Porn in the USA: Conservatives are biggest consumers


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
Well, so much for the myth that Liberals are the biggest supporters of porn.

No wonder why Nailin Paylin did so well. :razz:

Porn in the USA: Conservatives are biggest consumers - science-in-society - 27 February 2009 - New Scientist

However, there are some trends to be seen in the data. Those states that do consume the most porn tend to be more conservative and religious than states with lower levels of consumption, the study finds.

"Some of the people who are most outraged turn out to be consumers of the very things they claimed to be outraged by," Edelman says.

Religious people hypocrites? :eek:

I am shocked! Oh wait...:eusa_eh:

The biggest consumer, Utah, averaged 5.47 adult content subscriptions per 1000 home broadband users; Montana bought the least with 1.92 per 1000. "The differences here are not so stark," Edelman says.

Number 10 on the list was West Virginia at 2.94 subscriptions per 1000, while number 41, Michigan, averaged 2.32.

Eight of the top 10 pornography consuming states gave their electoral votes to John McCain in last year's presidential election – Florida and Hawaii were the exceptions. While six out of the lowest 10 favoured Barack Obama.

Mormons get the gold! :clap2:

But McCain supporters get the silver. :cool:

Church-goers bought less online porn on Sundays – a 1% increase in a postal code's religious attendance was associated with a 0.1% drop in subscriptions that day. However, expenditures on other days of the week brought them in line with the rest of the country, Edelman finds.

Residents of 27 states that passed laws banning gay marriages boasted 11% more porn subscribers than states that don't explicitly restrict gay marriage.

But at least they kept their religious values. :eusa_angel:

States where a majority of residents agreed with the statement "I have old-fashioned values about family and marriage," bought 3.6 more subscriptions per thousand people than states where a majority disagreed. A similar difference emerged for the statement "AIDS might be God's punishment for immoral sexual behaviour."

This speaks for itself.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Edit: I like the name the pdf file gives it. Start calling them the Red Light States. :lol:
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LOL! You can't really be surprised, though. Conservatives only enjoy sex when they have an imaginary partner.
LOL! You can't really be surprised, though. Conservatives only enjoy sex when they have an imaginary partner.

Well least they're having sex with somebody that probably doesn't hate them,
Why would people pay for porn? You can find it for free. The Naughty America stuff is all over limewire, and there's always

Porn can be a positive thing so long as you don't feel guilty about it, and so long as your partner isn't uptight about it, if you have one. It can become a problem if you decide to look at porn instead of pleasing your partner, though. But if can be a great outlet if you have different levels of sexual energy, so to speak, on any given day or week.
Why would people pay for porn? You can find it for free. The Naughty America stuff is all over limewire, and there's always

Porn can be a positive thing so long as you don't feel guilty about it, and so long as your partner isn't uptight about it, if you have one. It can become a problem if you decide to look at porn instead of pleasing your partner, though. But if can be a great outlet if you have different levels of sexual energy, so to speak, on any given day or week.

Now see, that's common sense talking.

However, many of these people are saying one thing and doing another. Which makes this irony so much more delicious. Saying we should keep traditional family values, porn is evil and ruining society, etc among other things is one's opinion. However, it makes one hypocritical if they are looking at even more then those "society ruining Liberals" they foam at the mouth about or really at all.
Why would people pay for porn? You can find it for free. The Naughty America stuff is all over limewire, and there's always

Porn can be a positive thing so long as you don't feel guilty about it, and so long as your partner isn't uptight about it, if you have one. It can become a problem if you decide to look at porn instead of pleasing your partner, though. But if can be a great outlet if you have different levels of sexual energy, so to speak, on any given day or week.

Now see, that's common sense talking.

However, many of these people are saying one thing and doing another. Which makes this irony so much more delicious. Saying we should keep traditional family values, porn is evil and ruining society, etc among other things is one's opinion. However, it makes one hypocritical if they are looking at even more then those "society ruining Liberals" they foam at the mouth about or really at all.

