Pres Biden, Vice Pres Harris, House Speaker Jeffries, Rep Ocasio-Cortez, Sen. Sanders, Sen Warren, Rep Raskins,


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
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Why do the house and senate democrats need to sit back and watch?
It is obvious to millions upon millions of voters that 6 members of the Supreme Court are against the USA in general. The Supreme Court is not congress.

Surely legislation can be designed or a majority vote can terminate this current group of justices is working with ALEC and MAGA to over throw the USA which is why the house and senate must do the following :

The Hill › opinion › campaign › 4244299-t...

Oct 9, 2023 — ALEC has mastered the art of churning out cookie-cutter model bills that are adopted, often word for word, by conservative state legislatures.

Cut off this RINO/ALEC Anti American Agenda All Day Every Day:

--- Further legalizing Crime
--- War On Good Wages aka Right To Work Legislation
--- War against AFFORDABLE Medical Insurance and Single Payer
--- War On Medicare
--- War On Medicaid
--- War on public education and Higher Education
--- War On Social Security Insurance
--- War on the economy through Supply Side Wreckanomics
--- War against women
--- War on the VA and Veterans Benefits
--- War on Voters Rights = VOTER SUPPRESSION
--- War on strict gun regulations
--- War On National Monuments/Parks
--- War on the press
--- War on the USA Postal Service
--- War On Environmental Cleanliness
--- War On USA Jobs through Free Trade Agreements and Leveraged Buyout Scams
--- War for Oil Control Worldwide
--- War on truth about global warming/climate change

The Supreme Court is not congress. It's that conservatives have been using the Supreme Court to bypass congress IMO. Why should the Supreme Court have the final word? On abortion rights? On any legislation?

The people should have the final word on a ballot. | Problems with the Electoral College

The Supreme Court should not decide in a tight race who should be president that decision should come back to the people for another round of voting!!!!!

Why do the house and senate democrats need to sit back and watch?
It is obvious to millions upon millions of voters that 6 members of the Supreme Court are against the USA in general. The Supreme Court is not congress.

Surely legislation can be designed or a majority vote can terminate this current group of justices is working with ALEC and MAGA to over throw the USA which is why the house and senate must do the following :

The Hill › opinion › campaign › 4244299-t...

Oct 9, 2023 — ALEC has mastered the art of churning out cookie-cutter model bills that are adopted, often word for word, by conservative state legislatures.

Cut off this RINO/ALEC Anti American Agenda All Day Every Day:

--- Further legalizing Crime
--- War On Good Wages aka Right To Work Legislation
--- War against AFFORDABLE Medical Insurance and Single Payer
--- War On Medicare
--- War On Medicaid
--- War on public education and Higher Education
--- War On Social Security Insurance
--- War on the economy through Supply Side Wreckanomics
--- War against women
--- War on the VA and Veterans Benefits
--- War on Voters Rights = VOTER SUPPRESSION
--- War on strict gun regulations
--- War On National Monuments/Parks
--- War on the press
--- War on the USA Postal Service
--- War On Environmental Cleanliness
--- War On USA Jobs through Free Trade Agreements and Leveraged Buyout Scams
--- War for Oil Control Worldwide
--- War on truth about global warming/climate change

The Supreme Court is not congress. It's that conservatives have been using the Supreme Court to bypass congress IMO. Why should the Supreme Court have the final word? On abortion rights? On any legislation?

The people should have the final word on a ballot. | Problems with the Electoral College

The Supreme Court should not decide in a tight race who should be president that decision should come back to the people for another round of voting!!!!!

That is a great list of the War on Democracy underway by the GOP, which started long before Trump was anything more than a rambling socialite with a TV show. With the Trumpian Party in power, however, those members of the GOP who might have had reservations will fold up like a $5 suitcase.
Why do the house and senate democrats need to sit back and watch?
It is obvious to millions upon millions of voters that 6 members of the Supreme Court are against the USA in general. The Supreme Court is not congress.

