President asserts executive privilege ?


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021


But made determinations about Biden not based only on what he said but on how he spoke. How is that a subject of privilege?

And if the special counsel was actually performing his task independently of the DOJ (as the appointment pretends such appointments are), then the executive branch ought to not have any say over compliance with a Legislative branch subpoena for them.


But made determinations about Biden not based only on what he said but on how he spoke. How is that a subject of privilege?

And if the special counsel was actually performing his task independently of the DOJ (as the appointment pretends such appointments are), then the executive branch ought to not have any say over compliance with a Legislative branch subpoena for them.

There is just nothing that this administration won't do.

And the Cultists that luv it - sickening.


But made determinations about Biden not based only on what he said but on how he spoke. How is that a subject of privilege?

And if the special counsel was actually performing his task independently of the DOJ (as the appointment pretends such appointments are), then the executive branch ought to not have any say over compliance with a Legislative branch subpoena for them.
This from the "transparent" Biden administration.


But made determinations about Biden not based only on what he said but on how he spoke. How is that a subject of privilege?

And if the special counsel was actually performing his task independently of the DOJ (as the appointment pretends such appointments are), then the executive branch ought to not have any say over compliance with a Legislative branch subpoena for them.

It's as if we're occupied by Fascist Progressives


But made determinations about Biden not based only on what he said but on how he spoke. How is that a subject of privilege?

And if the special counsel was actually performing his task independently of the DOJ (as the appointment pretends such appointments are), then the executive branch ought to not have any say over compliance with a Legislative branch subpoena for them.

It's bad for national security if our enemies see that Joe is a drooling moron.
How come Benedict Donald wasn't forced to turn over audio tapes of his voluntary interview by the Special Counsel investigating his handling of Documents?

"In his letter, Siskel noted disclosure of materials like the audio would make it less likely that witnesses in future high-profile investigations will voluntarily cooperate. And, he noted: "The absence of a legitimate need for the audio recordings lays bare your likely goal—to chop them up, distort them, and use them for partisan political purposes. Demanding such sensitive and constitutionally-protected law enforcement materials from the Executive Branch because you want to manipulate them for potential political gain is inappropriate."

"Siskel added: "Rather than demonstrating respect for the rule of law, this contempt proceeding is just the latest in the Committees' damaging efforts to undermine the very independence and impartiality of the Department of Justice and criminal justice system that President Biden seeks to protect."

How come Benedict Donald wasn't forced to turn over audio tapes of his voluntary interview by the Special Counsel investigating his handling of Documents?

"In his letter, Siskel noted disclosure of materials like the audio would make it less likely that witnesses in future high-profile investigations will voluntarily cooperate. And, he noted: "The absence of a legitimate need for the audio recordings lays bare your likely goal—to chop them up, distort them, and use them for partisan political purposes. Demanding such sensitive and constitutionally-protected law enforcement materials from the Executive Branch because you want to manipulate them for potential political gain is inappropriate."

"Siskel added: "Rather than demonstrating respect for the rule of law, this contempt proceeding is just the latest in the Committees' damaging efforts to undermine the very independence and impartiality of the Department of Justice and criminal justice system that President Biden seeks to protect."

As usual you conflate things. Siskle’s reply wasn’t lawyering; it was just partisan posturing.

And your what about-ism also fails.

Is there or is there not, IN THIS MATTER, any valid claim of Executive Privilege?

If the appointment of any special prosecutor is Constitutionally and legally valid and such appointment makes the special counsel truly independent, then the subject of that investigation shouldn’t get any say about compliance with a Congressional subpoena.

Of course, if such appointment isn’t Constitutionally and legally valid, then the Smith prosecutions of President Trump should be summarily dismissed.
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But made determinations about Biden not based only on what he said but on how he spoke. How is that a subject of privilege?
Let me remind you, even the president poop, is subject to executive privilege.

The Bush White House is so concerned about Bush's security, the veil of secrecy extends over the president's bodily excretions. The special port-a-john captured Bush's feces and urine and flew the waste material back to the United States in the event some enterprising foreign intelligence agency conducted a sewage pipe operation designed to trap and examine Bush's waste material.
Let me remind you, even the president poop, is subject to executive privilege.

The Bush White House is so concerned about Bush's security, the veil of secrecy extends over the president's bodily excretions. The special port-a-john captured Bush's feces and urine and flew the waste material back to the United States in the event some enterprising foreign intelligence agency conducted a sewage pipe operation designed to trap and examine Bush's waste material.
That’s not executive privilege. It’s just security.
Is there or is there not, IN THIS MATTER, any valid claim of Executive Privilege?
Let me remind you, even the president's poop, is subject to executive privilege.

The Bush White House is so concerned about Bush's security, the veil of secrecy extends over the president's bodily excretions. The special port-a-john captured Bush's feces and urine and flew the waste material back to the United States in the event some enterprising foreign intelligence agency conducted a sewage pipe operation designed to trap and examine Bush's waste material.

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