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BREAKING: Donald Trump has a middle of the night meltdown over his failing 2024 campaign and desperately lashes out at President Biden over his multiplying indictments.

This guys is clearly coming apart at the seams...

Apparently unable to sleep, Trump took to Truth Social late last night and demanded to know why "Crooked Joe Biden" didn't have the Department of Justice file its lawsuit and indictments against him "3 years ago, instead of right in the middle" of his presidential campaign.

The answer is both obvious and twofold. Firstly, Joe Biden did not have his Justice Department do anything. He is not pulling the strings behind the scenes. Investigators looked into the facts because that's their job and the facts show that Donald Trump repeatedly broke the law.

Secondly, it takes time to carry out a proper investigation. The reason the Justice Department didn't immediately indict Trump for his crimes is because they needed time to gather investigate and question witnesses. It's that simple. The timing with the election is purely coincidental.

Trump wasn't done with that little opening barrage of complaints though, and he went on to implicitly threaten to weaponize the Justice Department against Biden if he wins in 2024—

"You’re setting a BAD precedent for yourself, Joe. The same can happen to you," wrote Trump. "These Third World Biden Indictments, which should never have been filed, would have been tried and over with years ago. My SleazeBag Opponent shouldn’t be able to do this during my campaign, OR BEFORE THE ELECTION!"

These are not the words of a man who is confident in his future. These are the words of a man who feels helpless to stop all of the mountains of evidence arrayed against him.

Trump can rant on Truth Social all he wants. In the end, it won't save him.

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Why do Republicans all think guns have rights but people don't? This Florida lawyer wants to make OPEN CARRY the law of the land in America's already violent 3rd largest state. His rationale will open your eyes.


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