Political Cartoon

trump is a fake Christian. He uses religion for his selfish purposes. It is all about him.

And I know many evangelicals who fall for his hypocrisy. He fans violence with his words while he plays a religious game.
Hey, Christians are only represented in DC as a group among groups, and we have never had a President that was a hard core Puritan Christian within our history in this country, because if we did you would tell it because a lot of the trash you see built up in this country now would not exist. A puritan president if it had the cabinet to match it's purity in such a thing, would cause someone like you to jump off a bridge by your own choice without help needed... 😂

This country has benefitted from Christians being a part of it, but no it's not a total Christian nation, and it never has been.

I will say that we have had times in the nation's history where Christianity was stronger in the nation by percentage values, otherwise against the numbers within other groups, but it changes back and forth all depending on many factors involved.

I will say this also, that whenever Christianity becomes to low on the scales, then that is when we see terrible things come about as a result of.

Trump can recognize Christian values, and the positive impact it has on the country without being a puritan himself.

Now go pound sand boy.

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