President Trump gloats:GREAT news! New government of Sudan, which is making great progress, agreed to pay $335 MILLION to US terror victims & families

i prefer "Supreme Super-delicious Sultan of Sudan"

Good luck! I hear Sudan has some swanky accommodations. I'll take $10, that's my final offer.



there are rich people in Sudan, who exploit the poor

should we be joking about this? it was an innocent joke...let's not expand it

let's not push our luck this time, JGALT!
i prefer "Supreme Super-delicious Sultan of Sudan"

Good luck! I hear Sudan has some swanky accommodations. I'll take $10, that's my final offer.



South Sudan has as much oil as Saudi Arabia, but all of it was controlled by Bashir in his northern government

Muslims wanted to convert the Southern Dinka tribe, but the Dinka said they were so busy hunting and gathering, they don't have time to read the Koran and pray five times a day. that sparked a civil war and genocide. they also feared the rise of Sharia Law (just like America!)

in the Sudanese genocide more people died than the Holocaust, the Armenia thing, the Bosnia geno-Holocaust, and Rwanda COMBINED

that's all i know about Sudan, in addition to the fact that Osama B Laden lived there for 5 years

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