Poll: 63% expect Trump reelection, up from 43%

63% expect Trump to win reelection, which is up from 43% some months ago. Try to realize the 24/7 massive effort, massive coverage, massive attempts for nearly three years in a row now to discredit Trump with fake news. Democrat candidates have been getting on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, The New York Times, Washington Post, Vogue, Cosmo, you name it, the Democrat candidates are getting blanket coverage. And yet we have this poll. The Left is insane over this.
Even the people that put out this poll say it is an outlier, super duper.
and you and your propaganda machine are lying when they say 63% expect Trump will win, actually 63% at least say it is somewhat likely that he could win LOL. Yes I'd say it's somewhat likely. But I don't expect it at all -another b******* GOP argument....

Love the way your propaganda spin works. Believing Trump re-election is somewhat likely is far from expecting it.
IMHO 2020 will be a bigger win for Trump than 2016.
1. The dems will have a weaker candidate in 2020 than "can't lose" Hillary Clinton
2. Trump is now a known quantity, and is doing a good job running the country, if you were a Trump voter in 2016, you will be one in again 2020
3. Trump will gain most of the "Never-Trump" voters based on his credible job, especially his superb judicial picks, and expect Amy Coney Barrett for RBG
4. Trump is also picking up black voters, union voters, and voters who like his no nonsense style of governing, especially his trade policies with China and strict immigration policies.
5. But the "coup-de-gras" for Trump are the many nonsensical democrat policies. He can beat them like baby seals with these crazy policies:

1. Open borders, tear down the southern border fence/wall
2. Sanctuary cities & states
3. Free college
4. Single Payer Healthcare, aka rationed healthcare, "Medicare for all"
5. Eliminate ICE and DHS, turn the US into the EU, with muslim "no go zones"
6. Promote Globalism, whatever Wall Street wants Wall Street gets, see K-Street Cash
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements, e.g tax breaks to move factories overseas
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property
10. Let NK develop nukes and ICBM delivery systems, have no one capable of dealing with NK
11. Raise taxes to 70% on the wealthy, especially on corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Opioid problem running rampant across the US
13. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
14. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
15. No new pipelines
16. No offshore drilling
17. The dems' "Central Committee" appoints super-delegates to subvert real voters in primaries
18. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
19. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
20. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
21. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump
22. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud, and promote "vote harvesting" to steal elections
23. Refuse to provide funding for border walls/security, which DHS says is desperately needed.
24. Give $Trillions to Mexico and Central America for a Marshal Plan, but not help US citizens living in tent cities
25. Impose gun control, outlaw private gun sales, outlaw AR style rifles, restrict sales of bullets, etc.
26. "Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
27. Anti-business democrat socialists caused Amazon to flee NYC taking 25,000 good paying jobs to VA
28. REPARATIONS to blacks to pay for slavery, $trillions owed by US voters
29. Excuse the murder of unwanted newborns, i.e. "infanticide"
30. Change the Electoral College to popular vote
31. All prisoners get to vote, even the Boston Marathon Bomber, so says Bernie
32. LGBTQ rights, trannys in military
33. Hunt down suspected white supremacists, increase domestic surveillance
34. Add Senators and congressmen for DC and Puerto Rico
What a load of crap. pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card that would end this GOP immigration scam.
What a load of crap. pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card that would end this GOP immigration scam.

LOL. Make the all citizens, thats what you want. FUCK THAT. Throw their fucking asses back across whatever border they came from
63% expect Trump to win reelection, which is up from 43% some months ago. Try to realize the 24/7 massive effort, massive coverage, massive attempts for nearly three years in a row now to discredit Trump with fake news. Democrat candidates have been getting on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, The New York Times, Washington Post, Vogue, Cosmo, you name it, the Democrat candidates are getting blanket coverage. And yet we have this poll. The Left is insane over this.
The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft aglay....
What a load of crap. pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card that would end this GOP immigration scam.