Surely legislation can be designed or a majority vote can terminate this current group of justices is working with ALEC and MAGA to over throw the USA which is why the house and senate must do the following :

The Hill › opinion › campaign › 4244299-t...

Oct 9, 2023 — ALEC has mastered the art of churning out cookie-cutter model bills that are adopted, often word for word, by conservative state legislatures.

Cut off this RINO/ALEC Anti American Agenda All Day Every Day:

--- Further legalizing Crime
--- War On Good Wages aka Right To Work Legislation
--- War against AFFORDABLE Medical Insurance and Single Payer
--- War On Medicare
--- War On Medicaid
--- War on public education and Higher Education
--- War On Social Security Insurance
--- War on the economy through Supply Side Wreckanomics
--- War against women
--- War on the VA and Veterans Benefits
--- War on Voters Rights = VOTER SUPPRESSION
--- War on strict gun regulations
--- War On National Monuments/Parks
--- War on the press
--- War on the USA Postal Service
--- War On Environmental Cleanliness
--- War On USA Jobs through Free Trade Agreements and Leveraged Buyout Scams
--- War for Oil Control Worldwide
--- War on truth about global warming/climate change

The Supreme Court is not congress. It's that conservatives have been using the Supreme Court to bypass congress IMO. Why should the Supreme Court have the final word? On abortion rights? On any legislation?

The people should have the final word on a ballot. | Problems with the Electoral College

The Supreme Court should not decide in a tight race who should be president that decision should come back to the people for another round of voting!!!!!


I am sure the Bothers Grimm would appreciate you sharing more of your fairy tales with them.

Maybe you could set up a royalty deal.
That is a great list of the War on Democracy underway by the GOP, which started long before Trump was anything more than a rambling socialite with a TV show. With the Trumpian Party in power, however, those members of the GOP who might have had reservations will fold up like a $5 suitcase.
It all began under Reagan/Bush with gusto. It's time the democrats stopped this crap!!!

How do you spell democracy? Fascist Communist Dictatorship which will ruin you like it will me.
Why do the house and senate democrats need to sit back and watch?
It is obvious to millions upon millions of voters that 6 members of the Supreme Court are against the USA in general. The Supreme Court is not congress.

Surely legislation can be designed or a majority vote can terminate this current group of justices is working with ALEC and MAGA to over throw the USA which is why the house and senate must do the following :

The Hill › opinion › campaign › 4244299-t...

Oct 9, 2023 — ALEC has mastered the art of churning out cookie-cutter model bills that are adopted, often word for word, by conservative state legislatures.

Cut off this RINO/ALEC Anti American Agenda All Day Every Day:

--- Further legalizing Crime
--- War On Good Wages aka Right To Work Legislation
--- War against AFFORDABLE Medical Insurance and Single Payer
--- War On Medicare
--- War On Medicaid
--- War on public education and Higher Education
--- War On Social Security Insurance
--- War on the economy through Supply Side Wreckanomics
--- War against women
--- War on the VA and Veterans Benefits
--- War on Voters Rights = VOTER SUPPRESSION
--- War on strict gun regulations
--- War On National Monuments/Parks
--- War on the press
--- War on the USA Postal Service
--- War On Environmental Cleanliness
--- War On USA Jobs through Free Trade Agreements and Leveraged Buyout Scams
--- War for Oil Control Worldwide
--- War on truth about global warming/climate change

The Supreme Court is not congress. It's that conservatives have been using the Supreme Court to bypass congress IMO. Why should the Supreme Court have the final word? On abortion rights? On any legislation?

The people should have the final word on a ballot. | Problems with the Electoral College

The Supreme Court should not decide in a tight race who should be president that decision should come back to the people for another round of voting!!!!!

Millions upon millions of Trump-hating Stalinists like the OP hate the 6 non-Democrat Supreme Court judges.
Those seven are like moldy food. The only thing you can do with them is to throw them out. MAGA
Why do the house and senate democrats need to sit back and watch?
It is obvious to millions upon millions of voters that 6 members of the Supreme Court are against the USA in general. The Supreme Court is not congress.

