Pope Immunity: Vatican Will Protect Benedict From Sexual Abuse Prosecution


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Pope Immunity: Vatican Will Protect Benedict From Sexual Abuse Prosecution

Finally we're getting to the bottom of this.

Sadly, the church has covered up so many scandals around the world, that the Pope (who covered up many when he was a Cardinal) will never step foot outside the vatican.

(Reuters) - Pope Benedict's decision to live in the Vatican after he resigns will provide him with security and privacy. It will also offer legal protection from any attempt to prosecute him in connection with sexual abuse cases around the world, Church sources and legal experts say.

"His continued presence in the Vatican is necessary, otherwise he might be defenseless. He wouldn't have his immunity, his prerogatives, his security, if he is anywhere else," said one Vatican official, speaking on condition of anonymity.

"It is absolutely necessary" that he stays in the Vatican, said the source, adding that Benedict should have a "dignified existence" in his remaining years.

Vatican sources said officials had three main considerations in deciding that Benedict should live in a convent in the Vatican after he resigns on February 28.
I think it's a little late for him to go the dignity route.

Hopefully some papal prole will slip a dose of poison in his strained carrots.
Secret Sex Scandal Report Behind Pope Resignation?...
Money, Sex Scandal May Be Linked to Pope's Resignation
Feb 21, 2013 - Pope Benedict XVI’s abrupt resignation was prompted by a secret report revealing sex and graft scandals inside the Vatican, according to the Italian daily La Repubblica.
“The Pope decided to step down the week before Christmas,” the newspaper wrote. Relying on an unnamed Vatican source, La Repubblica revealed that on December 17 three cardinals presented the pontiff with the “Relationem,” a 300-page report which investigated allegations brought up last year by the so-called Vatileaks scandal. Last autumn Benedict’s butler, Paolo Gabriele, was found guilty of having stolen confidential documents from the papal apartment. Commissioned by Benedict himself, the report was prepared by Cardinals Julian Herranz, Salvatore De Giorgi and Josef Tomko, the former chief of the Vatican’s secret services.

The Relationem, consisting of two red, leatherbound volumes, contained the “exact map of the mischief and the bad fish” inside the Holy See, according to La Repubblica. “It all revolves around the breach of the sixth and seventh commandments,” the newspaper quoted its source, a man described as being very close to the three authors of the report. The seventh commandment — “thou shalt not steal” — would refer to the affairs of the Vatican Bank, IOR, which is under investigation for money laundering. The Relationem would also contain plenty of details on the breaking of the sixth commandment — “thou shall not commit adultery” or “impure actions.”

According to La Repubblica, some high-ranking members of the clergy were blackmailed by laymen with whom they entertain relationships of “worldly nature.” The Italian newspaper mentioned a gay network which organized sexual encounters in villas and saunas in Rome as well as in the Vatican rooms. Benedict, who in the past called gay people a “defect of human nature” and gay marriages a “threat to world peace,” admitted last week in his last public Mass that “the face of the church is, at times, disfigured.” According to La Repubblica, Benedict will privately meet the three authors of the report on the last day of his papacy. The Relationem will be handed over to the new Pope.

Like anyone really thought we'd let you arrest the pope. :rolleyes:

I don't know who "we" is but, just like most rw's, the pope and Catholic church care a hell of a lot more about fetuses than they do children.

(Actually, as we all know, they don't give a flip about fetuses either. Watch their action and its very apparent that they just want to control women.)

But, you're right that the pope will never pay for his crimes any more than the pedophile priests will. Their victims got a life sentence but the church cares only about money. The pope (and cardinals) live in incredible wealth and nothing can be allowed to threaten that.
Aww, can't prosecute the Pope for crimes he didn't commit.

How will liberals cope.

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