Political Cartoon


Are you truly this stupid ? 4 year's means 4 year's, and not 6 or 8 or 10 or 12 etc. "Fixed" means to fix all the damage that the dumb ace Democrat's caused in the last 40+ year's, and it will be attempted to be done in 4 year's is what Trump is saying or trying to say to all that have been severely abused by Democrat governance.

After that the nation will vote for Republicans he hopes, because they'll see what is possible when they get the type of politician that will get the job done for them.

Trump figures that he will set the tempo, and it'll show other's how easy it is to run a country when one applies oneself.

Are you so afraid of Trump that you think that he's an "immortal character" that will sink you Democrat's forever ? If anything, you all should learn something about how not to screw yourselves up so bad in life by engaging in devilish or evil thing's in your life. For some strange reason it's like you never learn, and that's truly amazing.

Side note:
If anyone watches the Olympics after what went on in that ceremonial opening or whatever that was in which was shown, then it will be flat out astonishing really. If that wasn't a display of Sodom and Gomora, then we've become totally blind as to the warnings that a 2000+ year old book has been telling us about such thing's while in these latter day's now.

Either you are just plain stupid or you are part of it all, and that makes you extremely stupid because you have fallen to Satan.

Yeah well, feasting or festivity in that form or fashion is likened to the roman emperor Caligula and other such figures that are taught about in the past, so are you OK with that type of thing ? If so, then why don't you do your research as to how long those rulers lasted before their radical ways of perversion and depravity brought them down or destroyed them completely.

Letting Democrat's fall upon their own sword is always the right thing to do, because Biden had the power to fix his mistake through various mechanisms at his disposal, but him and Kamala wanted to use the border issue exactly in the way that it is now being used, and stupidly it has since put you and your fellow cultist mind's in action about it all now in these ways.

It's all in hopes to blame Republicans for that which you Democrat's broke by design.

No one is fooled anymore by you Democrat's, so do yourselves a favor by not continually making fool's out of yourselves right on and on and on.

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