Pro-Syrian Opposition 'Analyst' Fired For Lying About Credentials...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
If they dig deeper, i bet they'll find she has CIA connections.

A Washington scholar whose writings on Syria were touted by top U.S. officials in making the case for a military strike has been fired from the Institute for the Study of War for allegedly lying about her education credentials.

The development comes after Elizabeth O'Bagy's credibility and objectivity had come under scrutiny over her work with a Syrian opposition advocacy group.

The institute, where she had worked as a senior analyst, on Wednesday posted a terse statement on its website claiming she also misled the organization about having a Ph.D.

"The Institute for the Study of War has learned and confirmed that, contrary to her representations, Ms. Elizabeth O'Bagy does not in fact have a Ph.D. degree from Georgetown University. ISW has accordingly terminated Ms. O'Bagy's employment, effective immediately," the statement said.

O'Bagy has not returned a request from for comment. O'Bagy told Politico she had defended her dissertation at Georgetown, but was still waiting for the university to confer the degree.

A spokesman for Georgetown tells Fox News all they could confirm was O'Bagy had received her undergraduate degree and master's degree there, but she was not currently registered.

Georgetown records also show O'Bagy also studied abroad through American University in Cairo.

During discussions about military action in Syria last month, O'Bagy wrote an influential piece in The Wall Street Journal that was used to push for punishing the Assad regime for using chemical weapons.

Both Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Secretary of State John Kerry cited her article during congressional hearings...

Read more: Pro-Syrian opposition ?analyst? fired for lying about credentials | Fox News
All she had to do was list herself as a "PhD Candidate" and she would have been fine.

Never underestimate the monumental ego of dimocraps who think they can lie about anything at any time.

All she had to do was list herself as a "PhD Candidate" and she would have been fine.

Never underestimate the monumental ego of dimocraps who think they can lie about anything at any time.


I still think CIA. I don't think it was a mere coincidence both McCain & Kerry raved about her article in Congress. Seems staged to me. If anyone bothers to dig deeper, i'm sure they'll find a CIA connection.
If she was CIA, the records would have been created. She's just another libtard who invents titles. Like that Elizabeth Warren pseudo-squaw.
If she was CIA, the records would have been created. She's just another libtard who invents titles. Like that Elizabeth Warren pseudo-squaw.

I think she's a CIA operative. However, they fudged up on the credentials thing. She's involved with the Government in some fashion. Bet on that.
If she was CIA, the records would have been created. She's just another libtard who invents titles. Like that Elizabeth Warren pseudo-squaw.

I think she's a CIA operative. However, they fudged up on the credentials thing. She's involved with the Government in some fashion. Bet on that.

No question in my mind she's worked on behalf of the moonbat messiah, I just don't know if she's got CIA credentials. I sort of doubt it because I'm hopeful, since she's obviously a loon.
If she was CIA, the records would have been created. She's just another libtard who invents titles. Like that Elizabeth Warren pseudo-squaw.

I think she's a CIA operative. However, they fudged up on the credentials thing. She's involved with the Government in some fashion. Bet on that.

No question in my mind she's worked on behalf of the moonbat messiah, I just don't know if she's got CIA credentials. I sort of doubt it because I'm hopeful, since she's obviously a loon.

It just seems so staged. McCain & Kerry both raving about her article in Congress? Seems like it was planned and coordinated to get more support for their War. And the American MSM always salivates at the chance to serve their Government Masters. Just more Government/Media Complex manipulation.
All she had to do was list herself as a "PhD Candidate" and she would have been fine.

Never underestimate the monumental ego of dimocraps who think they can lie about anything at any time.


She was not even a PhD Candidate, it was a complete fabrication by her.

And everyone needs to read that article she wrote and compare what she says in it about the Rebels to what we saw the Rebels recently do in Maaloula.

There is a world of difference between the Rebels she describes and the Rebels we see operating in Syria.

What this is is lies to justify a war.

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