Presbyterian Church Aligns Itself With Palestinian Murderers!

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Active Member
Nov 7, 2003
Finally our loving Presbyterian brethern admitted to have aligned themselves with the forces of murdering terrorists against the land of Jesus and its Jewish population. Who said the Jewish people don't need a country of their own with friends like these who 'turn their cheeks' in Christian love?

These are the same Christians who in Germany became concentration guards and gas pellet droppers. Which Christian Nazis murdered babies during the week and went to their Presbetary on Sunday to get forgiven? Have times really changed?

Who said that the Jewish people will never be turned into scapegoats right here in the good ole USA?

The assembly called for an end to Israel’s construction of the “separation barrier.”

While fully aware of our interest in Israel’s security, the major reason for this action was the assembly’s concern of the impact of the structure on the economic, social, and religious life of Palestinians.

The assembly action used the word “wall” because it has become a general reference for the physical structure being put in place.

It raised legitimate questions, corroborated by Israel’s Supreme Court and the International Court of Justice, regarding the route of the wall.

In previous assemblies, the church has called for an end to the occupation, as the principal cause of the conflict. .....

The assembly authorized exploration of a selective divestment of church funds from those companies whose business in Israel is found to be directly or indirectly causing harm or suffering to innocent people, Palestinian or Israeli. It did not approve a blanket divestment from companies that do business in Israel, as is being reported in some places. This action was taken in response to an overture from the Presbytery of St. Augustine, representing the churches in northeast Florida.

The assembly asked the Mission Responsibility Through Investment Committee, the denomination’s permanent committee that develops socially responsible investment guidelines, to initiate a process to look into companies investing in Israel and to bring recommendations re: phasing in selective divestments to the General Assembly Council for action in March 2005.

Although the decision to “initiate a process of phased, selective divestment in multinational corporations operating in Israel” may be presumed by some to invite comparison of Israeli policies with those of apartheid South Africa, the assembly has not asserted any moral equivalency between the two. The two situations are distinct. The focus of this action is to explore use of a proven tool of economic pressure to motivate real change in Israeli policies and movement toward peace.

Again, the assembly’s action calls for a selective divestment, and not a blanket economic boycott, keeping before us our interest in Israel’s economic and social well-being where these do not inflict suffering on Palestinian or Israeli people.
We already have a thread on this topic. Please try to pay attention to the world around you instead of prancing around inside your bubble of faux-specialness issuing proclaimations like a bubble boy on bad acid. Thank you.
ajwps said:
Finally our loving Presbyterian brethern admitted to have aligned themselves with the forces of murdering terrorists against the land of Jesus and its Jewish population. Who said the Jewish people don't need a country of their own with friends like these who 'turn their cheeks' in Christian love?

These are the same Christians who in Germany became concentration guards and gas pellet droppers. Which Christian Nazis murdered babies during the week and went to their Presbetary on Sunday to get forgiven? Have times really changed?

Who said that the Jewish people will never be turned into scapegoats right here in the good ole USA?

I would invite everyone to follow the link and read the entire article. It seems to me that you have edited it to support your assertion.
remie said:
I would invite everyone to follow the link and read the entire article. It seems to me that you have edited it to support your assertion.

When it comes to anything even faintly critical of Israel, AJ is spring-loaded to the jump-through-your-ass position.
Merlin1047 said:
When it comes to anything even faintly critical of Israel, AJ is spring-loaded to the jump-through-your-ass position.

LOL yeah I know but sometimes things like this just really piss me off.
remie said:
I would invite everyone to follow the link and read the entire article. It seems to me that you have edited it to support your assertion.

I would suggest and invite everyone to follow the link and read the ENTIRE article. It seems that you have missed the same line of flawed rhetoric as espoused by World Court at the Hague, the EU, the UN and all those nations who wish to obfuscate their meanings behind meaningless and worn clichés and disinformation.

Those whose Nations and peoples who line up against Israel may try to hide behind justice and an end to apartheid actions by Israel, but everyone including the world knows that these concepts have nothing to do with reality.

Sorry if this post strikes you in your faith but anyone who chooses their path in this life will PAY for those choices in an ultimate universal justice.

This Presbyterian Church post uses only a thin veil to cover their choices.
Got nothing to do with my faith....everything to do with your distortions.
remie said:
LOL yeah I know but sometimes things like this just really piss me off.

Then why don't you take it up with the Presbyterian church instead of blaming the messsenger?
ajwps said:
Those whose Nations and peoples who line up against Israel may try to hide behind justice and an end to apartheid actions by Israel, but everyone including the world knows that these concepts have nothing to do with reality.

Sorry if this post strikes you in your faith but anyone who chooses their path in this life will PAY for those choices in an ultimate universal justice.

This Presbyterian Church post uses only a thin veil to cover their choices.

Hey AJ - if you get your blood pressure up and go off on a hysterical rant every time someone has a disagreement with Israel, you're going to end up a basket case before you turn thirty.

Take two prozac and call me in the morning.

Also, this has already been discussed in another thread. Check it out.
remie said:
Got nothing to do with my faith....everything to do with your distortions.

My distortions????

Then if this post has nothing to do with your faith, why do you react with such animosity and knee-jerk accusations of distortions.