LOL. Make the all citizens, thats what you want. FUCK THAT. Throw their fucking asses back across whatever border they came from
That will never happen it's stupid. 94% of adult illegal males work 65% pay taxes 35% own homes. There are an intrinsic part of our economy. They were invited in by the GOP who refuse a good ID card. Obviously the criminals should be deported and you know what I mean so don't start that crap LOL
63% expect Trump to win reelection, which is up from 43% some months ago. Try to realize the 24/7 massive effort, massive coverage, massive attempts for nearly three years in a row now to discredit Trump with fake news. Democrat candidates have been getting on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, The New York Times, Washington Post, Vogue, Cosmo, you name it, the Democrat candidates are getting blanket coverage. And yet we have this poll. The Left is insane over this.
The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft aglay....
Of course that is a lie. 63% say his re-election is somewhat likely at least. Which is totally different I'm surprised it's so low. It's a hell of a lot more likely than you being elected LOL.... This thread is GOP malarkey. They spin everything and you people don't even know it.
63% expect Trump to win reelection, which is up from 43% some months ago. Try to realize the 24/7 massive effort, massive coverage, massive attempts for nearly three years in a row now to discredit Trump with fake news. Democrat candidates have been getting on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, The New York Times, Washington Post, Vogue, Cosmo, you name it, the Democrat candidates are getting blanket coverage. And yet we have this poll. The Left is insane over this.
The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft aglay....
Of course that is a lie. 63% say his re-election is somewhat likely at least. Which is totally different I'm surprised it's so low. It's a hell of a lot more likely than you being elected LOL.... This thread is GOP malarkey. They spin everything and you people don't even know it.
Are you saying EVERYBODY? Or just some? And everything? Or just some things?
63% expect Trump to win reelection, which is up from 43% some months ago. Try to realize the 24/7 massive effort, massive coverage, massive attempts for nearly three years in a row now to discredit Trump with fake news. Democrat candidates have been getting on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, The New York Times, Washington Post, Vogue, Cosmo, you name it, the Democrat candidates are getting blanket coverage. And yet we have this poll. The Left is insane over this.
The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft aglay....
Of course that is a lie. 63% say his re-election is somewhat likely at least. Which is totally different I'm surprised it's so low. It's a hell of a lot more likely than you being elected LOL.... This thread is GOP malarkey. They spin everything and you people don't even know it.
Are you saying EVERYBODY? Or just some? And everything? Or just some things?
Everyone on the GOP propaganda machine spins everything. Do you need a diagram, super duper? And never a retraction of hundreds of totally phony scandals....
The military was very strong for trump in the N.C. election tonight

