Pronoun fines and jail time for librarians: Republicans target LGBTQ+ rights with new laws

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And if I said that about Fox News or the Gateway Pundit, what would you say? The fact that you get your news from the Guardian just shows off your bias.

Especially that he's relying on a British source, with regard to America's business. Like himself, being British, it has no standing, and no usable knowledge, with regard to American matters. It is as irrelevant as he is.
Knowledge, literature, comparison of religions. Its the whole point of a library.
Under your argument Shakespeare, the Old Testament, medical books, and most adult literature would be banned. Not much of a library.

Which of those books contain graphic illustrations of minors engaging in sexual activity with other minors or with adults?
So are we. I am a bibliophile, I visit libraries all over the world. Nowhere in ANY of them is there a legit place for sexually explicit material accessible by children. If the libraries have them, they are kept in a Special Collections area. No one has a problem with that. You want sexually explicit material in a library. Keep it locked away where children can't access it.

Of course, that would completely defeat their purpose for wanting such material to be made available to children, and even for children to be encouraged to avail themselves of such material.
Sounds like a large part of the United states is becoming like the Middle east. This kind of thinking and fascist behavior over what one can do within their own life is pretty fucking disgusting. We're becoming no better then the taliban.

At least the Taliban would surely know what to do about filth that support the sexual abuse of children. That is surely one thing that they get right, that they do better than we do.
An adult would argue their case. You have no case.

And your latest thread was thrown out by the Mods for being absurd -- you could not and did not make a case for yourself or the topic .

And you then criticise somebody else for not having a case .

What a dreadful hypocrite you are and how embarrassing to see you letting down the British presence here-- suspect you are actually Welsh which might explain a great deal .
It is bizarre what the party of small government and individual rights is passing or attempting to pass now.

North Dakota rejected (39 to 8) a bill that would have fined anyone using a pronoun for themselves or another not in line with their birth gender $1500. A real WTF bill apparently. They were concerned it would harm those who didn’t identify as transgender. :rolleyes:

Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee had said they agreed with the bill’s purpose, but that it was poorly written and would be difficult to enforce. It would also have harmed people who do not identify as transgender and would possibly violate First Amendment rights, they said.

Rahrich, who testified against the bill, said he lived in North Dakota until he was 25 but moved away in 2016 after “a series of escalating brushes” with anti-LGBTQ violence.

“I could wax poetic about the rolling prairie, or how much I miss the enormity of the sky,” he said about North Dakota. “But what I can’t do is compel you to see me as a human being.”

But there are more in the pipeline.

The right needs a minority scapegoat to roil the base. Muslims are passé, Antifa’s not doing much, Commies are everywhere but know seems to be able to define them. Transgender people fit the bill, and have very little political power. There is also a strong element of cruelty here.

After Clemens left the committee room, Christina Feldmann confronted him, telling the lawmaker about her daughter, Haley, a transgender woman who died by suicide in 2021.

Feldmann of Beach, North Dakota, told Clemens that using Haley’s personal pronouns was "the simplest way to validate her.”

“If she were to have gone to a school that referred to her as he/him, we would have lost her much sooner,” Feldmann said to Clemens. “Your bill will kill children. It’s important that you be aware of that.”

Clemens repeatedly referred to Haley as “your son” when speaking to Feldmann. The lawmaker also asked the mother if she took Haley to “counseling or help to bring her back to thinking that she was a boy.”

North Dakota wants to pass a bill stating that conversion therapy for lgbtq people is not an ethical violation.
Lol. Sarah Palin agrees. She taught it to her daughter after all.
Are you one of the ignoramuses that thinks someone abstaining from intercourse can get pregnant?
Think before you post so you don'y look like a fool.
The ones that are age appropriate. But these are public libraries used by adults. So your straw man is bollox.
Why dodge. Which banned book to you want to make accessible for children who use the library?

If democrats ran a blockbuster they'd mix gay porn in the kids section.

North Dakota seems to be a problematic place. Are they really going to send librarians to jail for stocking dirty books ?

This seems to be absurd on a taliban level. It seems like the argument has moved on from protecting the kids to protecting the adults. What sort of libraraies will these places be ?

Will Librarians be expected to read every book on their shelves to protect themselves ? I would if I was threatened with a jail sentence.

Libraries are places of learning. Where we go to learn about the world. This bill seems to be the antithesis of that aim. These people are bringing shame to America.
Could you quote the part of the law where librarians go to jail?
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