Progress- House Committee Approves $10 billion to Fund Border Wall

We need the wall to slow down criminals crossing our borders, ignoring our rule of law. If they ignore our laws at the back door, why should we expect them to obey them once here?


The House Homeland Security Committee passed legislation Wednesday that would provide $10 billion toward President Trump's wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, a step toward possible consideration on the House floor.

House committee approves $10 billion to fund border wall
Hey you stupid moron, you idiots need to pay attention to real news and facts and stop relying on fake shit.....illegal immigration is DOWN!! Has been for years...nobody wants to come this country and work for whity for half the pay...especially now that we have a clown in chief....and just for the record, its you white people that abuse and use illegal labor and then whine about them being fuckin hypocrites!!
We need the wall to slow down criminals crossing our borders, ignoring our rule of law. If they ignore our laws at the back door, why should we expect them to obey them once here?


The House Homeland Security Committee passed legislation Wednesday that would provide $10 billion toward President Trump's wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, a step toward possible consideration on the House floor.

House committee approves $10 billion to fund border wall

Only a dumbass Trumpette would think building a 15 foot high wall that runs behind a Walmart selling 16 foot ladders is a solution to anything.

You people are dumber than shit
We need the wall to slow down criminals crossing our borders, ignoring our rule of law. If they ignore our laws at the back door, why should we expect them to obey them once here?


The House Homeland Security Committee passed legislation Wednesday that would provide $10 billion toward President Trump's wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, a step toward possible consideration on the House floor.

House committee approves $10 billion to fund border wall

Only a dumbass Trumpette would think building a 15 foot high wall that runs behind a Walmart selling 16 foot ladders is a solution to anything.

You people are dumber than shit

Even if it doesn't stop single illegal, it got you lefties lose your mind. I'd say, money well spent.
Only the right wing wants to, spend more, and cut taxes for the rich and have the poor pay for it.

Yes "genius", that's exactly what we want.
Why not end the drug war to pay for health care?

I'll rather have you get a job and pay for your own healthcare.
I would rather end our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror, to abolish our income tax, so right wingers won't have that to whine about any more.

What then, right wingers?
A border wall that no one wants including the American people. This is going to die in the Senate. Good riddance. It is a waste of money.
I want it.
The Dirty Democrats are on the side of the racist Aztlan Nationalist, racist La Raza, racist LULAC, Mexican Drug Cartels, Human Traffickers, MS-13 gangs and the illegal alien criminals
Notice that the Corrupt Democratic Party does everything that it can to prevent the enforcement of our immigration laws.
The real purpose of Sanctuary Cities is to give the corrupt Democrat politicians permanent political power and to displace white voters.
The real purpose of Sanctuary Cities is to give the corrupt Democrat politicians permanent political power and to displace white voters.
Why waste State monies on a federal problem, that should be resolved at the federal borders with the federal powers already delegated to our federal Congress.

I thought Mexico was going to pay for it

You thought Hillary will win. You still think she won.

One way or another, Mexico will pay, indirectly.

If that is the case....why aren't they paying already?
If Trump meant to impose economic penalties, why isn't he collecting that money right now?

They are.

When illegals are deported and stop sucking out of our system, whose system they start sucking from?
Money is not leaving the country when we hire citizens or immigrants in place of illegals, and that also helps our economy.

And in regards to your second question, have you heard of tariffs?

Why isn't Trump collecting money RIGHT NOW instead of waiting till the wall is built to go after Mexico

Taxpayers want to know

When you go to the restaurant, do you pay for food before you eat, or after?

Depends on the restaurant.

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