Prepare For Chaos In Kansas City Tonight (Major Trump Rally Planned)


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Kansas City has a lot of feral pack negroes. Trump supporters have to be prepared to fight just in case war breaks out and not enough cops. The venue where Trump is to speak is nice though.


KC tensions rising in advance of Donald Trump visit
Is he performing Macbeth? Didn't know he had it in him (although his is an actor, or sorts).
I'm thinking Trump's security force should watch the movie Zulu to get some tactical solutions when they are so outnumbered.
That was a well organized and funded "protest". Not a bunch of people upset with Trump. Even liberals don't believe that.
Kansas City has a lot of feral pack negroes. Trump supporters have to be prepared to fight just in case war breaks out and not enough cops. The venue where Trump is to speak is nice though.


KC tensions rising in advance of Donald Trump visit
You're going about this the wrong way.

This will only bring bad press to your candidate.

What you need to do is organize and protest at a Sanders event. Go there and start calling him a communist thief. Compare him to Mao, Stalin, Chavez, and Castro. Wake his supporters up and remind them of the disaster unfolding in Venezuela right now.

Force his supporters to get violent on your ass to get you thrown out in order to shut you up and shut you down. That will make make Sanders "feel the Bern" won't it?

If you can force Bernie to shut down one of his rallies, then you will win a victory too, won't you? Or you can just sit at home and bitch. . .

Otherwise, you are just silly. Makes no difference to me. I don't give a shit.

From my POV, you are being outmaneuvered here by what you think are a " feral pack negroes" that are supposedly less intelligent? W/e. They have outsmarted you and out-organized you, haven't they?

What does that make you? I suppose it makes you UN-evovled cave monkeys incapable of strategizing.
Incite hate and aggression and then act completely shocked when it comes back to bite you, brehs and brehettes

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