Political Cartoon

clyburn monkey shit.jpg
Stop another MAGA lie.

One, Trump's presidency lost more jobs than any since Hoover.

Two, Trump's presidency had a 14.8% unemployment rate and was at 9.2% when he left office.

Three, he cratered the economy because he could not manage the effects of the covid pandemic.

Fact, Trump is loser.
BS of course. It wasn't Trump's presidency that lost all those jobs. It was Blue State, Democrat POLITICIANS who instituted shut-downs as a stupid response TO covid.
Fourth year of his Presidency. It was all Trump's fault, and America knows it.
BS. The lefty Governors in the Blue states created major shutdowns. Vaccines were mandated and any who wouldn't comply were fired or even arrested, in some cases. Trump had zero control over Fauci's and Gate's "gain of function," manufactured virus which had the effect of injuring America's economy across the board. Everyone, including Trump, was taken by surprise by the Plandemic and Trump was taking advice from the very person responsible for the creation of the virus. So quit being so "slow."

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