Pres Biden, Vice Pres Harris, House Speaker Jeffries, Rep Ocasio-Cortez, Sen. Sanders, Sen Warren, Rep Raskins,

You doubling around on your idiotic comment about SCOTUS and democracy. The Court rules by the law not your silly imagination.
You are not going to get rid of nor change the supreme court... so stop the foolishness and grow up.... this is a republic like it or not....
Why do the house and senate democrats need to sit back and watch?
It is obvious to millions upon millions of voters that 6 members of the Supreme Court are against the USA in general. The Supreme Court is not congress.

Surely legislation can be designed or a majority vote can terminate this current group of justices is working with ALEC and MAGA to over throw the USA which is why the house and senate must do the following :

The Hill › opinion › campaign › 4244299-t...

Oct 9, 2023 — ALEC has mastered the art of churning out cookie-cutter model bills that are adopted, often word for word, by conservative state legislatures.

Cut off this RINO/ALEC Anti American Agenda All Day Every Day:

--- Further legalizing Crime
--- War On Good Wages aka Right To Work Legislation
--- War against AFFORDABLE Medical Insurance and Single Payer
--- War On Medicare
--- War On Medicaid
--- War on public education and Higher Education
--- War On Social Security Insurance
--- War on the economy through Supply Side Wreckanomics
--- War against women
--- War on the VA and Veterans Benefits
--- War on Voters Rights = VOTER SUPPRESSION
--- War on strict gun regulations
--- War On National Monuments/Parks
--- War on the press
--- War on the USA Postal Service
--- War On Environmental Cleanliness
--- War On USA Jobs through Free Trade Agreements and Leveraged Buyout Scams
--- War for Oil Control Worldwide
--- War on truth about global warming/climate change

The Supreme Court is not congress. It's that conservatives have been using the Supreme Court to bypass congress IMO. Why should the Supreme Court have the final word? On abortion rights? On any legislation?

The people should have the final word on a ballot. | Problems with the Electoral College

The Supreme Court should not decide in a tight race who should be president that decision should come back to the people for another round of voting!!!!!

Holy shit. Are you ignorant.

Take a peek someday at our Constitution.
You are not going to get rid of nor change the supreme court... so stop the foolishness and grow up.... this is a republic like it or not....
Why do you want to get rid of the Court? It is part of our democratic Republic.

You are doing the typical MAGA doublespeak. You will always be called out on it.
Why do you want to get rid of the Court? It is part of our democratic Republic.

You are doing the typical MAGA doublespeak. You will always be called out on it.
Are you on crack?... I'm defending the supreme court as it is today... just because they won't step up and put every republican in prison which seems to be your agenda doesn't mean we all do...
Why do the house and senate democrats need to sit back and watch?
It is obvious to millions upon millions of voters that 6 members of the Supreme Court are against the USA in general. The Supreme Court is not congress.

Surely legislation can be designed or a majority vote can terminate this current group of justices is working with ALEC and MAGA to over throw the USA which is why the house and senate must do the following :

The Hill › opinion › campaign › 4244299-t...

Oct 9, 2023 — ALEC has mastered the art of churning out cookie-cutter model bills that are adopted, often word for word, by conservative state legislatures.

Cut off this RINO/ALEC Anti American Agenda All Day Every Day:

--- Further legalizing Crime
--- War On Good Wages aka Right To Work Legislation
--- War against AFFORDABLE Medical Insurance and Single Payer
--- War On Medicare
--- War On Medicaid
--- War on public education and Higher Education
--- War On Social Security Insurance
--- War on the economy through Supply Side Wreckanomics
--- War against women
--- War on the VA and Veterans Benefits
--- War on Voters Rights = VOTER SUPPRESSION
--- War on strict gun regulations
--- War On National Monuments/Parks
--- War on the press
--- War on the USA Postal Service
--- War On Environmental Cleanliness
--- War On USA Jobs through Free Trade Agreements and Leveraged Buyout Scams
--- War for Oil Control Worldwide
--- War on truth about global warming/climate change

The Supreme Court is not congress. It's that conservatives have been using the Supreme Court to bypass congress IMO. Why should the Supreme Court have the final word? On abortion rights? On any legislation?