Surely legislation can be designed or a majority vote can terminate this current group of justices is working with ALEC and MAGA to over throw the USA which is why the house and senate must do the following :

The Hill › opinion › campaign › 4244299-t...

Oct 9, 2023 — ALEC has mastered the art of churning out cookie-cutter model bills that are adopted, often word for word, by conservative state legislatures.

Cut off this RINO/ALEC Anti American Agenda All Day Every Day:

--- Further legalizing Crime
--- War On Good Wages aka Right To Work Legislation
--- War against AFFORDABLE Medical Insurance and Single Payer
--- War On Medicare
--- War On Medicaid
--- War on public education and Higher Education
--- War On Social Security Insurance
--- War on the economy through Supply Side Wreckanomics
--- War against women
--- War on the VA and Veterans Benefits
--- War on Voters Rights = VOTER SUPPRESSION
--- War on strict gun regulations
--- War On National Monuments/Parks
--- War on the press
--- War on the USA Postal Service
--- War On Environmental Cleanliness
--- War On USA Jobs through Free Trade Agreements and Leveraged Buyout Scams
--- War for Oil Control Worldwide
--- War on truth about global warming/climate change

The Supreme Court is not congress. It's that conservatives have been using the Supreme Court to bypass congress IMO. Why should the Supreme Court have the final word? On abortion rights? On any legislation?

The people should have the final word on a ballot. | Problems with the Electoral College

The Supreme Court should not decide in a tight race who should be president that decision should come back to the people for another round of voting!!!!!


I was trying to figure out what you wanted. From reading your post a couple times it seems as though you are a commie, wanting perpetual dem rule. Is that right?

If so, that may be a good thing. Dems having a lock on America will accelerate the collapse and may be the only thing that wakes Americans up to see that secession is the only hope to save something of traditional America.

faggots and commies.webp

I've said this before... 5 people on a deserted island 3 men 2 women... they hold a vote to allow the men to rape the women... all three men vote yes... the two women vote no... in a pure democracy the women get raped....
None of the leftists here understand the notion of the tyranny of the majority,

All they know is unquestioning conformity.
America's system of government is dysfunctional and ineffective. That's proclaimed by members of both political parties now. And neither party is looking to peaceful means to correct the problems.

Which party will bring down the power of the corrupt courts on the other first?
I've said this before... 5 people on a deserted island 3 men 2 women... they hold a vote to allow the men to rape the women... all three men vote yes... the two women vote no... in a pure democracy the women get raped....
Then get rid of SCOTUS.
The only thing that's obvious is the power of the baby killing industry. Even democrats wanted to end the grotesque "Partial Birth Abortion" procedure but the bodies were a valuable commodity and racist democrats wanted to eliminate as many black babies as they could.
Democrats have succeeded in dumbing down an entire generation and today's lefties aren't even aware that the Judicial branch government (the Supreme Court) is equal with the other two branches. Democrats are on a roll after the Trump conviction of frivolous charges and now they have convinced a little army of idiots that the Supreme Court can be eliminated to pave the way for a socialist paradise.
The only thing that's obvious is the power of the baby killing industry. Even democrats wanted to end the grotesque "Partial Birth Abortion" procedure but the bodies were a valuable commodity and racist democrats wanted to eliminate as many black babies as they could.
That statement about eliminating black babies is as ignorant as it is nonsense. Grow the fuck up.

No one wants 'partial birth abortion', but the non-viability of babies or the threat to a mother's health or life make it, very very rarely, necessary.

This is a awful model of a propagandic idiocy for political gain. The Nazis would have loved it.
Why stop at the US supreme court?.... what about state supreme courts and apelet courts?...
if you want to see the USA come apart even more than we have just get rid of our courts....
Think man think!!
You doubling around on your idiotic comment about SCOTUS and democracy. The Court rules by the law not your silly imagination.
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