I seem to recall Republicans were the ones who pushed low cost insurance, but high copays and deductables IF you get sick. They said "I'm healthy, I want the cheap plan"
But then those guys get sick and start go fund me pages.
So millions did without insurance because IF they got sick they wouldn't be able to come up with the co pays and deductables?
What's your solution for these people? What do you think we should do for people like you who can't afford a cat scan?
Just keep me posted when Trump MAGA for someone like you.
So what insurance do you have now? Chances are if you decide to get insurance, you're going to pick the cheap one that has high deductables and co pays IF you get sick. You certainly won't pick the one that costs a lot each month but has low deductables and co pays. If Trump offers you a plan, it's going to be shitty. Like dr oz medicare advantage plan
Ahead of his 2022 Senate bid, Oz
backed a plan he described as "Medicare Advantage for All," under which privately run plans would cover non-seniors and "all Americans who are not on Medicaid"—effectively eliminating traditional Medicare.
Public Citizen warned such a plan "would mean huge corporate profits while patients continue to struggle to get the healthcare they need," noting that Medicare Advantage plans are notorious for
denying necessary care and overbilling the federal government to the tune of
tens of billions of dollars per year.
"Oz's deep ties to the private healthcare industry make his nomination to lead our nation's current healthcare system totally egregious," said Public Citizen healthcare advocate Eagan Kemp.