Political Cartoon


Twenty years ago, University of California, Irvine, had a group of five little fat boys sitting around on their arses, selling overpriced candy bars "to raise money for the United (sic) Nations."

Class is now in session.

"So," I began, "you're raising money for the UN."
[Yes, they do a lot of good.]
"Tell me the greatest good the UN has done in the past five years."
[They keep peace.]
"No they do not. The Yugoslav army went into a refugee camp, took out all the men and boys while armed U.N. troops watched, and removed them to the woods where they were all machine gunned.
Now, tell me some good the U.N. has done."

[Painful silence while five overweight, underexercised little college boys pondered the obvious but not previously asked or considered question. Finally one pipes up, "They vaccinate kids."]

"I'll give you that. They vaccinate kids. Vaccine costs fifty cents a shot. What is the U.N. annual budget?"

[Ignorant silence, in extreme embarrassed discomfort.
Finally "$500,000,000? " He had no clue.]

I roared, "The United States pays a billion dollars a year. You don't know what you're talking about."

Then one little fat boy said something insolent. I put my hand on his marshmallow shoulder and said, "You had better watch your mouth when you talk to your elders."

I could have taken all five of them on and not worked up a sweat. I'm not big. I'm not a fighter. But I know what I can do and what these little girlie-men cannot do.

Class dismissed. It is one lesson they will not forget.

Patriot Commando Desperado, along with TwoIron, OWNS this thread.
I have incorporated many of their visual truths in some of my forty+ websites.

When government officials are as screwed up as Minneapolis, you can whine to each other all you want and accomplish nothing. I prefer to take it to the source and emailed the above meme to Minneapolis City Council Members.

Look things up and take your issues to the source, where you MAY get through to them, far better than you ever will squealing to groups on message boards.

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