The people should have the final word on a ballot. | Problems with the Electoral College

The Supreme Court should not decide in a tight race who should be president that decision should come back to the people for another round of voting!!!!!

A sitting president of the United States is granted immunity for Official Acts taken as President. It is under legal dispute whether they also enjoy immunity from criminal liability or prosecution.

Neither civil nor criminal immunity is explicitly granted in the Constitution or any federal statute.

Presidential immunity in the United States - Wikipedia​

Why do the house and senate democrats need to sit back and watch?
It is obvious to millions upon millions of voters that 6 members of the Supreme Court are against the USA in general. The Supreme Court is not congress.

Surely legislation can be designed or a majority vote can terminate this current group of justices is working with ALEC and MAGA to over throw the USA which is why the house and senate must do the following :

The Hill › opinion › campaign › 4244299-t...

Oct 9, 2023 — ALEC has mastered the art of churning out cookie-cutter model bills that are adopted, often word for word, by conservative state legislatures.

Cut off this RINO/ALEC Anti American Agenda All Day Every Day:

--- Further legalizing Crime
--- War On Good Wages aka Right To Work Legislation
--- War against AFFORDABLE Medical Insurance and Single Payer
--- War On Medicare
--- War On Medicaid
--- War on public education and Higher Education
--- War On Social Security Insurance
--- War on the economy through Supply Side Wreckanomics
--- War against women
--- War on the VA and Veterans Benefits
--- War on Voters Rights = VOTER SUPPRESSION
--- War on strict gun regulations
--- War On National Monuments/Parks
--- War on the press
--- War on the USA Postal Service
--- War On Environmental Cleanliness
--- War On USA Jobs through Free Trade Agreements and Leveraged Buyout Scams
--- War for Oil Control Worldwide
--- War on truth about global warming/climate change

The Supreme Court is not congress. It's that conservatives have been using the Supreme Court to bypass congress IMO. Why should the Supreme Court have the final word? On abortion rights? On any legislation?

The people should have the final word on a ballot. | Problems with the Electoral College

The Supreme Court should not decide in a tight race who should be president that decision should come back to the people for another round of voting!!!!!

Jefferies is not speaker of the house
That statement about eliminating black babies is as ignorant as it is nonsense. Grow the fuck up.

No one wants 'partial birth abortion', but the non-viability of babies or the threat to a mother's health or life make it, very very rarely, necessary.

This is a awful model of a propagandic idiocy for political gain. The Nazis would have loved it.
Do lefties really think Partial Birth Abortion is about the mother's health? How healthy is it to turn a full term baby around inside the mother to produce a breach birth where the feet come out first instead of the head? The intent of PBA is to kill a viable newborn. The legal defense for infanticide is that the baby isn't technically born if a couple of inches of it's head remains in the birth canal. The mother watches as the squirming (crying?) infant is stabbed in the back of the head and it's brain sucked out so it's face shrinks like a cabbage patch doll. Statistics indicate that more black babies are aborted than white babies.
whitehall is stupid or he is lying.

No one supports partial birth abortion. However, if the mother's health is in jeopardy and the fetus is nonviable. it is justifiable. We are not going back to fetus before mother ever again.
Do lefties really think Partial Birth Abortion is about the mother's health? How healthy is it to turn a full term baby around inside the mother to produce a breach birth where the feet come out first instead of the head? The intent of PBA is to kill a viable newborn. The legal defense for infanticide is that the baby isn't technically born if a couple of inches of it's head remains in the birth canal. The mother watches as the squirming (crying?) infant is stabbed in the back of the head and it's brain sucked out so it's face shrinks like a cabbage patch doll. Statistics indicate that more black babies are aborted than white babies.
whitehall is stupid or he is lying.

