POTUS Trump: Hillary Destroyed Phones With Hammer, Bleached Emails And They Talk About Obstruction?

That's why Trump is the best. He doesn't hesitate to call out the left for their dishonesty and hypocrisy.
Bill and Hillary, that's who have to be investigated fro their corruption and ties with foreign governments like Saudis and Qatar.
Why Did the Saudi Regime and Other Gulf Tyrannies Donate Millions to the Clinton Foundation?

Dems are putting a show for the fools "Investigation of Trump's ties to Russia", harming the President of their country and the country itself. And distracting the attention from the real crooks and their sponsors, who truly need to be investigated.

Putin accuses America of 'political schizophrenia'
That's fake news, of course. Those documents were destroyed before Trump ever went to court.
Capone knew better than to keep evidence around too. They still got him.
There's nothing criminal about deleting old emails unless you're a government employee. Equating that to Al Capone is the ultimate snowflake hysteria.

The new McCarthyism is out of control.
That's fake news, of course. Those documents were destroyed before Trump ever went to court.
Capone knew better than to keep evidence around too. They still got him.
There's nothing criminal about deleting old emails unless you're a government employee. Equating that to Al Capone is the ultimate snowflake hysteria.

The new McCarthyism is out of control.
HAHAHAHA!!!!!!! NOTHING WRONG WITH DELETING OLD E-MAILS! Are you fucking joking right now?
That's fake news, of course. Those documents were destroyed before Trump ever went to court.
Capone knew better than to keep evidence around too. They still got him.
There's nothing criminal about deleting old emails unless you're a government employee. Equating that to Al Capone is the ultimate snowflake hysteria.

The new McCarthyism is out of control.
HAHAHAHA!!!!!!! NOTHING WRONG WITH DELETING OLD E-MAILS! Are you fucking joking right now?
I do it all the time. Am I committing a crime?
That's fake news, of course. Those documents were destroyed before Trump ever went to court.
Capone knew better than to keep evidence around too. They still got him.
There's nothing criminal about deleting old emails unless you're a government employee. Equating that to Al Capone is the ultimate snowflake hysteria.

The new McCarthyism is out of control.
HAHAHAHA!!!!!!! NOTHING WRONG WITH DELETING OLD E-MAILS! Are you fucking joking right now?
I do it all the time. Am I committing a crime?
:lmao: Oh man you're too much :rofl:
As far a Trump tweets go, they were especially retarded. Most people saw them as a clear sign of Trump's ongoing mental degradation. He's literally losing his marbles as we watch. But Trumptards? When Trump acts like a whimpering moron, they see kindred soul.

For example, the Trumptards here literally think that Clinton smashed her blackberry with a hammer, for some nefarious reason that can't quite explain. Apparently, they believe 30,000 emails were stored on it, or some other insane reason, and Clinton herself wielded a sledgehammer at it. No one can understand the deviant mental processes of Trumptards, and it's a risk to your sanity to attempt to do so. When you gaze into the stupid, the stupid gazes back into you.
That's fake news, of course. Those documents were destroyed before Trump ever went to court.
Capone knew better than to keep evidence around too. They still got him.
There's nothing criminal about deleting old emails unless you're a government employee. Equating that to Al Capone is the ultimate snowflake hysteria.

The new McCarthyism is out of control.
HAHAHAHA!!!!!!! NOTHING WRONG WITH DELETING OLD E-MAILS! Are you fucking joking right now?
I do it all the time. Am I committing a crime?
:lmao: Oh man you're too much :rofl:
I'll take that as a "no." So if it's legal for me to delete my emails, then why isn't legal for every private business?

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President Trump is coming out SWINGING against liberals, Obama’s Deep State, and our lying, fake news media. Our glorious leader sent from God will be vindicated in the end while Hillary and the uniparty elites will dissolve into the drained cesspool they sprouted from.

Trump is a proven pathological liar. He's lied more than 600 times in his first 4 1/2 months and you still believe him.
What a dupe!
President Trump is coming out SWINGING against liberals, Obama’s Deep State, and our lying, fake news media. Our glorious leader sent from God will be vindicated in the end while Hillary and the uniparty elites will dissolve into the drained cesspool they sprouted from.

Trump at 60% disapproval rating.
61% of Americans think he committed obstruction of justice.
What to do what to do.
HILLARY. That's the ticket!
President Trump is coming out SWINGING against liberals, Obama’s Deep State, and our lying, fake news media. Our glorious leader sent from God will be vindicated in the end while Hillary and the uniparty elites will dissolve into the drained cesspool they sprouted from.

Trump at 60% disapproval rating.
61% of Americans think he committed obstruction of justice.
What to do what to do.
HILLARY. That's the ticket!
We didn't vote for Trump to care about approval or disapproval ratings. We voted for him to make America great again and bring back Nationalism. He's on his way of doing just that.
President Trump is coming out SWINGING against liberals, Obama’s Deep State, and our lying, fake news media. Our glorious leader sent from God will be vindicated in the end while Hillary and the uniparty elites will dissolve into the drained cesspool they sprouted from.

Trump is a proven pathological liar. He's lied more than 600 times in his first 4 1/2 months and you still believe him.
What a dupe!
Contradicting Democrat swill does not constitute a "lie," idiot.
President Trump is coming out SWINGING against liberals, Obama’s Deep State, and our lying, fake news media. Our glorious leader sent from God will be vindicated in the end while Hillary and the uniparty elites will dissolve into the drained cesspool they sprouted from.

Trump at 60% disapproval rating.
61% of Americans think he committed obstruction of justice.
What to do what to do.
HILLARY. That's the ticket!
95% of Americans don't know what obstruction of justice is.

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