That proves trump has the real power

And the crooked democrats will be charged with high treason
63% expect Trump to win reelection, which is up from 43% some months ago. Try to realize the 24/7 massive effort, massive coverage, massive attempts for nearly three years in a row now to discredit Trump with fake news. Democrat candidates have been getting on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, The New York Times, Washington Post, Vogue, Cosmo, you name it, the Democrat candidates are getting blanket coverage. And yet we have this poll. The Left is insane over this.
The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft aglay....
Of course that is a lie. 63% say his re-election is somewhat likely at least. Which is totally different I'm surprised it's so low. It's a hell of a lot more likely than you being elected LOL.... This thread is GOP malarkey. They spin everything and you people don't even know it.
Are you saying EVERYBODY? Or just some? And everything? Or just some things?
Everyone on the GOP propaganda machine spins everything. Do you need a diagram, super duper? And never a retraction of hundreds of totally phony scandals....
Spins everything? And democrats don't? I don't care for either party, they both spin, they both have serious flaws. I don't believe any poll, even if correct today, it could change tomorrow.
63% expect Trump to win reelection, which is up from 43% some months ago. Try to realize the 24/7 massive effort, massive coverage, massive attempts for nearly three years in a row now to discredit Trump with fake news. Democrat candidates have been getting on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, The New York Times, Washington Post, Vogue, Cosmo, you name it, the Democrat candidates are getting blanket coverage. And yet we have this poll. The Left is insane over this.
The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft aglay....
Of course that is a lie. 63% say his re-election is somewhat likely at least. Which is totally different I'm surprised it's so low. It's a hell of a lot more likely than you being elected LOL.... This thread is GOP malarkey. They spin everything and you people don't even know it.
Are you saying EVERYBODY? Or just some? And everything? Or just some things?
Everyone on the GOP propaganda machine spins everything. Do you need a diagram, super duper? And never a retraction of hundreds of totally phony scandals....
Spins everything? And democrats don't? I don't care for either party, they both spin, they both have serious flaws. I don't believe any poll, even if correct today, it could change tomorrow.
no Democrats don't. And when they do it's a mistake and they apologize and retract. None of which Republicans seem to be able to do at any level.... That's why it's called propaganda. Everything you know is bulshit.
The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft aglay....
Of course that is a lie. 63% say his re-election is somewhat likely at least. Which is totally different I'm surprised it's so low. It's a hell of a lot more likely than you being elected LOL.... This thread is GOP malarkey. They spin everything and you people don't even know it.
Are you saying EVERYBODY? Or just some? And everything? Or just some things?
Everyone on the GOP propaganda machine spins everything. Do you need a diagram, super duper? And never a retraction of hundreds of totally phony scandals....
Spins everything? And democrats don't? I don't care for either party, they both spin, they both have serious flaws. I don't believe any poll, even if correct today, it could change tomorrow.
no Democrats don't. And when they do it's a mistake and they apologize and retract. None of which Republicans seem to be able to do at any level.... That's why it's called propaganda. Everything you know is bulshit.
You have got to be kidding! The dems don't??? They make mistakes ON PURPOSE and don't apologize-see Blasey(who am I, who are you, where are we) Ford. We'll wait for THAT retraction. Look, I don't like either party and each side can tell me their guys would NEVER do anything wrong, but I won't believe that. Dirty is dirty and they are dirty.
63% expect Trump to win reelection, which is up from 43% some months ago. Try to realize the 24/7 massive effort, massive coverage, massive attempts for nearly three years in a row now to discredit Trump with fake news. Democrat candidates have been getting on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, The New York Times, Washington Post, Vogue, Cosmo, you name it, the Democrat candidates are getting blanket coverage. And yet we have this poll. The Left is insane over this.
The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft aglay....
Of course that is a lie. 63% say his re-election is somewhat likely at least. Which is totally different I'm surprised it's so low. It's a hell of a lot more likely than you being elected LOL.... This thread is GOP malarkey. They spin everything and you people don't even know it.
Are you saying EVERYBODY? Or just some? And everything? Or just some things?
Everyone on the GOP propaganda machine spins everything. Do you need a diagram, super duper? And never a retraction of hundreds of totally phony scandals....
