HARD to change that. Lots of unexplainable firings going on the last couple years. Lots of Generals and Admirals getting their retirement papers handed to them.

Once they get the Military on their side, the dimocrap seizure of America will be complete.
police state! gestapo! facism! hitler! gas chambers!

Hey maybe you'll be the next victim of a botched police raid and you or someone in your house will end up riddled with bullets.

Nah man, no weed in here, or meth smell, and I wouldn't raise my gun at a Cop like a jackass.

also, the odds are so infinitesimally small for this to happen to an innocent person, I think reaching the conclusion we are in a "police state" is being a gigantic, far reaching pussy.


Mike...i dont find ten accidental deaths in such a dangerous business serving 300million people to be "epidemic" or. "Trend."

That stuff is overblown nonsense for the ppl afraid of their own shadows. When it starts to happen to more than 0.000003% then....we'll get "alarmed" but im no more scared of dying like this than i am of lightning striking me dead.
Please answer the question.

How many before you say it's a problem?

I'll bet you'd think it was a problem if it was you on the receiving end and you have just as much a chance as anyone else of being a victim of the cops.


For it to even be a PATTERN, it would have to happen to at least 1% of the people.


Not a couple hundred.,

Not a thousand.

Do you not know how big of a number 300million is?

1% of that would be 3, 000, 000 instances.


So it would take 3 million innocent people killed by cops before you though it was a problem? Not 3, not 30, not 300, not 3000, not 30,000 and not 300,000?

If that's the case then why have police investigate murders there are way less than 3 million murders a year after all if it's less than one percent of the population who gives a fuck. You certainly don't.
youre certainly right....getting murdered isnt somthing i spend my time worrying about...and its even less prevalent in less crime ridden areas.
Why is a tragic accident and possible negligence by Police a "police state"??

Do you know what a police state is?
We aren't talking about "a" tragic accident, which is not an accident but an unnecessary and entirely preventable malfeasance. We are talking about an increasingly common abuse of police authority.

And on a legal note, he was 80 years old -- $50 Million?? What are they smoking??

And it's always you conservatives who are in favor of limits on jury awarded damages. I don't believe there are any under Ca civil law, however.... I say again, $50 Million??? WTF??
On a legal note, are we talking about a side of beef or a loved one the loss of whom cannot be compensated by a punitive award in any amount? I've already lost my wife, who was also my best pal, and the pain of that loss still lingers after twenty-eight years. She died of cancer, but if a bunch of cowboy cops had broken into my house and killed her the value I would place on the loss would assuredly be greater than what you might feel it should be.

If a jury consisted of twelve citizens whose beloved spouses had been killed by cowboy cops on an erroneous mission, you may rest assured that $50 million punitive award would be granted. Maybe then there would be legislation to prevent future occurrences of this outrageous violation of the very spirit of the Fourth Amendment.
Increasing? Notnsure about that. They really dealt with the G's during the great depression era and even the 40's.
Mike...i dont find ten accidental deaths in such a dangerous business serving 300million people to be "epidemic" or. "Trend."

That stuff is overblown nonsense for the ppl afraid of their own shadows. When it starts to happen to more than 0.000003% then....we'll get "alarmed" but im no more scared of dying like this than i am of lightning striking me dead.
Because something is happening here
But you don't know what it is
Do you, Mister Jones?

(From Ballad Of A Thin Man, by Bob Dylan)
Because he pulled a gun on the police.

Probably thought that it was a totally chill idea, too. RIP

Even George Burns could smell a cover-up here from his grave. The coroner's office, without notice, immediately released the db to a distant relative and NOT the SO!!! Shame!
And of course they found no Meth. Shoot first, ask questions later. Guilty till proven innocent. What a fine country we're becoming ay?

The widow of an 80-year-old man who was shot dead by police during a drug raid on their home is suing for $50 million.

On the night of June 27th, Los Angeles County deputies raided the home of Eugene Mallory and Tonya Pate. Authorities claim they had probable cause to search the premises because they could smell chemicals used to make methamphetamine while standing outside the house. Police suspected Mallory of being involved in an illegal meth ring.

Mallory was asleep in bed when police entered his home. Pate said her husband has bad eyesight, and couldn’t tell that the men entering the house were police officers without his glasses.

What happened next is disputed by police and Pate. The deputies claim that Mallory pointed a gun at them, requiring them to take defensive measures. They shot him six times, and he died.

But Pate maintained that her husband did no such thing.

“He would never point a gun at officers,” she said. “He was taken from me for no reason.”

Pate is suing the sheriff’s office for $50 million. The coroner’s office is also named in the suit; the office released Mallory’s body to an out-of-state relative, and Pate claimed he was cremated before her own investigators could perform an autopsy.

Police found no meth, nor evidence of a meth operation, inside the house. They did find marijuana — in Pate’s son’s room.

The sheriff’s department insists that the marijuana vindicates the raid...

Read more: Police smell meth, raid home, kill 80-year-old, find no meth | The Daily Caller

Why is a tragic accident and possible negligence by Police a "police state"??

Do you know what a police state is?

And on a legal note, he was 80 years old -- $50 Million?? What are they smoking??

And it's always you conservatives who are in favor of limits on jury awarded damages. I don't believe there are any under Ca civil law, however.... I say again, $50 Million??? WTF??

Michael Savage often tells his audience we are living in a police state and often gives accredited stories of horrific abuses by the police like this one:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCQrJ2_FDfA]Michael Savage - Woman Attacked by Police Trying to Withdraw Cash From Bank: Police State - YouTube[/ame]
Maybe libertarians are lacking in understanding of proper terms or maybe their anger keeps them ignorant. An example of a police state is when the president either hides or defends the murder of citizens during faulty federal police operations. State and local governments do not and cannot engage in what libertarians like to call a "police state". The incident related in the post is not ignored or defended. There are law suits and news coverage and most likely a couple of investigations.
Maybe, we should euphemistically just call it a "pig state." We're all pigs in one way or another, sometimes just affectionately.

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