Polish MP Tells Blinken To Get Lost

Because some in Poland have your number there is no reason for them to be an enemy of Russia.
Their rightful worry of Russian invasion gives them a rason to want russia to lose.

Which is why they requested that the US. Let ukraine strike within russia.

Don't tell me I have to educate you on your own thread topic again.
Who told you Putin wants the soviet Union back, you are talking bollocks.

From the time Putin took power he has wanted to reconstitute the Soviet Empire. The past 20 t]years has been Putin exercising this plan. There are too many useful idiots in this country who want to assist Putin in his efforts. Ukraine will determine whether Putin continues his march to take back the free the nations of Eastern Europe.

I don’t disagree, but your analysis is based on the presumption that Putin is a rational actor and will halt his expansionism if Ukraine surrenders. That opinion is misguided. Putin’s aim is to reconstitute the Soviet Empire and he will only be stopped if he is defeated in the Ukraine.
Who told you Putin wants the soviet Union back, you are talking bollocks.
From the time Putin took power he has wanted to reconstitute the Soviet Empire. The past 20 t]years has been Putin exercising this plan. There are too many useful idiots in this country who want to assist Putin in his efforts. Ukraine will determine whether Putin continues his march to take back the free the nations of Eastern Europe.

I asked you what do you base that nonsense on? other than your opinion that seems to be fantasy.
Putin did. And does. Every time he laments the fall of the USSR and calls it a genuine and historic tragedy.
The reason for that quote is because he knew the Soviet Union was a counter balance to Western arrogance and rabid nationalism would raise it's ugly head with the resulting violence and carnage, he was right, doesn't mean he wants the Soviet Union back which would be impossible anyway.
Their rightful worry of Russian invasion gives them a rason to want russia to lose.

Which is why they requested that the US. Let ukraine strike within russia.

Don't tell me I have to educate you on your own thread topic again.
Any attack on Russia using those long range missiles would in actual fact be a NATO attack because they can't be launched without US Sats etc, do you really want to go down that road? if so you are as bonkers as those lunatics in Kiev.
He was rational enough through four years of the Trump presidency... but that aside... I believe one of the first things Biden and Harris did was to start tugging at Putin's short hairs... purposely....
Hi mate. On most things we probably agree; MAGA rocks, but Putin IS KGB. He played Biden for the fool he is and made his incursion thinking what suckers the West are; he is NOT going to stop at Ukraine though it has I think set back his program. I agree that it is a Europe Problem and that Europe needs to cough up the Euros. Putin will of course massacre thousands if not more IF he gains power in Ukraine so surrender is not an option for the Ukes; see Syria to how far Putin and his useful idiots will go. There is no easy solution. Biden opened up this disaster and others so the sooner he and Harris are gone the better. Will Trump do better?? Bloody oath he will and I can't wait!!

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From the time Putin took power he has wanted to reconstitute the Soviet Empire. The past 20 t]years has been Putin exercising this plan. There are too many useful idiots in this country who want to assist Putin in his efforts. Ukraine will determine whether Putin continues his march to take back the free the nations of Eastern Europe.

Playing the old tired 'commie aggression' card is like equating chess to checkers in this millennium JLW

Playing the old tired 'commie aggression' card is like equating chess to checkers in this millennium JLW

There is “commie aggression” as Putin has invaded Ukraine. Putin’s ultimate plans regarding the reconstitution of the old Soviet Union comes from his own words. If Putin wants peace all he need to do is call off the Ukrainian offensive and it would all be over. But he hasn’t. As I wrote in a previous post, the biggest supporters of the defense of Ukraine are those that are next in line: Poland and the Baltic nations. They know more about Russian motivations than just about any nation, and they see a dangerous future ahead if Russian expansionism is not halted.
There is “commie aggression” as Putin has invaded Ukraine. Putin’s ultimate plans regarding the reconstitution of the old Soviet Union comes from his own words. If Putin wants peace all he need to do is call off the Ukrainian offensive and it would all be over. But he hasn’t. As I wrote in a previous post, the biggest supporters of the defense of Ukraine are those that are next in line: Poland and the Baltic nations. They know more about Russian motivations than just about any nation, and they see a dangerous future ahead if Russian expansionism is not halted.
Give it a rest and stop watching CNN and all the other bullshit.
There is “commie aggression” as Putin has invaded Ukraine. Putin’s ultimate plans regarding the reconstitution of the old Soviet Union comes from his own words. If Putin wants peace all he need to do is call off the Ukrainian offensive and it would all be over. But he hasn’t. As I wrote in a previous post, the biggest supporters of the defense of Ukraine are those that are next in line: Poland and the Baltic nations. They know more about Russian motivations than just about any nation, and they see a dangerous future ahead if Russian expansionism is not halted.
For starters the Ukes are now invading Russia , add to this that the Polish gov has just told the USA to piss off JLW

For starters the Ukes are now invading Russia , add to this that the Polish gov has just told the USA to piss off JLW

You’re wrong on all counts

1. The Russians invaded Crimea and then Ukraine proper.
2. The Polish government wants NATO to give even more weapons to Ukraine.

The OP cites one anti-war Polish MP. He does not represent the Polish government.
I think that train left a while ago, i think the only thing Russia will talk about now is the capitulation of the Kiev Regime.
said a dirty🇷🇺 ivan who works for 🇷🇺 RT. sure we can trust you :auiqs.jpg:still >


what 'side' would that be Lit?

Playing the old tired 'commie aggression' card is like equating chess to checkers in this millennium JLW

Hi Sparky. Stalin and Co were never actual COMMUNISTS; they were more like a power clique and Putin's Clique is now in power. Power cliques crave extending their power and that is what Putin tried to do with Biden giving him the go-ahead. I DO agree that the Euros need to do the heavy lifting. I can't wait for Trump to force that!!

Hi Sparky. Stalin and Co were never actual COMMUNISTS; they were more like a power clique and Putin's Clique is now in power. Power cliques crave extending their power and that is what Putin tried to do with Biden giving him the go-ahead. I DO agree that the Euros need to do the heavy lifting. I can't wait for Trump to force that!!

I really don't care what they 'are' Greg, and further see the USA, NATO, or the Euro's as having zero 'dog in the fight'

The reason for that quote is because he knew the Soviet Union was a counter balance to Western arrogance and rabid nationalism would raise it's ugly head with the resulting violence and carnage, he was right, doesn't mean he wants the Soviet Union back which would be impossible anyway.
It's not just one quote. It's a constant stream for 20+ years.

So we can ignore this weak attempt at equivocation.

Putin wants the band back together, but Putin and his army are weak and incompetent. So the only way to get any closer to his fantasies is to prey on the weak and Defenseless, both at home and abroad.

So that is what the little maniac does.

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