Politically correct Santa Claus is female black and lesbian and at best Muslim


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
What kind of Santa Claus liberals are pushing for?
We can see more and more a 'good' Santa Claus is black female at best with lesbian and Muslim background. Why we allow insane people steal our religion, heritage and holidays.
Interesting that leftists target Christianity only, we've never seen liberal jokes about Judaism, Islam or Buddhism

What kind of Santa Claus liberals are pushing for?
We can see more and more a 'good' Santa Claus is black female at best with lesbian and Muslim background. Why we allow insane people steal our religion, heritage and holidays.
Interesting that leftists target Christianity only, we've never seen liberal jokes about Judaism, Islam or Buddhism


atheist make joke about moslim in iran too. they dont care christian or jew.
What kind of Santa Claus liberals are pushing for?
We can see more and more a 'good' Santa Claus is black female at best with lesbian and Muslim background. Why we allow insane people steal our religion, heritage and holidays.
Interesting that leftists target Christianity only, we've never seen liberal jokes about Judaism, Islam or Buddhism


atheist make joke about moslim in iran too. they dont care christian or jew.

Because Iran is a threat for Israel.
What kind of Santa Claus liberals are pushing for?
We can see more and more a 'good' Santa Claus is black female at best with lesbian and Muslim background. Why we allow insane people steal our religion, heritage and holidays.
Interesting that leftists target Christianity only, we've never seen liberal jokes about Judaism, Islam or Buddhism


atheist make joke about moslim in iran too. they dont care christian or jew.

Because Iran is a threat for Israel.
Mainstream fake news.
What kind of Santa Claus liberals are pushing for?
We can see more and more a 'good' Santa Claus is black female at best with lesbian and Muslim background. Why we allow insane people steal our religion, heritage and holidays.
Interesting that leftists target Christianity only, we've never seen liberal jokes about Judaism, Islam or Buddhism

Hell, I'd sit on her lap ...
What kind of Santa Claus liberals are pushing for?
We can see more and more a 'good' Santa Claus is black female at best with lesbian and Muslim background. Why we allow insane people steal our religion, heritage and holidays.
Interesting that leftists target Christianity only, we've never seen liberal jokes about Judaism, Islam or Buddhism


Judaism had it's time as the cruel butt of racist jokes, in some areas it still is.

We get ready for the christmas season of love and giving, perhaps those who believe will consider the attacks on churches and death of christians around the world.

Who cares what color a santa is. Santa has become a figure loved around the world by kids of all colors and languages.

PS (sorry to burst your bubble) santa, celebrating Dec 24th/25th and decorated trees predate Jesus. >>Jeremiah 10:2-4: "Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not." (King James Version).<<

Why do christians get so worked up about a pagan celebration or how it is portrayed by differing groups?
Jesus was not even born in December. It's a false holiday, he was born around October.

It's the spirit of the season, the joy, merriment and "love" that matters.

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