POTUS vs. New York Yankees


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
There is much in Our Beloved President's words and actions that are distressing to people holding traditional values...for example, Patriotism. It recently occurred to me why that is.

Consider every player and employee of the New York Yankees organization. When they come to work every day, they KNOW that they are working or playing for the greatest baseball organization that ever existed. This knowledge comes through in a level of confidence and self-assurance that borders on arrogance, and it bothers people and other players all around the country. Hating the Yankees is almost a national sport.

It would be easy to dis-prove the belief that the Yankee organization is the "best." They haven't won much recently, and are not a serious threat to win much this year. And yet the mystique continues unabated.

This is the attitude that a President must have, and project: That the U.S. is the greatest nation that ever existed on earth.

Is there any doubt in your mind that Ronald Reagan believed this? John Kennedy? Bush41 and Bush43? None.

And yet, when it comes to Presidents like Carter, Obama, and to a lesser extent Clinton, you almost get the impression that they think they must APOLOGIZE for being American. They NEVER give a talk about great things this country has done, without peppering that talk with examples of slavery, discrimination, oppression of Native Americans and women...whatever.

The fact is, they DON'T believe that this is a great nation. They think we just muddle along with occasional successes and huge mistakes that the President must acknowledge and take responsibility for. Why do you think they negotiate such horrible deals internationally? They presume we generally at fault for everything wrong in the world, from global warming to Middle East unrest.

Barry (and now HRC) believe that they are Saviors, sent by the wailing masses (certainly not by God) to FIX the U.S. Barry has said this a thousand times.

But the only thing we need to FIX is the cluster fuck that progressive politicians and bureaucrats have used to strangle this nation's culture, economy, and confidence.

Among many other reasons, this is a reason why I could never vote for a "Progressive." They just don't get it.
greatest baseball organization that ever existed.

Oh poster please. The Wankees represent everything that's fucked up. Arrogance, conceit and the idea that you can buy success. FUCK the Wankees.


This is the attitude that a President must have, and project: That the U.S. is the greatest nation that ever existed on earth.

Only to the gullible whose attention is easily bought. Personally I relegate such outright bullshit to its rightful place in the rhetorical dump. That attitude is ludicrous, and its wages are the Ugly American image. If we're aiming to be regarded as the political equivalent of the New York Wankees, well you get what you pay for.

You think the Prime Minister of Denmark walks around with the attitude that Denmark is the greatest nation that ever existed on earth? That's freaking childish and always was. Not to mention, it belies a marked insecurity.

I don't consider myself, or my nation, to be somehow "superior" to other life forms. That kind of egocentrism is how we got racism and the Klan. The sooner that attitude disappears, the better off we'll be.
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