POLL: Student loans and grants for for-profit universities.

Should federal loans and grants be allowed to be used for for-profit schools?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • No

    Votes: 4 50.0%
  • Should depend on the particular school's record of post-graduate achievement

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • I'm a wackjob who thinks the government should only pay for bombs

    Votes: 1 12.5%

  • Total voters
I'm opposed to taxdollars funding anyones college education.

If you want to go to college go get your own loan or get a job.
For profit schools are currently nothing more than a scam. Their degrees are mostly useless and they charge you an arm and a leg above what a traditional college would.
I am guessing all the libtards who will respond to this thread don't believe all those tenured Leftist professors in public and private colleges are working 'for-profit.'

The poll is flawed.
It is not a simple black and white question.
The question should be - should there be a (FAR) more critical eye concerning government grants (taxpayer funded) for tuition in ANY college/university.
Should said students have to maintain attendance requirements, should a criminal conviction be an automatic grant withdrawal etc. etc.
I'm opposed to taxdollars funding anyones college education.

If you want to go to college go get your own loan or get a job.

Wow. So you're against public colleges and universities entirely.

Where did you go to college?
The poll is flawed.
It is not a simple black and white question.
The question should be - should there be a (FAR) more critical eye concerning government grants (taxpayer funded) for tuition in ANY college/university.
Should said students have to maintain attendance requirements, should a criminal conviction be an automatic grant withdrawal etc. etc.

Presntly you'll lose your grant if you're caught smoking weed but not if you murder someone in cold blood.

Figure that one out.
For profit schools are currently nothing more than a scam. Their degrees are mostly useless and they charge you an arm and a leg above what a traditional college would.

I know a guy who went to one where you get to keep your school bought laptop when you graduate. Only really you bought it since its entirely funded out of your tuition. He said that was the only thing of value he got from the school. He blows glass for a living -same as before school
End the government monopoly on affordable education. Skyrocketing costs, shitty results...sounds like government meddling to me.
I'm opposed to taxdollars funding anyones college education.

If you want to go to college go get your own loan or get a job.

Wow. So you're against public colleges and universities entirely.

Where did you go to college?

No. I'm against bankrolling those who want to go to college.

If you want to go to college then get a job or go get a loan.

No reason we taxpayers should be on the hook for anyones college degree.

Never went to college but if I did I'd have payed my own way.
No reason we taxpayers should be on the hook for anyones college degree.

So true. And the fact we are on the hook is one of the big reasons why the cost of education outpaces the rate of inflation...by a lot.
End the government monopoly on affordable education. Skyrocketing costs, shitty results...sounds like government meddling to me.

Tuition is rising most quickly at public institutions where the invidivual states have been subsidizing at lower and lower ammounts, that's the primary reason why public university tuitions are skyrocketing.

Its also quite simply more expensive to educate people these days. Computers are a lot more expensive than slide rules, and the equipment for power point presentations more expensive than black boards

To attribute skyrocketing tuition to the availability of loans ignores the fact that the majority of these loans go to non-profit institutions with no motive to make more money for only the sake of profit.
I'm opposed to taxdollars funding anyones college education.

If you want to go to college go get your own loan or get a job.

Wow. So you're against public colleges and universities entirely.

Where did you go to college?

No. I'm against bankrolling those who want to go to college.

If you want to go to college then get a job or go get a loan.

No reason we taxpayers should be on the hook for anyones college degree.

Never went to college but if I did I'd have payed my own way.

What state do you live in?
No reason we taxpayers should be on the hook for anyones college degree.

So true. And the fact we are on the hook is one of the big reasons why the cost of education outpaces the rate of inflation...by a lot.

The cost of education is simply being moved from the state to the students, that's the primary reason tuitions are going up. You should be happy about that. If wackos like you had your way tuition at an average college would be 30k a year.
No reason we taxpayers should be on the hook for anyones college degree.

So true. And the fact we are on the hook is one of the big reasons why the cost of education outpaces the rate of inflation...by a lot.

The cost of education is simply being moved from the state to the students, that's the primary reason tuitions are going up. You should be happy about that. If wackos like you had your way tuition at an average college would be 30k a year.

Sorry pal but your understand of economics is severely lacking. How in the world is the cost of education "being moved from the state to students" when student loans are now backed by taxpayers as governments pour more and more taxpayer money into education?

What you fail to understand is that when government distorts the market by providing financial assistance, funding, grants and guaranteeing loans, the market raises their prices well in excess of the overall rate of inflation.

Think of it this way: Let's say you own a business that sells hamburgers. You have to compete with other hamburger joints to find that balance of price to the quality of your product/service. Your customers either respond to your offering or go elsewhere. Therefore, you watch your price and offerings VERY closely.

Now, if government began giving your customers money to buy hamburgers, you and your competitors could, and would, raise your prices without effecting the traditional demand. That's what's happening to education. Now imagine the government not only gave your customer's money, but they also gave them loans to buy hamburgers and they also gave you and your competitors money to expand your hamburger stands. This would result in more false supply to meet the false demand. The result is even higher prices.
To attribute skyrocketing tuition to the availability of loans ignores the fact that the majority of these loans go to non-profit institutions with no motive to make more money for only the sake of profit.

Doesn't matter. When demand is distorted with other people's money, the suppliers raise their prices. Happens every time.

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