Spins everything? And democrats don't? I don't care for either party, they both spin, they both have serious flaws. I don't believe any poll, even if correct today, it could change tomorrow.
The point is you said your Pole man that 63% expected Trump to win and that is why your disgraceful propaganda machine said also. But actually the poll said 63% believed that Trump re-election was at least likely. That is called spin out of all recognition
.... A lie as usual.
Of course that is a lie. 63% say his re-election is somewhat likely at least. Which is totally different I'm surprised it's so low. It's a hell of a lot more likely than you being elected LOL.... This thread is GOP malarkey. They spin everything and you people don't even know it.
Are you saying EVERYBODY? Or just some? And everything? Or just some things?
Everyone on the GOP propaganda machine spins everything. Do you need a diagram, super duper? And never a retraction of hundreds of totally phony scandals....
Spins everything? And democrats don't? I don't care for either party, they both spin, they both have serious flaws. I don't believe any poll, even if correct today, it could change tomorrow.
no Democrats don't. And when they do it's a mistake and they apologize and retract. None of which Republicans seem to be able to do at any level.... That's why it's called propaganda. Everything you know is bulshit.
You have got to be kidding! The dems don't??? They make mistakes ON PURPOSE and don't apologize-see Blasey(who am I, who are you, where are we) Ford. We'll wait for THAT retraction. Look, I don't like either party and each side can tell me their guys would NEVER do anything wrong, but I won't believe that. Dirty is dirty and they are dirty.
I don't doubt her story. He is mediocre at best. It wasn't the Democrats idea... Law enforcement and journalists around the world agree with the Democrats and believe everything you know is garbage propaganda by the way. Breaking for dupes semicolon Hillary Obama and Democrats are honest. All your phony scandals go nowhere in the real world... And no it is not a giant conspiracy of every respected person in the world LOL
The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft aglay....
Of course that is a lie. 63% say his re-election is somewhat likely at least. Which is totally different I'm surprised it's so low. It's a hell of a lot more likely than you being elected LOL.... This thread is GOP malarkey. They spin everything and you people don't even know it.
Are you saying EVERYBODY? Or just some? And everything? Or just some things?
Everyone on the GOP propaganda machine spins everything. Do you need a diagram, super duper? And never a retraction of hundreds of totally phony scandals....
Spins everything? And democrats don't? I don't care for either party, they both spin, they both have serious flaws. I don't believe any poll, even if correct today, it could change tomorrow.
no Democrats don't. And when they do it's a mistake and they apologize and retract. None of which Republicans seem to be able to do at any level.... That's why it's called propaganda. Everything you know is bulshit.
The problem is the GOP has a propaganda machine and the Democrats do not. What you call their propaganda machine is called journalism and law enforcement for crying out loud.... And they don't like garbage propaganda lies character assassination conspiracy theories about them LOL. You people are a disgrace....
The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft aglay....
Of course that is a lie. 63% say his re-election is somewhat likely at least. Which is totally different I'm surprised it's so low. It's a hell of a lot more likely than you being elected LOL.... This thread is GOP malarkey. They spin everything and you people don't even know it.
Are you saying EVERYBODY? Or just some? And everything? Or just some things?
Everyone on the GOP propaganda machine spins everything. Do you need a diagram, super duper? And never a retraction of hundreds of totally phony scandals....
Spins everything? And democrats don't? I don't care for either party, they both spin, they both have serious flaws. I don't believe any poll, even if correct today, it could change tomorrow.
The point is you said your Pole man that 63% expected Trump to win and that is why your disgraceful propaganda machine said also. But actually the poll said 63% believed that Trump re-election was at least likely. That is called spin out of all recognition
.... A lie as usual.
Are you saying EVERYBODY? Or just some? And everything? Or just some things?
Everyone on the GOP propaganda machine spins everything. Do you need a diagram, super duper? And never a retraction of hundreds of totally phony scandals....
Spins everything? And democrats don't? I don't care for either party, they both spin, they both have serious flaws. I don't believe any poll, even if correct today, it could change tomorrow.
no Democrats don't. And when they do it's a mistake and they apologize and retract. None of which Republicans seem to be able to do at any level.... That's why it's called propaganda. Everything you know is bulshit.
