Pro Life? I don't think so!

My "victimhood" has allowed me to get college educated and work successfully in the field of sociology in executive positions for 25 out of 35 years of employment. So you can just stop repeating the canned white boy responses about race. Reparations are owed to us by this government for what it has done. You don't have to like it, but that's just the way it is.

Last, I work on MY TIME. I run my own business .I don't need to apply for some job beneath my level of education or experience in your company. Learn this also white boy, we who face racism know when we see it.

It's you whiteboys whining about being victims and it is because you spoiled entitled white pricks can't get everything handed to you anymore. You cry about anti white discrimination that doesn't exist because you chumps have to compete. You support a criminal in hopes he can bring back the good old days of Jim Crow. But you see boy, win or lose, we will not be going back.

There is no black victimhood white boy. But there is white scum like you who gaslight.

You ain't getting a dime of reparations and you don't deserve any reparations.
Pro life means support well after the child is born....if it is smartly given up. N
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