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BREAKING: Donald Trump's victory lap falls flat on its face as a watchdog group files an appeal to the Colorado Supreme Court aimed at overturning a judge's absurd ruling that the 14th Amendment does not apply to presidents.

If this appeal is successful, Trump could end up removed from the state's 2024 presidential ballot...

The watchdog group in question is Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW). They are seeking to have Trump barred from the ballot because he clearly engaged in insurrection on January 6th — a crime which legally prohibits him from political office under the 14th Amendment.

Last Friday, Colorado District Court Judge Sarah Wallace ruled that Donald Trump "engaged in insurrection" but then ludicrously stated that the "insurrectionist ban" does not apply to presidents.

Why presidents would be somehow immune to the restriction and thus implicitly allowed to engage in insurrection is anyone's guess.

"No court should adopt an interpretation of the Constitution that has such absurd results," CREW wrote in its appeal filing.

"Fortunately, in this case, the text and history all comport with the common-sense outcome. Section 3 does not disqualify oath-breaking insurrectionists from nearly all public offices except the highest one, nor does it give a unique free pass to insurrectionist Presidents."

It's perhaps worth pointing out that the Colorado Supreme Court justices were all originally Democratically appointed, so hopefully they see the existential threat posed to democracy by MAGA fascism.

What do you think? Should Trump be barred from political office?

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BREAKING: The infamous January 6th insurrectionist who defied the judge with unhinged outbursts and refusals to show up to court gets a longer prison sentence than originally expected.

Mess with the bull, you get the horns…

Frank Giustino, a massage therapist who sold his soul to the MAGA devil was SUPPOSED to get a maximum of 21 days behind bars for his role in the deadly Capitol riot.

But instead he chose to engage in courtroom outbursts — including calling prosecutors “the very definition of terrorism” and whining that his case was “an absolute clown show of a prosecution.”

He also had repeated no-shows and wanted to fire his lawyer so he could idiotically represent himself.

In turn, the prosecutors asked to bump his sentence to several months.

U.S. District Judge James Boasberg ultimately sentenced him to three months in prison, more than three times what he would have gotten.

Justice is served.

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BREAKING: Republican projection strikes again! The wife of Jeremy Taylor — a former MAGA congressional candidate — is found guilty of a staggering 52 counts of voter fraud.

Once again, we see that Republicans are the ones actually committing these crimes...

Kim Phuong Taylor cruelly took advantage of Vietnamese immigrants to illegally cast fraudulent votes in support of her husband's failed right-wing run for Congress. She illegally filled out election forms and ballots.

The disgusting crime wasn't enough to push Jeremy over the finish line and he ended up finishing third in the Republican primary.

She now faces a possible five years in prison for each of the 52 criminal counts. The sentencing date has yet to be set.

Jeremy Taylor himself was listed as an unindicted co-conspirator in the case. This could mean that he was involved but there simply wasn't enough evidence to bring charges against him. Some alleged criminals are good at covering their tracks...

Jeremy ultimately went on to win election to the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors in 2020. He should resign in disgrace.

This is what the Republican Party stands for under Donald Trump. They despise our democracy, constantly work to undermine it, then claim that Democrats are doing what they themselves are guilty of.

Never vote Republican.

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