You have got to be kidding! The dems don't??? They make mistakes ON PURPOSE and don't apologize-see Blasey(who am I, who are you, where are we) Ford. We'll wait for THAT retraction. Look, I don't like either party and each side can tell me their guys would NEVER do anything wrong, but I won't believe that. Dirty is dirty and they are dirty.
I don't doubt her story. He is mediocre at best. It wasn't the Democrats idea... Law enforcement and journalists around the world agree with the Democrats and believe everything you know is garbage propaganda by the way. Breaking for dupes semicolon Hillary Obama and Democrats are honest. All your phony scandals go nowhere in the real world... And no it is not a giant conspiracy of every respected person in the world LOL
You believe Ford? Really? Really?
Of course that is a lie. 63% say his re-election is somewhat likely at least. Which is totally different I'm surprised it's so low. It's a hell of a lot more likely than you being elected LOL.... This thread is GOP malarkey. They spin everything and you people don't even know it.
Are you saying EVERYBODY? Or just some? And everything? Or just some things?
Everyone on the GOP propaganda machine spins everything. Do you need a diagram, super duper? And never a retraction of hundreds of totally phony scandals....
Spins everything? And democrats don't? I don't care for either party, they both spin, they both have serious flaws. I don't believe any poll, even if correct today, it could change tomorrow.
The point is you said your Pole man that 63% expected Trump to win and that is why your disgraceful propaganda machine said also. But actually the poll said 63% believed that Trump re-election was at least likely. That is called spin out of all recognition
.... A lie as usual.
Everyone on the GOP propaganda machine spins everything. Do you need a diagram, super duper? And never a retraction of hundreds of totally phony scandals....
Spins everything? And democrats don't? I don't care for either party, they both spin, they both have serious flaws. I don't believe any poll, even if correct today, it could change tomorrow.
no Democrats don't. And when they do it's a mistake and they apologize and retract. None of which Republicans seem to be able to do at any level.... That's why it's called propaganda. Everything you know is bulshit.
You have got to be kidding! The dems don't??? They make mistakes ON PURPOSE and don't apologize-see Blasey(who am I, who are you, where are we) Ford. We'll wait for THAT retraction. Look, I don't like either party and each side can tell me their guys would NEVER do anything wrong, but I won't believe that. Dirty is dirty and they are dirty.
I don't doubt her story. He is mediocre at best. It wasn't the Democrats idea... Law enforcement and journalists around the world agree with the Democrats and believe everything you know is garbage propaganda by the way. Breaking for dupes semicolon Hillary Obama and Democrats are honest. All your phony scandals go nowhere in the real world... And no it is not a giant conspiracy of every respected person in the world LOL
You believe Ford? Really? Really?
She is a very respected woman and yes I do. The non brainwashed are like that....
Are you saying EVERYBODY? Or just some? And everything? Or just some things?
Everyone on the GOP propaganda machine spins everything. Do you need a diagram, super duper? And never a retraction of hundreds of totally phony scandals....
Spins everything? And democrats don't? I don't care for either party, they both spin, they both have serious flaws. I don't believe any poll, even if correct today, it could change tomorrow.
The point is you said your Pole man that 63% expected Trump to win and that is why your disgraceful propaganda machine said also. But actually the poll said 63% believed that Trump re-election was at least likely. That is called spin out of all recognition
.... A lie as usual.
Spins everything? And democrats don't? I don't care for either party, they both spin, they both have serious flaws. I don't believe any poll, even if correct today, it could change tomorrow.
no Democrats don't. And when they do it's a mistake and they apologize and retract. None of which Republicans seem to be able to do at any level.... That's why it's called propaganda. Everything you know is bulshit.
You have got to be kidding! The dems don't??? They make mistakes ON PURPOSE and don't apologize-see Blasey(who am I, who are you, where are we) Ford. We'll wait for THAT retraction. Look, I don't like either party and each side can tell me their guys would NEVER do anything wrong, but I won't believe that. Dirty is dirty and they are dirty.
I don't doubt her story. He is mediocre at best. It wasn't the Democrats idea... Law enforcement and journalists around the world agree with the Democrats and believe everything you know is garbage propaganda by the way. Breaking for dupes semicolon Hillary Obama and Democrats are honest. All your phony scandals go nowhere in the real world... And no it is not a giant conspiracy of every respected person in the world LOL
You believe Ford? Really? Really?
She is a very respected woman and yes I do. The non brainwashed are like that....
But her story is also growing less believable by the day. Here are eight reasons why it’s hardly “anti-woman” for senators to question her account at Thursday’s hearing:

