POLL: Should Obama drop out--so the DNC can pick another Presidential candidate?

Should Obama drop out now--so the DNC can nominate another President candidate?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 60.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
I thought I would poll people--as I know many of you voted for Barack Obama in 2008--and have since have changed your opinion. Everyone knows that Hillary Clinton was kicked to the curb for Barack Obama.

We are seeing the left wing of the democrat party cave in on their support--with moderate democrats starting to support more conservative candidates--and everyone is complaining about Obama's failed economic policies.

It appears that the fat lady is starting to hum loudly--and Obama's chances for winning re-election are not good. According to a recent Gallop poll Obama's economic approval is clear down to 26%--and he broke through the 40% mark--now down to 39% on his overall job approval rating.

So would you prefer that he drops out now--so the DNC can pick another candidate to run against the GOP candidate? Or do you want stick it out with Barack Obama? Just a reminder to everyone--when Carter was failing--Ted Kennedy ran against him for the nomination.
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Absolutely not. This is coming from someone who want's him to Lose. I think it is important that America Reject his Polices at the Ballot Box and send him home. If he drops out the left will always argue we will never know, he Might have been Re-Elected.

No sorry, he needs to run and a sound Fiscal Conservative needs to win. We need that message sent.
The only other declared Democratic candidate is Randall Terry, whose just a self-destructive anti-abortion nut job who wants to "challenge" Obama for the presidency. So, no.
Does it really matter?

Either Obama or Hillary will crush the bunch of lightweights the Republicans are running
The President should decline to seek re-nomination. But he has zero integrity, so he will run, instead.

If the rest of the Democratics had a lick of sense, they would mount a primary contest to deny the loser his bid for re-nomination.

But, what they lack in sense, they also lack in nadz.

They are going to willfully permit the loser to seize re-nomination uncontested and then watch, mutely, stupidly, dumbly, ignorantly, and in their bewildered fashion as he gets creamed in the General Election.

Fine by me. I just wish that his eventual opponent had some actual conservative credentials and integrity. I am a little underwhelmed by his opposition field at present, however.
The simple fact of the matter is Republicans have the best chance of winning if it's Republican VS Obama... Or at least that is at this time, lots can change. Obama's base has shifted away from him at this point, dramatically.

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