The Presbyterian post speaks loudly and clearly for itself.
ajwps said:
Then why don't you take it up with the Presbyterian church instead of blaming the messsenger?

Try to keep up here. I was responding to Merlin.

Originally Posted by Merlin1047
When it comes to anything even faintly critical of Israel, AJ is spring-loaded to the jump-through-your-ass position.

My response:

LOL yeah I know but sometimes things like this just really piss me off.

Meaning your editorializing of the article.
Merlin1047 said:
Hey AJ - if you get your blood pressure up and go off on a hysterical rant every time someone has a disagreement with Israel, you're going to end up a basket case before you turn thirty.

Take two prozac and call me in the morning.

Also, this has already been discussed in another thread. Check it out.

Okay doctor, thanks for your diagnosis and advice. What you call a disagreement is more like life and death sentences for this persecuted people. When I turn thirty you may have found a certain degree of justice from your own god.

What matters if this topic has been discussed in another thread. I didn't see it and in my opinion can have more discussion in this thread as well.

Why are you so defensive when it comes to your blind faith that this church can't be wrong?
remie said:
Try to keep up here. I was responding to Merlin.

Originally Posted by Merlin1047
When it comes to anything even faintly critical of Israel, AJ is spring-loaded to the jump-through-your-ass position.

My response: LOL yeah I know but sometimes things like this just really piss me off. Meaning your editorializing of the article.

My editorializing of the article pisses you off? The article is self explanatory except for a thin veil of evenhandedness and open hatred for the victim once again.

remie said:
Right...and I dont think it needs your help.

Thanks for finally admitting this fact based article is evident on its face....
ajwps said:
Thanks for finally admitting this fact based article is evident on its face....

I think I am the one who first suggested that people read the article for themselves and make up their own mind without your slant. :bye1:
remie said:
I think I am the one who first suggested that people read the article for themselves and make up their own mind without your slant. :bye1:

Your idea was great. My slant and the posted article can be then be compared for both parallels and content.

Take note of the subtle selective BOYCOTT of Israeli products until the Jews commit suicide by giving the land bought by the blood and lives of Israel's young soldiers to retake Israel AFTER Israel had been attacked. The following quote is very enlightening and all one has to do is editorialize the whole article without a biased eye.

Again, the assembly’s action calls for a selective divestment, and not a blanket economic boycott, keeping before us our interest in Israel’s economic and social well-being where these do not inflict suffering on Palestinian or Israeli people.
AJ--it's America here--the church is speaking regarding the Govt of Israel--NOT Jews--in America we are free to say what we think. Some of the people in the church hierarchy have suggested a plan to stop violence in the middle east AND Sudan. The members of the church are free to do what they like. Your hysterical paranoia may end up causing what you fear. Israel is filthy rich thru foreign aid and tax-free contributions form Jews all over the world and can easily defend itself. Why is it that you constantly need reassurrance?
ajwps said:
Okay doctor, thanks for your diagnosis and advice. What you call a disagreement is more like life and death sentences for this persecuted people. When I turn thirty you may have found a certain degree of justice from your own god.

What matters if this topic has been discussed in another thread. I didn't see it and in my opinion can have more discussion in this thread as well.

Why are you so defensive when it comes to your blind faith that this church can't be wrong?

BINGO! Was waiting to see how long it would take for you to start passing judgement and suggesting that God would send me to hell for disagreeing with you. Which part of the Holy Trinity are you?

I'M defensive???????????? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
And MY faith is blind??????? Waaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

AJ, you're like a vial of nitro glycerin. You get a little nudge and you blow up, scattering bullshit in a 100 meter radius. You are the poster child for knee-jerk reactions.

Kindly refrain from attributing your deficient character traits to others. You only succeed in making an even bigger fool of yourself than you usually do.

Normally I wouldn't bother responding to you, but I have a little time to waste this morning. However, I have reached the limit of my tolerance for your self-righteous stupidity. Rave on to your heart's content, I've had all the fun I can stand.

End of conversation. :321:
dilloduck said:
AJ--it's America here--the church is speaking regarding the Govt of Israel--NOT Jews--in America we are free to say what we think. Some of the people in the church hierarchy have suggested a plan to stop violence in the middle east AND Sudan. The members of the church are free to do what they like. Your hysterical paranoia may end up causing what you fear. Israel is filthy rich thru foreign aid and tax-free contributions form Jews all over the world and can easily defend itself. Why is it that you constantly need reassurrance?

So you consider yourself an American and not a representative of the Presbyterian church in your pronouncements? You are correct, all Americans are free to say anything they desire. But with that freedom comes the responsibility for what is said.

Hysterical paranoia does not seem to be my problem alone as seen by the knee-jerk reactions to this article.

So you say members of the church hierachy have suggested a solution to violence in the middle east and the Sudan. But their solution puts them from a fence sitter to taking sides, veiled or not.

Is this 'evenhanded' solution in this church's perview or should it first attempt to correct any schizms within the church itself?

Why are you constantly worrying about needing reassurance. Is there some problem you have with a civil discourse on this board without putting some ulterior motivation of sympathy, reassurance or being beholden to those who give loan guarantees to Israel?

Israel is filthy rich but not with money. Simply with ethical and moral behavior even toward their enemies. And unlike Israel trying to solve the internal problems of the Presyterian church.
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