1) For starters, Ford still can’t recall basic details of what she says was the most traumatic event in her life. Not where the “assault” took place — she’s not sure whose house it was, or even what street it was on. Nor when — she’s not even sure of the year, let alone the day and month.

Ford’s not certain how old she was or what grade she was in when she says an older student violently molested her. (But she doesn’t plead inebriation: She described having just “one beer” at the party.)

2) Ford concedes she told no one what happened to her at the time, not even her best friend or mother. That means she can rely on no contemporaneous witness to corroborate her story.

3) Worse, the four other people she identified as attending the party, including Kavanaugh, all deny knowledge of the gathering in question, including Leland Ingham Keyser, who she calls a “lifelong friend.”

Keyser’s lawyer told the Senate Judiciary Committee: “Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with or without Dr. Ford.”

The other two potential witnesses — Mark Judge and Patrick “P.J.” Smyth — also deny any recollection of attending such a party. The committee took their sworn statements “under penalty of perjury.” “These witnesses directly contradict Professor Ford’s allegations against Judge Kavanaugh,” Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley advised Ford’s attorneys last week.


In her original letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Ford claimed that Kavanaugh talked to Keyser and Smyth right after he assaulted her. Yet neither shares her memory.

This is, to say the least, highly problematic for her case. No witness corroborates any part of her story.

4) Her own immediate family doesn’t appear to be backing her up, either. Her mother, father and two siblings are all conspicuously absent from a letter of support released by a dozen relatives, mostly on her husband’s side of the family.

The letter attests to her honesty and integrity. “Why didn’t her parents and brothers sign the letter?” a congressional source familiar with the investigation wondered.

5) This summer, Ford tried to reach out to old friends from high school and college to jog her memory. They couldn’t help her. “I’ve been trying to forget this all my life, and now I’m supposed to remember every little detail,” Ford complained to one friend in July, according to an account in The San Jose Mercury News.

6) Yet she still pushed forward with her bombshell charge, contacting The Washington Post tip line and Democratic lawmakers, while hiring a Democratic activist lawyer. Ford is also a Democrat, as well as an anti-Trump marcher, raising questions about the motive and timing of the allegations along with their veracity.

7) Ford contends that notes her therapist took in 2012 corroborate her account. But they don’t mention Kavanaugh.

They also point up inconsistencies in her story. For instance, her shrink noted that Ford told her there were “four boys” in the bedroom, not two as she now says. The notes also indicate Ford said she was in her “late teens” when she was assaulted. But Ford now says she may have been only 15.

8) In another inconsistency, Ford told The Washington Post she was upset when Trump won in 2016, because Kavanaugh was mentioned as a Supreme Court pick. But Kavanaugh wasn’t added to Trump’s list of possibles until November 2017, a full year later.

On top of all that, Kavanaugh “unequivocally denied Dr. Ford’s allegations . . . under penalty of perjury” during a Sept. 17 interview with committee lawyers, Grassley said, adding he was “forthright and emphatic in his testimony” and “fully answered all questions.”

The sworn interview will no doubt be used to test the consistency and veracity of his public statements Thursday.

Yet Democrats have already tried and convicted Kavanaugh of sexual assault. Without hard evidence, without substantiation, some even go beyond Ford’s claims to call him an out-and-out “rapist,” “sexual predator,” even a “child predator.”

As a result, Kavanaugh and his family, “including his two young daughters, have faced serious death threats and vicious assaults,” Grassley said. “And they’re getting worse each day.”

Ford, who also has received threats, is by all accounts a respected scientific researcher in the field of psychology with an impressive pedigree. While that makes her credible, the same can’t be said for her story. Unless she can fill in the many holes, Kavanaugh still deserves the presumption of innocence.

8 good reasons from the New York Post. I also saw some racy pictures she posted at her "rape" age, but that would be accusing her of something without presumption of innocence.

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