No one supports partial birth abortion. However, if the mother's health is in jeopardy and the fetus is nonviable. it is justifiable. We are not going back to fetus before mother ever again.
Blacks represent about 12% of the U.S. population but they account for 40% of abortions. Do the math and you might consider that abortion is racist genocide. Where is the lie in Partial birth abortion? It's technically legal to kill a viable infant if it technically isn't born even though it is only about 4 inches from Constitutional protection. A woman who has health problems can induce labor and have a successful birth but it isn't about a woman's health, it's about legally killing viable infants just inches from life. When it was found that Planned Parenthood was selling body parts from aborted infants the crooked left wing judicial system went after the whistle blower.
What a foolish comment by Whitehall. The woman will decide.

Unless you are in Texas, and on the third visit she was unconscious on the floor with a dead fetus in her.

Fuck you, whitehall.

Show us all of the PBAs in the last ten years.
What a foolish comment by Whitehall. The woman will decide.

Unless you are in Texas, and on the third visit she was unconscious on the floor with a dead fetus in her.

Fuck you, whitehall.

Show us all of the PBAs in the last ten years.
Actually the segment of society that benefits from abortion is the liberal man. They see their future financial responsibilities erased at the stroke of a scalpel. It's not hard for a man to threaten or coerce or otherwise force a women to consent to abortion and the left understands that so they prevent abortion counseling by law. A woman might suffer pain and symptoms of PTSD for the rest of her life but nobody cares. Are they required to keep statistics on PBA procedures when it's legal? Philadelphia did health checks on pizza parlors routinely but not Gosnell's abortion "house of horrors" until they found a dead woman on the table and corpses of full term infants in the garbage.
If we are all in agreement that PBA is nothing but infanticide why can't we convince democrat politicians to agree to outlaw it? When a bipartisan Congress passed a law to outlaw PBA, then president Bill Clinton paraded half a dozen women who claimed their lives were saved by killing a full term infant. Clinton lied and vetoed the bill and the left wing media went along with it.
Why do the house and senate democrats need to sit back and watch?
It is obvious to millions upon millions of voters that 6 members of the Supreme Court are against the USA in general. The Supreme Court is not congress.

Surely legislation can be designed or a majority vote can terminate this current group of justices is working with ALEC and MAGA to over throw the USA which is why the house and senate must do the following :

The Hill › opinion › campaign › 4244299-t...

Oct 9, 2023 — ALEC has mastered the art of churning out cookie-cutter model bills that are adopted, often word for word, by conservative state legislatures.

Cut off this RINO/ALEC Anti American Agenda All Day Every Day:

--- Further legalizing Crime
--- War On Good Wages aka Right To Work Legislation
--- War against AFFORDABLE Medical Insurance and Single Payer
--- War On Medicare
--- War On Medicaid
--- War on public education and Higher Education
--- War On Social Security Insurance
--- War on the economy through Supply Side Wreckanomics
--- War against women
--- War on the VA and Veterans Benefits
--- War on Voters Rights = VOTER SUPPRESSION
--- War on strict gun regulations
--- War On National Monuments/Parks
--- War on the press
--- War on the USA Postal Service
--- War On Environmental Cleanliness
--- War On USA Jobs through Free Trade Agreements and Leveraged Buyout Scams
--- War for Oil Control Worldwide
--- War on truth about global warming/climate change

The Supreme Court is not congress. It's that conservatives have been using the Supreme Court to bypass congress IMO. Why should the Supreme Court have the final word? On abortion rights? On any legislation?

The people should have the final word on a ballot. | Problems with the Electoral College

The Supreme Court should not decide in a tight race who should be president that decision should come back to the people for another round of voting!!!!!

Immunity Limited

A sitting president of the United States is granted immunity for Official Acts taken as President.

Neither civil nor criminal immunity is explicitly granted in the Constitution or any federal statute.

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