Pompeo reminds the world that the United States and Israel are above the law.

Palestine was offered the ideal settlement in the late 60's that would have settled this and given them a big hunk of the land, statehood and lasting peace by the UN. They and the other muslims of the region passed. Now they got shit. One day, they won't even have that. Armenia 101.
To refresh your fuzzy memory;
The Naksa: How Israel occupied the whole of Palestine in 1967
Hey, Traitors, the Jihad Is Real and Israel Is Our Shield

They never should have given an inch back of the territory they won in that Survival of the Fittest war.
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Neither the US nor Israel recognize the ICC's jurisdiction in this issue, so any attempt by the ICC to impose its will will be seen as a criminal action and responded to as such.
War crimes in Afghanistan or anywhere else are a global issue.
Rudyard Kipling's Ignored Warning:

When you're wounded and left
On Afghanistan's plains
And the women come out
To cut up your remains
Just roll to your rifle
And blow out your brains
And go to your God like a soldier.
US hero Pat Tillman thought Iraq war was 'imperial folly'
Good for Bolton. He's a Patriot.
If he starts WW3 and we're all dead, I'm sure there'll be a statue of him as a reminder to our ghosts.
Don't worry, you're not gonna die. We're gonna protect you.
The Hushpuppy Generation

Draft them and let them protect themselves. Two years of active duty before going to college.
If they don't have a dog in the fight, they will always be yelping puppies.
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View attachment 251428

Israel is the bad guy?

Does Israel's charter call for the genocide of any other nation? No. Their enemies' do.

Israel is the bad guy?

Every one of those bases are legally negotiated bases, where US troops were invited, unlike the troops being pulled out of Syria, sent to invade Syria under Obama.

The US President needs no approval to defend America and attack ISIS, a viral offshoot of al Qaeda.
The US President needs no approval to defend America and attack ISIS, a viral offshoot of al Qaeda.
Actually the beginning of ISIS was among the Sunni prisoners being held at the beginning of the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 - 2004.
The US President needs no approval to defend America and attack ISIS, a viral offshoot of al Qaeda.
Actually the beginning of ISIS was among the Sunni prisoners being held at the beginning of the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 - 2004.
Bullshit. There was no ISIS until Obama pulled out of Iraq and cut the funding for the Sunni Militias Petraeus had created, trained and funded to fight al Qaeda. When Obama took office there was no ISIS and al Qaeda was reduced to being no more than a nuisance.
The US President needs no approval to defend America and attack ISIS, a viral offshoot of al Qaeda.
1. The President needs approval to invade a sovereign nation.

2. ISIS is NOT an 'off-shoot' of al Qaeda. Educate yourself.
The US President needs no approval to defend America and attack ISIS, a viral offshoot of al Qaeda.
Actually the beginning of ISIS was among the Sunni prisoners being held at the beginning of the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 - 2004.
Bullshit. There was no ISIS until Obama pulled out of Iraq and cut the funding for the Sunni Militias Petraeus had created, trained and funded to fight al Qaeda. When Obama took office there was no ISIS and al Qaeda was reduced to being no more than a nuisance.
We're both right actually.

The group's roots are in the Sunni terror group al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), started in 2004 by Jordanian Islamist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. It was a major player in the insurgency against the US-led forces that toppled Saddam Hussein in 2003, and against the Shiite-dominated government that eventually replaced Hussein.
Here's how ISIS was really founded - CNN
You do realize that God curses those that curse Israel and blesses those that bless Israel, correct?

You should also realize that when Christ returns to Earth he will bathe in the blood of all those who oppose Israel and oppose God, and who will be worshipping The Antichrist and have taken his mark.

Complete and utter destruction will be rained down upon the heads of all Nations who oppose God and Israel in the End Times. The destruction will be so complete that the Blood will run 4 feet deep like a river.

And then comes Eternal Hell for those whom he has destroyed.

Christ will rule from Jerusalem after he has destroyed Evil from the Earth. Pray and repent that you will not be numbered with such people.

Nothing you say or so is going to stop that or remove Israel from the face of the Earth.

In an effort to threaten everyone into not investigating US or Israeli war crimes in the International Criminal Court, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says anyone involved in such probes will lose their visa and may be sanctioned.

The Washington war hawk said that action had to be taken because any investigation into alleged war crimes and torture committed by the United States would be a threat to US rule of law. Visas will be pulled or denied for anyone who has been involved in or even requested an ICC investigation of “any US personnel.

The ICC is currently mulling over a request to investigate possible war crimes committed by the US in Afghanistan in the course of the nearly 20-year conflict which has left over 100,000 Afghans dead. The international court prosecutor’s office says it has “reasonable basis” to believe that “war crimes and crimes against humanity” were, and continue to be, committed by foreign government forces in Afghanistan.

Pompeo openly stated that the action was intended to get the court to drop the potential investigation, and that Washington was ready to further increase the pressure if they don’t do as he says.

We are prepared to take additional steps, including economic sanctions, if the ICC does not change course,” he said.
'Change your course!': Pompeo threatens ICC over US war crimes probe

Here are some more links for the Russia Derangement Syndrome crowd whose masters tell them RT is bad.

US bars entry to International Criminal Court investigators

US to deny visas for ICC members investigating alleged war crimes
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The US President needs no approval to defend America and attack ISIS, a viral offshoot of al Qaeda.
Actually the beginning of ISIS was among the Sunni prisoners being held at the beginning of the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 - 2004.
Bullshit. There was no ISIS until Obama pulled out of Iraq and cut the funding for the Sunni Militias Petraeus had created, trained and funded to fight al Qaeda. When Obama took office there was no ISIS and al Qaeda was reduced to being no more than a nuisance.
We're both right actually.

The group's roots are in the Sunni terror group al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), started in 2004 by Jordanian Islamist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. It was a major player in the insurgency against the US-led forces that toppled Saddam Hussein in 2003, and against the Shiite-dominated government that eventually replaced Hussein.
Here's how ISIS was really founded - CNN
There was no ISIS when Obama took office. ISIS was formed by some of the more radical Islamic terrorists affiliated with al Qaeda after Obama pulled out of Iraq and cut funding for the Sunni militias that had, with US logistical support, rendered al Qaeda nearly non existent. It would be fair to say that Obama created ISIS and President Trump defeated ISIS.
The US President needs no approval to defend America and attack ISIS, a viral offshoot of al Qaeda.
Actually the beginning of ISIS was among the Sunni prisoners being held at the beginning of the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 - 2004.
Bullshit. There was no ISIS until Obama pulled out of Iraq and cut the funding for the Sunni Militias Petraeus had created, trained and funded to fight al Qaeda. When Obama took office there was no ISIS and al Qaeda was reduced to being no more than a nuisance.

When Obama took office Isis had already been in a Iraq for four years

ISIS originally formed in 2004 from the remnants of Saddam’s Palace Guard. Bush’s men fired all of the Iraqi military leadership but let them keep their weapons.

History of ISIS | since911.com

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