Principal Thinks Students Are A Drag


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
[ame=]RAW: Bridgeport Principal Dragging Kindergarten Student through the Halls - YouTube[/ame]
Well if your kid is a spoiled brat enough to fall out after being taken out of kindergarten class,getting dragged is the logical outcome and makes less work for the janitor.

Good Job parents:eusa_naughty:
It looks like the kids were not being hurt at all, but still I would have called the parents to come get them before dragging their kid around
Well if your kid is a spoiled brat enough to fall out after being taken out of kindergarten class,getting dragged is the logical outcome and makes less work for the janitor.

Good Job parents:eusa_naughty:

I have taught in classrooms. from pre-school to senior level high school.

That is by far NOT a logical outcome.
I was teaching high school as a substitute. One student in particular was especially obstinate.

To the point that he left his desk and sat on the floor.

I wanted so badly to yell at this guy, but I stopped myself and thought- that is probably the only thing he hears at home... yelling.

So I composed myself, diffused the situation, got him back in his seat and went on with the class.

Anger and frustration doesn't originate with a student, it originates with the "teacher".
Teachers in the U.S. are far from "professionals". They are overpaid union tenured people with degrees.

They are made in the shade and they could give a fuck about your child.
It looks like the kids were not being hurt at all, but still I would have called the parents to come get them before dragging their kid around

OK, yes, call the parent first if the child isn't being a danger to anyone else or themselves. it still leaves me wondering what caused such a problem in the first place that the principle had to take such an action.
The principle didn't have to take such an action
I was teaching high school as a substitute. One student in particular was especially obstinate.

To the point that he left his desk and sat on the floor.

I wanted so badly to yell at this guy, but I stopped myself and thought- that is probably the only thing he hears at home... yelling.

So I composed myself, diffused the situation, got him back in his seat and went on with the class.

Anger and frustration doesn't originate with a student, it originates with the "teacher".

I have a very different view of things. When I was a kid I would never have done that. I don't know any kid that would have allowed themselves to be dragged like that. If the Idea had ever entered my mind it was immediately pushed out. Why? Because my parents would have beat my ass.

The mentality of parents and society was way different then it is today. I was expected to behave for the teacher or someone my parents put in authority over me. Failure to do so was seen by my parents as an embarassment TO THEM as well as me. How dare I make a public spectacle of myself and of my family! It was generally thought that a bratty kid was a reflection of lack of parenting skills and poor family upbringing. Children were to be controlled from home by the parents. I would have gotten a punishment by the teacher and when my parents found out I woudn't be able to sit for a week. These days all the blame goes on the school. When I was a kid all the blame was on me and my parents. You didn't have parents yelling at teachers for disciplinging their kids or even for their kids crappy grades. It may sound crazy and harsh by todays standards, but then again you didn't have kids shooting each other and run amok. It just didn't happen and we need to start looking at why it's happening now.

At least this principal, whether you agree with her methods or not, tried to control the child. You will notice that at least one of the kids did stop her nonsense get up and walk to the office when she discovered her actions wouldn't be tolerated. When you have a class of 20 kids and one kid constantly disrupts, that one kid is keeping the other 19 from learning and if they are wild, maybe even become a danger to themselves or the rest of the class. It's not fair to the class, the teacher, or the principal. Why are adults tolerating such insanity from children?
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Way to go Mr H! You are a shining example of how to use restraint when dealing with young people. Why in the fuck can't you do the same when it comes to your lame partisan rhetoric?

What you said about teachers.......without qualifying it one bit......suggests that you might be a bitter failed educator. Is that it? Were you unable to land a full time position? Did your teaching career fail to take off?
[ame=]Principal at Bridgeport School Suspended Dragging Students Down Hallway - Carmen Perez Dickson - YouTube[/ame]
Madness to try to correct bad behavious.

Let 'em rip.

Most in the classroom are there only because they have to be.

Parents like their children as they are - who might we be to try to make them anything else?

Let 'em rip.

And (silently) pray that they act the same way at home.
Way to go Mr H! You are a shining example of how to use restraint when dealing with young people. Why in the fuck can't you do the same when it comes to your lame partisan rhetoric?

What you said about teachers.......without qualifying it one bit......suggests that you might be a bitter failed educator. Is that it? Were you unable to land a full time position? Did your teaching career fail to take off?

Sometimes I just don't feel like manicuring your bullshit for you.

Have a nice day, fuckwad. :D
Way to go Mr H! You are a shining example of how to use restraint when dealing with young people. Why in the fuck can't you do the same when it comes to your lame partisan rhetoric?

What you said about teachers.......without qualifying it one bit......suggests that you might be a bitter failed educator. Is that it? Were you unable to land a full time position? Did your teaching career fail to take off?

Sometimes I just don't feel like manicuring your bullshit for you.

Have a nice day, fuckwad. :D

Ooh! I didn't touch a nerve, did I?


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