True, but hypocrisy doesn't surprise me when they advocate for social policy that's in direct opposition to human nature.
Liberal hypocrisy bothers me more, but to each their own ......

Liberal hypocracy bothers me more, too.

I have higher expectation for liberals, but they seldom fail to disappoint me.
And this partisan GARBAGE belongs in the POLITICAL section WHY?!
Why would people pay for porn? You can find it for free. The Naughty America stuff is all over limewire, and there's always

Porn can be a positive thing so long as you don't feel guilty about it, and so long as your partner isn't uptight about it, if you have one. It can become a problem if you decide to look at porn instead of pleasing your partner, though. But if can be a great outlet if you have different levels of sexual energy, so to speak, on any given day or week.

I admit to being an avid viewer of porn. When my wife was alive, we would watch together at times; not all the time, but on ocassion. After she died, porn was an outlet for me as I wasn't ready to start in on a new relationship right away. Even now, being in a relationship, I still view porn because my girlfriend and I don't get to spend as much time together as we would like. So yes, I think porn can be a positive thing.

Now for the flipside. Many of the women involved in porn are involved for all the wrong reasons, and many times, they are forced into this. Drug addiction among many of these woman is extremely high. Many of these women don't even know how they ended up in this industry. I imagine things are somewhat better than they used to be, with HIV being such a concern. At least most of the women and men involved in porn are now tested regularly and are more aware of the potential dangers of having sex with so many different partners.
People are human so hypocrisy will happen. I don't know that's fair to say that just because a state is red that it's conservatives that are buying the product. That's making an assumption that I don't think we have data to support.

But, even if you believe it's conservatives that are buying it that doesn't mean it's the same conservatives that are lobbying for the social policies that liberals find objectionable. I've known many conservatives that were very sexually progressive.
All I see is that the people who claim to be oppossed to immoraltity think about it ALL the TIME.

Charlie Bass is the best example of that on this board.

the man claims to hate homosexuality yet he appears to think about it more than any gay man I've ever known.
People are human so hypocrisy will happen. I don't know that's fair to say that just because a state is red that it's conservatives that are buying the product. That's making an assumption that I don't think we have data to support.

I agree, there is no way of knowing who is buying the porn...

Either way though, porn rates are higher in general in these republican leaning states...whether they are liberals or conservatives... buying it more there than in liberal states still has some correlation imo.

Whether it be liberals frustrated moreso, by living in that conservative leaning state, or it be conservatives frustrated moreso, by their own standards imposed upon the state.

But, even if you believe it's conservatives that are buying it that doesn't mean it's the same conservatives that are lobbying for the social policies that liberals find objectionable. I've known many conservatives that were very sexually progressive.

It may not be the ''same'' ones, but they certainly are a SILENT minority/majority, when it comes to their voting block's positions on conservative social issues....don't you think?

This whole study is a FARCE... but it doesn't surprise me that a lib like bobbie buys into it. It's pure partisan garbage.

The study goes by broadband internet connections and zip codes. They're guessing these zip codes contain conservatives, but, BUT, and that's a HUGE but, there is NO WAY this bogus 'study' has to know what the buyers of porn are, liberal or conservative, THEY WERE NOT ASKED! The whole fucking premise of this 'conservatives buy more porn' hyperbole is nothing more than pure partisan hack fraudulence.
Does anyone really care who looks at porn and/or for what reason? Pretty much everyone has in their life, at some point. To deny it is like saying you don't need air to breathe.

And Roberto, your "study" is a farce. Red states can be larger states in general, with a higher population of people. Just because the majority of them voted republican, doesn't mean they have their voter ticket in one hand, and a subscription to Playboy in the other.

In fact, my guess is that you've surfed for it more within the last 48 hours, than most people have here all week, given your age.
Conservatives buy more say that like it's a bad thing :lol:

it's like the bumper sticker says.."The only normal people are the ones you don't know yet"

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