President Joe Biden marked the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks by criticizing Americans for anti-Muslim anger. The president said that


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
Absolutely outrageous and it reveals in stark clarity the outrageous stupidity that exists at our highest level of government; bidens statement is a huge insult to the American people to say the very least.

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Absolutely outrageous and it reveals in stark clarity the outrageous stupidity that exists at our highest level of government; bidens statement is a huge insult to the American people to say the very least.

Come now, friend . . . we must love our Muslim brothers . . . love them well done. Who's up for another Crusade?
I was deployed in the Rockpile, and found many of the Afghani people to be friendly and engaging.

I have absolutely no issue with Islam as a religion.

I have a MAJOR issue with terrorists who use Islam as a prop to commit attacks not only on non Islamics, but on each other.
Come now, friend . . . we must love our Muslim brothers . . . love them well done. Who's up for another Crusade?

Disgraceful, embarrassing, "dumb American" subs with IQ under 5...

The only demographic on planet earth that still falls for the pathetic "official version."
Traitor Joe knows who did 911 and who did not.

Was this a senile fruedian slip....


President Joe Biden marked the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks by criticizing Americans for anti-Muslim anger. The president said that​


If Biddum said that then where is the link so I can hear it from HIS OWN LIPS? I mean. is there anything a president does that isn't filmed?

So, give me the video link. ITMT, if Biddum DID say that, he can suck my big hog. SUCK IT JOE. Fuck the Muslims that perped 9/11 and the ones that celebrated and did not raise a protest and fuck you anyway just for being a schlep.
Absolutely outrageous and it reveals in stark clarity the outrageous stupidity that exists at our highest level of government; bidens statement is a huge insult to the American people to say the very least.

Let's see the Afghan fiasco encourages terrorist attacks
The publicity that our propaganda media is doing about 9/11
JOE purposely leaving americans behind to be killed
And now blaming America for terrorists attacking

All screams that JOE and company are trying for terror attacks to go along with the BLM anti-fa terrorism--------think encouraging the killing is simply to keep chaos

If Biddum said that then where is the link so I can hear it from HIS OWN LIPS? I mean. is there anything a president does that isn't filmed?

So, give me the video link. ITMT, if Biddum DID say that, he can suck my big hog. SUCK IT JOE. Fuck the Muslims that perped 9/11 and the ones that celebrated and did not raise a protest and fuck you anyway just for being a schlep.

That's what I needed to hear! First of all:
  1. What was Joe Biden doing going to talk to families on 9/11 20 years ago? He wasn't president. Just nothing better to do that day?
  2. Joe can take his love and shove it up his ass. I don't need his "compassion."
  3. Did I hear that guy say that we need unity and not succumb to fear and hate to a people whom attacked our trade center, Pentagon and White House? I SPIT on those people.
  4. Religion of peace? Joe You Asshole, it isn't a religion, Islam is a competing political system based on Sharia Law. Religion of peace? Go SUCK MY ASS, Joe---- too bad your son Hunter was huffing dope that day and wasn't working at the WTC himself.
We live in an era of religious extremism seemingly of all religions. The challenge is to separate the honest decent people who follow a religion from the extremists. With the crisis in Afghanistan we see honest and faithful Muslims fleeing the Taliban. The hundreds on board those planes taking off from Kabul are Muslim. We see honest and faithful Muslims fighting the Taliban. People prostitute a religion for their own purposes. These are the people who have no faith.
I was deployed in the Rockpile, and found many of the Afghani people to be friendly and engaging.

I have absolutely no issue with Islam as a religion.

I have a MAJOR issue with terrorists who use Islam as a prop to commit attacks not only on non Islamics, but on each other.
Muslims also have no problem with americans but do have a problem wirh being invaded their resources stolen, their citizens being killed and have their dicyators installed and backed by the US.

Iraq for an instance had 0 terrorists before the US invasion right or wrong?
Traitor Joe knows who did 911 and who did not.

Was this a senile fruedian slip....

Yes, it was, just like George.

Less than a week after the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, US president George W. Bush, a Republican, gave a notably compassionate speech about America’s “Muslim brother and sisters”.

Thank you all very much for your hospitality. We’ve just had a wide-ranging discussions on the matter at hand. Like the good folks standing with me, the American people were appalled and outraged at last Tuesday’s attacks. And so were Muslims all across the world. Both Americans and Muslim friends and citizens, tax-paying citizens, and Muslims in nations were just appalled and could not believe what we saw on our TV screens.

These acts of violence against innocents violate the fundamental tenets of the Islamic faith. And it’s important for my fellow Americans to understand that.

The English translation is not as eloquent as the original Arabic, but let me quote from the Koran, itself: In the long run, evil in the extreme will be the end of those who do evil. For that they rejected the signs of Allah and held them up to ridicule.

The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That’s not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don’t represent peace. They represent evil and war.

In contrast, today’s US president, Donald Trump, has claimed that some Muslims hold a “great hatred” toward Americans, made the false claim that “thousands” of Muslims in New Jersey celebrated the fall of the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers, and promised to ban refugees and immigrants from Muslim nations.

Except SAUDI.
Ever since Donald Trump issued an executive order restricting immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries, protesters have filled airport terminals and city streets in an attempt to urge reversal.

The absence of several Muslim-majority countries from the list has raised some serious questions. Saudi Arabia is not included in the ban, for example, despite the fact that the executive order repeatedly references the September 11 terrorist attacks — and 15 of the 19 terrorists behind the 9/11 hijackings were from Saudi Arabia. The country is also the birthplace of Osama bin Laden.

Trump's first foreign trip?

On May 19, 2017, President Donald Trump departed Washington, D.C., for his first international trip as president.
King Salman greeted Trump and first lady Melania Trump on the tarmac when they landed in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
American and Saudi flags lined the highways of the country's capital, Riyadh, along with billboards featuring Trump's face.

Bet the egomaniac loved that.
Donald trump sucked up to Zionism. Look where that got him....
Muslims also have no problem with americans but do have a problem wirh being invaded their resources stolen, their citizens being killed and have their dicyators installed and backed by the US.

Iraq for an instance had 0 terrorists before the US invasion right or wrong?
No problems with Americans? Surely you jest sir. The syate depRtment hasn't come clean about how many have been killed in Afghanistan and the media is going along with this error of omission. Where were you on the 158 times the manic Ayahtolla of Iran said he wanted to wipe America off the face of the map and his daily promises to his muslim world to go after America and Israel at the same time? Ain't nothing but the self-righteous intention of using murder to get rid of a people whohave put him in the position of killing his fellow man just because we worked hard to achieve freedom to go after and win your fair share of the American dream that warms you in the dead of winter and air conditions your home in the summer.

We can't please everyone but we can prevent their jealous and zealous hatred for all their enemies by slowing down the push for WOMDs until cooler heads prevail.

Furthermore the Democrats haven't the cajonies to protect Americans from Biden's serious foolery in foreign affairs, but the Donald did and will if ever called up for the task.
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Absolutely outrageous and it reveals in stark clarity the outrageous stupidity that exists at our highest level of government; bidens statement is a huge insult to the American people to say the very least.


The Nazislami vote pushed him over the top in Michigan and other states where it made the difference. Their clerics made voting out Trump a sacrament in their Satanic doctrine.

Islam must be banned, at least in the Red States after they declare independence. The Constitution is not a suicide pact.

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