Trump says oceans expected to rise then 1/100 inch in the next 300 years. Then he said 1/8 (both are big lies. The number is much higher)

Can anyone tell me?

if all the ice on earth melted, how much would the sea rise?

What is the rate of sea level rise?

If I owned a beach front house, how long till it would be under water?
Faster!! OMG! So fast, Øbama's chef drowned at Øbama's property.

Forcing Øbama to sell his seaside property for pennies on the dollar. What was he thinking buying seaside property?
The only ice I care about melting is the ice in my scotch.

It's a sin to dilute good scotch.

I take my scotch neat for a reason. It's a sin to water down a Macallan 18!
10,000 years ago the ocean was 300 feet lower than it is now. 300 feet! And people were living just fine in places like Southern California.
Trump is such a liar the he changes his lies as he goes.

In the next 30 years alone, ocean levels are expected to rise 10 inches. That’s 1000 times higher than Trump’s made up number, and that’s only in the next 30 years; let alone 300 years.

In short Trump pulled the number out of his ass.

“Facts First: Trump’s claims about sea levels are not remotely close to accurate. As the federal National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has noted, the global sea level is currently rising at about 1/8th of an inch per year. In other words, the sea level rise Trump claimed people say will happen over 300 years is actually happening annually. NOAA says that, along the United States coastline in particular, sea level rise is expected to average a total of 10 to 12 inches between 2020 and 2050 alone.”
Okay Miss Cleo..
Trump is such a liar the he changes his lies as he goes.

In the next 30 years alone, ocean levels are expected to rise 10 inches. That’s 1000 times higher than Trump’s made up number, and that’s only in the next 30 years; let alone 300 years.

In short Trump pulled the number out of his ass.

“Facts First: Trump’s claims about sea levels are not remotely close to accurate. As the federal National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has noted, the global sea level is currently rising at about 1/8th of an inch per year. In other words, the sea level rise Trump claimed people say will happen over 300 years is actually happening annually. NOAA says that, along the United States coastline in particular, sea level rise is expected to average a total of 10 to 12 inches between 2020 and 2050 alone.”
Fake Conservative from Georgia strikes again. Why is your username a lie? Do you actually think you are fooling anyone?
Trump is such a liar the he changes his lies as he goes.

In the next 30 years alone, ocean levels are expected to rise 10 inches. That’s 1000 times higher than Trump’s made up number, and that’s only in the next 30 years; let alone 300 years.

In short Trump pulled the number out of his ass.

“Facts First: Trump’s claims about sea levels are not remotely close to accurate. As the federal National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has noted, the global sea level is currently rising at about 1/8th of an inch per year. In other words, the sea level rise Trump claimed people say will happen over 300 years is actually happening annually. NOAA says that, along the United States coastline in particular, sea level rise is expected to average a total of 10 to 12 inches between 2020 and 2050 alone.”
You have no idea what you're talking about. The land is STILL RISING from the weight of the ICE AGE glaciers melting off...

"Earth is always on the move, constantly, if slowly, changing. Temperatures rise and fall in cycles over millions of years. The last ice age occurred just 16,000 years ago, when great sheets of ice, two miles thick, covered much of Earth's Northern Hemisphere. Though the ice melted long ago, the land once under and around the ice is still rising and falling in reaction to its ice-age burden.

This ongoing movement of land is called glacial isostatic adjustment."

AND the sea floor is being pushed down by the weight of the melting ice BOTH from the Ice Age 16,000 years ago and anything melting currently...

Bottom line...we have NO EARTHLY IDEA how much sea level will rise...if at all!

It's entirely possible the weight of increased water volume will depress the sea floor and push up the land formations allowing sea levels to remain static.
Trump is such a liar the he changes his lies as he goes.

In the next 30 years alone, ocean levels are expected to rise 10 inches. That’s 1000 times higher than Trump’s made up number, and that’s only in the next 30 years; let alone 300 years.

In short Trump pulled the number out of his ass.

“Facts First: Trump’s claims about sea levels are not remotely close to accurate. As the federal National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has noted, the global sea level is currently rising at about 1/8th of an inch per year. In other words, the sea level rise Trump claimed people say will happen over 300 years is actually happening annually. NOAA says that, along the United States coastline in particular, sea level rise is expected to average a total of 10 to 12 inches between 2020 and 2050 alone.”
The world's oceans rise 1/8 of an inch whenever Trump's fat ass goes for a swim.
Trump is such a liar the he changes his lies as he goes.

In the next 30 years alone, ocean levels are expected to rise 10 inches. That’s 1000 times higher than Trump’s made up number, and that’s only in the next 30 years; let alone 300 years.

In short Trump pulled the number out of his ass.

“Facts First: Trump’s claims about sea levels are not remotely close to accurate. As the federal National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has noted, the global sea level is currently rising at about 1/8th of an inch per year. In other words, the sea level rise Trump claimed people say will happen over 300 years is actually happening annually. NOAA says that, along the United States coastline in particular, sea level rise is expected to average a total of 10 to 12 inches between 2020 and 2050 alone.”
From the prognostics of 1970 or so, the ocean was expected to be lapping up at the current Philadelphia Delaware River waterfront by now. Yet they keep building down on the coastal areas of New Jersey. all of those Progs who vote for jit stains frauds crying when a northeaster or rare hurricane hits keep purchasing properties down there. And the land maps are the same or near same.

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