President asserts executive privilege ?

NOPE. Executive privilege against disclosure of certain things. That if done, would tend to stifle the free exercise of it.
Nope. Just security.

Had it been done at the demand of any executive order, you’d be able to show us that executive order.

Go right ahead.
As usual you conflate things. Siskle’s reply wasn’t lawyering; it was just partisan posturing.

And your what about-ism also fails.

Is there or is there not, IN THIS MATTER, any valid claim of Executive Privilege?

If the appointment of any special prosecutor is Constitutionally and legally valid and such appointment makes the special counsel truly independent, then the subject of that investigation shouldn’t get any say about compliance with a Congressional subpoena.

Of course, if such appointment isn’t Constitutionally and legally valid, then the Smith prosecutions of President Trump should be summarily dismissed.
The Neo-GOP led House is welcome to take the President to court.
How come Benedict Donald wasn't forced to turn over audio tapes of his voluntary interview by the Special Counsel investigating his handling of Documents?

"In his letter, Siskel noted disclosure of materials like the audio would make it less likely that witnesses in future high-profile investigations will voluntarily cooperate. And, he noted: "The absence of a legitimate need for the audio recordings lays bare your likely goal—to chop them up, distort them, and use them for partisan political purposes. Demanding such sensitive and constitutionally-protected law enforcement materials from the Executive Branch because you want to manipulate them for potential political gain is inappropriate."

"Siskel added: "Rather than demonstrating respect for the rule of law, this contempt proceeding is just the latest in the Committees' damaging efforts to undermine the very independence and impartiality of the Department of Justice and criminal justice system that President Biden seeks to protect."

I am a unifier. The worst of thousands of lies. Let's run our own Hitlers and have the sides even out.
The Neo-GOP led House is welcome to take the President to court.
They passed money to Ukraine/Israel with no money for the border. Scorched Earth will happen. People with vengeance against those who screwed with them will grease the rails.
Security is guarding the food that goes into the President.
Not guarding what comes out.

That's under privilege. Whether it's words, or poop.

It’s security.

Show me the executive order or any presidential assertion of executive privilege.

You won’t because you can’t.

You’re simply confused again.
They passed money to Ukraine/Israel with no money for the border. Scorched Earth will happen. People with vengeance against those who screwed with them will grease the rails.
Benedict Donald's Neo GOP has it's marching orders, no new legislative action on the border. Benedict wants it open as a campaign prop.

BTW most of the money goes to the MIC and back into our economy.
Benedict Donald's Neo GOP has it's marching orders, no new legislative action on the border. Benedict wants it open as a campaign prop.

BTW most of the money goes to the MIC and back into our economy.

Why do we need action on the border?
Mayorkas said it was secure. For the last 3 years.
Oh, so now Executive Privilege is back as a thing for Biden.

Privilege to keep a taped interview away from the American people?

Oh, and this flies in the face of recent court rulings in DC that denied such privilege to President Trump.

And all done to protect Merrick Garland from contempt (which the House has since held Garland in contempt)?

Ain't that something?!?

President Biden moved Thursday to block the release of audio recordings of his interview with special counsel Robert K. Hur by exerting executive privilege over the materials, saying House Republicans’ request for it is politically motivated.

The move comes as House Republicans plan a vote Thursday to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for refusing to hand over the audio recordings to Congress.

In a letter to House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, Ohio Republican, and House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, Kentucky Republican, Justice Department attorneys said Mr. Biden asserted his executive privilege, which they argue, would shield Mr. Garland from a contempt vote


In a statement, Mr. Comer said the White House already waived privilege by releasing transcripts of Mr. Biden‘s interview with the special counsel. Calling the move a “Hail Mary,” Mr. Comer said Mr. Biden‘s efforts will not delay the contempt vote.


Now we are cooking with Gas:
Biden assets Exec. Priv. over a recording where the content of the recording has already been released to the public -- not a complete transcript, but many key parts.
So when someone files a FOIA lawsuit we will have a fight over waiver.
If ordered by a Court to release the audio, will Biden do so?

Oh, so now Executive Privilege is back as a thing for Biden.

Privilege to keep a taped interview away from the American people?

Oh, and this flies in the face of recent court rulings in DC that denied such privilege to President Trump.

And all done to protect Merrick Garland from contempt (which the House has since held Garland in contempt)?

Ain't that something?!?

President Biden moved Thursday to block the release of audio recordings of his interview with special counsel Robert K. Hur by exerting executive privilege over the materials, saying House Republicans’ request for it is politically motivated.​
The move comes as House Republicans plan a vote Thursday to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for refusing to hand over the audio recordings to Congress.
In a letter to House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, Ohio Republican, and House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, Kentucky Republican, Justice Department attorneys said Mr. Biden asserted his executive privilege, which they argue, would shield Mr. Garland from a contempt vote.​
In a statement, Mr. Comer said the White House already waived privilege by releasing transcripts of Mr. Biden‘s interview with the special counsel. Calling the move a “Hail Mary,” Mr. Comer said Mr. Biden‘s efforts will not delay the contempt vote.​

He’ll release it when the audit is done.


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