Political slant on the Oscars


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
You have to listen to this all the way to the end. Zo has to be one of the smartest men on the INTERNET. If nothing else listen to the point where the liberal interview tells the SEAL that his actions were for nothing. How many times have you heard the same thing from liberals who never served one moment of their lives in service of their country?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EG9pFBKAg0w#t=445]ZoNation: Watch the Oscars...or Mannequins Dress Each Other - YouTube[/ame]
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The political slant of the Oscars and most of Hollywood burned me out some time ago.

I hardly pay any attention to them.
You have to listen to this all the way to the end. Zo has to be one of the smartest men on the INTERNET. If nothing else listen to the point where the liberal interview tells the SEAL that his actions were for nothing. How many times have you heard the same thing from liberals who never served one moment of their lives in service of their country?

ZoNation: Watch the Oscars...or Mannequins Dress Each Other - YouTube

If we do not question the wars that we send our young men and women to fight in, then we will be destined to continue sending them to fight wars that achieve nothing, again and again. If a person cannot see that the Americans who lost their lives or came home disabled for life did so for no good reason, then we have a really big problem. If we could say that going into Iraq made a very positive change for anyone, then there would be an argument, but the fact is that we changed nothing, not a single thing. In fact, things may actually be worse in Iraq now then they were before we became involved. That does not mean we do not support those who are sent there to "fight for the defense of our great country". The problem is with our leaders who send our troops into wars that have nothing to do with defending this great country.

The military has always followed the orders of Congress and the Commander in Chief, and that is as it should be. We cannot have a military that questions their orders, but it is up to those whom we elect to make smart decisions about how and when we put that military to use. Questioning things such as this does not make a person unpatriotic; in fact, I would say it is just the opposite.
I haven't watched the Oscar presentation in years because I haven't seen most of the movies being considered. Good movies are rarely made any more, at least movies I like. The movies these days too often have thin plot lines, shallow character development, and depend far too much on visual effects, as much gratuitous sex and violence and vulgar language as they can cram into it, and far too little on great acting and telling a story that draws you in and makes you laugh, feel, be inspired, or just lose yourself in a fantasy for awhile.

Movies have always reflected our culture and often include a political slant, but it is really hard to find any conservative values expressed in the movies these days.

And I could include modern pop culture music in this rant as well. I don't like much of it. :)
Conservatives should only watch entertainment produced by conservatives. Now there's some good leisure time activities. Action movies with lots of guns and explosions and that ventriloquist comedian, what's his name?
You have to listen to this all the way to the end. Zo has to be one of the smartest men on the INTERNET. If nothing else listen to the point where the liberal interview tells the SEAL that his actions were for nothing. How many times have you heard the same thing from liberals who never served one moment of their lives in service of their country?

ZoNation: Watch the Oscars...or Mannequins Dress Each Other - YouTube

If we do not question the wars that we send our young men and women to fight in, then we will be destined to continue sending them to fight wars that achieve nothing, again and again. If a person cannot see that the Americans who lost their lives or came home disabled for life did so for no good reason, then we have a really big problem. If we could say that going into Iraq made a very positive change for anyone, then there would be an argument, but the fact is that we changed nothing, not a single thing. In fact, things may actually be worse in Iraq now then they were before we became involved. That does not mean we do not support those who are sent there to "fight for the defense of our great country". The problem is with our leaders who send our troops into wars that have nothing to do with defending this great country.

The military has always followed the orders of Congress and the Commander in Chief, and that is as it should be. We cannot have a military that questions their orders, but it is up to those whom we elect to make smart decisions about how and when we put that military to use. Questioning things such as this does not make a person unpatriotic; in fact, I would say it is just the opposite.

Of course any war should be questioned to that there can not be disagreement. What we are trying to accomplish now in Afghanistan seems to be a political question. That said the interviewer in the video already had his answer and that answer was that the SEALS died for nothing. that is what the interviewer believe and should have kept to himself. As the SEAL member more or less said they were sent their to defend their country and that is what they were doing. The interviewer was a typical liberal who said what he said without one thought of the feelings of the SEAL member whose brothers were killed.

If you wish to really question the war then this interviewer should be questioning Obama, not the SEAL as he did in this video. Obama voted for that war. Obama had a surge in that war. Obama admits failure yet we are still in that war. The SEAL did his duty as he was trained, we can ask nothing more but we certainly can treat him and his brothers with respect.
I haven't watched the Oscar presentation in years because I haven't seen most of the movies being considered. Good movies are rarely made any more, at least movies I like. The movies these days too often have thin plot lines, shallow character development, and depend far too much on visual effects, as much gratuitous sex and violence and vulgar language as they can cram into it, and far too little on great acting and telling a story that draws you in and makes you laugh, feel, be inspired, or just lose yourself in a fantasy for awhile.

Movies have always reflected our culture and often include a political slant, but it is really hard to find any conservative values expressed in the movies these days.

And I could include modern pop culture music in this rant as well. I don't like much of it. :)

Agree. However, this year was one of the very best for film in decades. For example, have you seen Captain Phillips or Saving Mr. Banks?
I wonder if Obama will make a surprise cameo to draw anymore "Red Lines"?:eusa_liar:

Of course he will as will Michelle.

But I have to ask, anyone have a comment on the excellent video provided?

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