President Joe Biden marked the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks by criticizing Americans for anti-Muslim anger. The president said that

Clever trick by Sleepy Joe's handlers to divert attention away from uncovering who really did 9/11.
you know you are onto something when langley shill smoking OP gives a thumbs down.:auiqs.jpg:

Biden of course will not discuss the truth about the Isralies that were arrested who were dancing on the rooftops in celebration and then people in high power obviously,released them and sent them back to Israel.

The Nazislami vote pushed him over the top in Michigan and other states where it made the difference. Their clerics made voting out Trump a sacrament in their Satanic doctrine.

Islam must be banned, at least in the Red States after they declare independence. The Constitution is not a suicide pact.
I hadn't heard red states were going to declare independence.
I was deployed in the Rockpile, and found many of the Afghani people to be friendly and engaging.

I have absolutely no issue with Islam as a religion.

I have a MAJOR issue with terrorists who use Islam as a prop to commit attacks not only on non Islamics, but on each other.
what about having a major problem with zionists of Israel who commit acts of terrorism murdering over 3000 Americans.dont you have a problem with that?
Absolutely outrageous and it reveals in stark clarity the outrageous stupidity that exists at our highest level of government; bidens statement is a huge insult to the American people to say the very least.

It's absolutely bang on that Biden criticize Americans for anti-Mulsim anger. The Muslim religion did not attack the USA. Anti-American terrorists attacked the USA.

By your reasoning, Muslims should hate all Americans because the American government has been attacking the Muslim nations.
I was deployed in the Rockpile, and found many of the Afghani people to be friendly and engaging.

I have absolutely no issue with Islam as a religion.

I have a MAJOR issue with terrorists who use Islam as a prop to commit attacks not only on non Islamics, but on each other.

Look at all the deaths, hatred, shunning, closed mindedness, etc in the name of god by christians. Just being part of a religion doesn't make you as an individual a bad person.

But let's face it, aside from maybe Buddhists, nothing has caused more pain, suffering, ignorance, death and hatred in this world than organized religion. All of them are a bane of prosperity, intelligence and evolution of the human species.
Look at all the deaths, hatred, shunning, closed mindedness, etc in the name of god by christians. Just being part of a religion doesn't make you as an individual a bad person.

But let's face it, aside from maybe Buddhists, nothing has caused more pain, suffering, ignorance, death and hatred in this world than organized religion. All of them are a bane of prosperity, intelligence and evolution of the human species.

Russia and China have killed a huge amount of people, not in the name of religion. The Vikings weren't known as a religious bunch or at least that's not why they did what they did. Etc.

The fact is people will use any reason they can come up with to be violent towards others.
Russia and China have killed a huge amount of people, not in the name of religion. The Vikings weren't known as a religious bunch or at least that's not why they did what they did. Etc.

The fact is people will use any reason they can come up with to be violent towards others.
Though you make more sense than the one you posted are way off the mark.

Violence in and of itself is not a bad thing....just depends how it is used or who it is directed towards.

As in WWII when violence was required to defeat Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.

When you say Russia and China regarding the millions they slaughtered it was done in the name of Communism whose hatred of Christianity is well known.

Russia and China had a fallacious vision of a utopian and atheistic society...which motivated their willingness to slaughter millions and millions in a vain attempt to achieve that goal.

As in the end to them justified the means; the problem being the end was not what they thought it would be.
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Though you make more sense than the one you posted are way off the mark.

Violence in and of itself is not a bad thing....just depends how it is used or who it is directed towards.

As in WWII when violence was required to defeat Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.

I'm not sure we were really discussing defense.
Look at all the deaths, hatred, shunning, closed mindedness, etc in the name of god by christians. Just being part of a religion doesn't make you as an individual a bad person.

But let's face it, aside from maybe Buddhists, nothing has caused more pain, suffering, ignorance, death and hatred in this world than organized religion. All of them are a bane of prosperity, intelligence and evolution of the human species.
You are wrong......the struggle to achieve a communistic/atheistic state has caused more suffering and deaths than any other movement.
How can you defend against totalitarian enemies focused on dominating the world such as Nazism, Communism and Fanatical Islamists without using violence?

You seem totally confused.

Defending? No idea what you are rambling about. I'm not sure I really care.
It's absolutely bang on that Biden criticize Americans for anti-Mulsim anger. The Muslim religion did not attack the USA. Anti-American terrorists attacked the USA.

By your reasoning, Muslims should hate all Americans because the American government has been attacking the Muslim nations.
Just another example of someone who has deranged and fallacious ideas.

There were very few retaliations against Muslims living in America based on the 9/11 attack.....I cannot even think of one...I am sure there were a few isolated incidents of a minor nature; which does not justify in the slightest bidens claim that Americans were engaged in a movement of hatred or revenge against muslims.....biden is ignorant stupid and engaged in a willful campaign against Americans to belittle us motivated by his attempt to embrace moral superiority which neither he nor the democrats attempting to achieve moral superiority understand their efforts are misguided as in .....they know not what they do.

Biden needs to be impeached...totally unworthy of the position he illegally holds and a huge threat to our National Security and a laughing stock in the rest of the world.

If you study Islam in the least --you will quickly see that the muslims that are the most religious are the ones who are more likely to get involved in terrorism .

America did not go over there until they came over here....not to forget they declared war on us first.

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Osama bin Laden was wrong to blame all Americans for murder of 2.5 million civilians in Korea and Vietnam in addition to enormous harm USA causes to the World. Those who blame all Muslims are as wrong.

As a Jew I respect Muslims for keeping Tanakh (Old Testament) Laws which were given to all descendants of Abraham -- not just Jews. Muslims practice circumcision, and they do not eat pork and most other unclean animals.
Osama bin Laden was wrong to blame all Americans for murder of 2.5 million civilians in Korea and Vietnam in addition to enormous harm USA causes to the World. Those who blame all Muslims are as wrong.

As a Jew I respect Muslims for keeping Tanakh (Old Testament) Laws which were given to all descendants of Abraham -- not just Jews. Muslims practice circumcision, and they do not eat pork and most other unclean animals.
It amazes me that any American can be so clueless....well perhaps you are not American.

Irregardless you have bought into propaganda.

MaoTseTung was the one most responsible for the Korean War....however I am not here to go over history with you and show you what really happened as it would take too much time and board space.

Of course not all muslims are bad people....I have never seen anyone on here claim that.

You sound very juvenile and clueless.

Unable to present a reasoned and legitimate argument.
If you want the real truth about the Korean war and the CHICOMS.......check this out>>>>>>
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