Poll: 70% have unfavorable opinion of Trump

Trump has gotten more votes than any other R primary candidate in over the last 30 years.

And this is with the RINO establishment running against him.The proof is in the pudding. Not in a CNN poll.

Trump has gotten more votes than any other R primary candidate in over the last 30 years.

And this is with the RINO establishment running against him.


A clear demonstration of the desperate state of the Republican Party. :0) thanks
Who the fuck cares about your skewed poll?
Hi Dean, back to embarrass yourself again?

ZOMG!!! Progressive don't like Trump!!

ZOMG!!! He's gotsta change and be more likable to Progressives -- he's just gotsta!

REPUBLICANS don't like Trump .. and progressives like him just the way he is. :lol:

Republicans Run From Donald Trump's Orlando Response
Republicans Run From Donald Trump's Orlando Response

Top Republicans join Obama in condemning Trump’s words
Top Republicans join Obama in condemning Trump’s words
Who the fuck cares about your skewed poll?
Hi Dean, back to embarrass yourself again?

ZOMG!!! Progressive don't like Trump!!

ZOMG!!! He's gotsta change and be more likable to Progressives -- he's just gotsta!

REPUBLICANS don't like Trump .. and progressives like him just the way he is. :lol:

Republicans Run From Donald Trump's Orlando Response
Republicans Run From Donald Trump's Orlando Response

Top Republicans join Obama in condemning Trump’s words
Top Republicans join Obama in condemning Trump’s words

LOL fucking losers.
Who the fuck cares about your skewed poll?
Hi Dean, back to embarrass yourself again?

ZOMG!!! Progressive don't like Trump!!

ZOMG!!! He's gotsta change and be more likable to Progressives -- he's just gotsta!

REPUBLICANS don't like Trump .. and progressives like him just the way he is. :lol:

Republicans Run From Donald Trump's Orlando Response
Republicans Run From Donald Trump's Orlando Response

Top Republicans join Obama in condemning Trump’s words
Top Republicans join Obama in condemning Trump’s words

LOL fucking losers.

Zomg! We lost Starkey "Republicans"

For every Starkey vote we lose, 10 real American Conservatives come out to vote.

Trump will take that deal all day and night
Zomg! We lost Starkey "Republicans"

For every Starkey vote we lose, 10 real American Conservatives come out to vote.

Trump will take that deal all day and night

yeah, WOO HOO..

the pissant conservatives will make up for all the Hispanic,Black, and Women voters he WON'T get.

Donnie looses.

Who is that in the picture?
A rich Muslim. A rich American and his wife. I mean his daughter. She'd be his wife if she wasn't his daughter.

The rich American opened a resort with the rich Muslim in a Muslim country where they hate gays and oppress women and live under Sharia law. A resort seven times the size of the Pentagon.

They have the death penalty for homosexuality there. Two thumbs up!
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I tend to find half of all conservatives kind of stupid so I have an unfavorable opinion of most of the republican party. I realize that the people who become conservative are former liberals trying to defend to the capitalist system. The people who we call 'liberals' now are at least willing to try new things even though most of their new things comes out of the socialist playbook. What I hate most about how the republican party right now is how they are systematically ensuring that Donald Trump has zero support going into the election. They all agree with democratic talking points and if I didn't know better they were all colluding with each other on this since they say the same thing about Donald Trump. Democrats are power hungry. It is a part of the fascist idealogy but I never thought republicans would be so beligerant and pissed off that they lost that they are willing to put Hillary into office. What is the point of having a republican party if they refuse to embrace a liberal idealogy and what is the point of having a democratic party that is willing to embrace the commnunist way of life? America is going to be fucked for a long time and I fear that the only thing that will correct the system is the continued economic pain that is going to happen for a generation or two. I hope the millenial generation gets use to the idea of working at McDonalds as a career.
Who the fuck cares about your skewed poll?

Can you present evidence that it's skewed?

Have you notice FOx news polls tend to go to the right and CNN goes to the left? It is a pattern that is caused by the fact that even audiences are bias. Liberals watch MSNBC as if it were bible and conservatives watch FOX news because it is the only thing that isn't biased against them. Now take a sample from your perspective audience and see where your results go.
Donald Trump favorability: 7 in 10 have unfavorable view - CNNPolitics.com

Nobody gets elected to the White House when 7 of 10 Americans have an unfavorable opinion of that candidate .. including Donald Trump

but that Pole, I mean Poll is a lie!

Ask anyone that is voting for Trump and they will tell you how America loves him and they're the majority even if they are the minority...

The fact is Trump is hated but Clinton is not any better in my eyes...

Clinton is the lesser evil .. which is all the Democratic Party is.

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