President Trump is not withdrawing troops from Syria!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Once again, the media, his opponents, and even some of his so-called supporters can’t get it right.

A Senior White House official clarified Monday that President Donald Trump was not immediately withdrawing troops from Syria, after Trump’s phone call with the Turkish president.

This does not constitute a withdrawal from Syria. We’re talking about a small number of troops that will move to other bases within Syria,” the official noted, citing 50-100 troops in the region.

50 to 100 moving out of direct conflict areas.

That remains our ultimate goal, is to get American troops from the Middle East and to let the parties in the region determine their own future,” he said. “But this is not the time for any such move right now. We’re moving 50 troops within Syria.

More @ Trump Moving 50 Troops Within Syria, Not Out of the Country

Syria Fuss over Moving Fewer than 25 U.S. Troops @ Report: Syria Fuss over Moving Fewer than 25 U.S. Troops | Breitbart

But but but CNN and MSNBC and ABC and PBS and CBS and FOX all say he was.....I guess the corporate owned media got it wrong again....
I kinda figured this might be a ruse.

President Trump planted the story for some reason. It may have been to see what turkey will do or maybe something else. He's done this before...and I like it! It gives him the upper hand in dealing with other countries, and all it did back home was ruffle a few feathers.

Al in all a good trade off.
So, he just moved them out of the way so the Turks could attack the Kurds.
So, he just moved them out of the way so the Turks could attack the Kurds.
were those 50 troops going to stop them?....hey just asking....
If Turkey bombed & killed US soldiers, you wouldn't give a shit?
well i asked a simple question that you apparently cant answer...but the answer to your question is yes i care....and because i care i want those guys out of there, unlike you who apparently wants them in the middle of that bullshit....get real dave....
So, he just moved them out of the way so the Turks could attack the Kurds.

50 troops isn't going to stop Turkey... moron
I understand that you & your fat assed orange buddy wouldn't care but Real Americans would get pissed off if Turkey attacked & killed those 50 soldiers.

You’re the one who could care less about the 50 soldiers, all you would care about is screaming about how President Trump let 50 soldiers die on his watch and he should be impeached for it.

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