Professional BLM Rioter Cori Bush Defends Riot At St Louis Jail


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Riots in government buildings is different if you’re not wearing a red hat because shut up.


Cori Bush needs to be put down like the rabid, infected, diseased animal she is...
Then get off your fat, stupid ass and do it. I tire of you pussies and your internet threats. Get up or shut up.
View attachment 454354
Cori Bush's tweet is what it loo0ks like when a Representative speaks to the concerns of their constituency, an over-policed community. I know you white wing crybabies prefer talk of space lasers and cannibal news anchors and crackhead informercial hosts exposing fake conspiracies, so it probably looks a little foreign to you. But you never miss an opportunity to blow your little racist trumpets. Y'all got rid of the dog whistles 4 years ago. Now you have trumpets and bullhorns. Clarity is good.

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